Why was my comment removed ...?
some souls here may feel i was a little harsh.
if so, i am deeply sorry.
i was abused by a handful right from the start, presumably on the basis of the avatar picture (and 2001 vintage).. when visiting dubland, i often find that others start fights with me - for whatever reason, and i provide quite a supply of them - and when it doesn't quite go the way they expected, they cry persecution.
Why was my comment removed ...?
2014-07-13 appointment and deletion of elders and ministerial servantsto all bodies of elders.
the link removed by request is also available at the forms link.
the congregation secretary should arrange for this letter to be retained in the congregation permanent file of policy letters.
The only reason is ... if later it is found that there are indeed hideous skeletons hidden in the closet that come to light, then the person can be deleted based, not on the past sin per se, but on the omission / lie / faillure to disclose.
This is the same reason behind the apparently moronic question found on the immigration form for foreigners visiting the US: "Are you a member of, or are you in connection with, a terrorist person or group?" Sounds idiotic, but it's there for a legal reason.
we have just published a new article at ajwrb entitled:.
watchtower approved blood transfusions.
marked. thank you.
the annual meeting of the governing body of jehovah's witnesses will be in october 2014.. .. in november 2013, just after the last one they published this now famous statement in the 15th of november 2013 watchtower page 16 paragraph 17 says:.
"at that time, the lifesaving direction that we receive from jehovahs organization may not appear practical from a human standpoint.
all of us must be ready to obey any instructions we may receive, whether these appear sound from a strategic or human standpoint or not.".
I agree that the GB has been grooming the flock to accept changes without questioning the leadership.
a) Those changes may seen illogical from a human point of view (read: they are huge doctrinal / organizational changes, that challenge the flock's perception that this is Jehovah's organization.)
b) The Organization is, for all ends, equal to Jehovah. If you're ready to obey God without hesitation or questioning, do the same towards his Organization, because they are "one", just as Christ and the Father are "one".
c) Recent "new light" on the meaning of "Generation" (overlapping generations of anointed christians); faithful and discreet slave (not anymore the anointed class, now it's solely the Governing Body, appointed by Christ in 1919); the exclusion of Russell from any connection with the appointment of the slave (by moving the appointment of the 'slave' to a date after the death of Russell, they managed to exclude Russell and his teachings without having to renegate him - so he can still be honored and venerated, but his fundamental teachings can now be abandoned because he was never part of the 'slave'.); The new understanding of the "3rd heaven" (the GB now concedes that there is a paradise in the spiritual domain, after all).
d) The re-branding of the Watchtower into "JW.ORG"
e) The promotion of the jw.org website as the ultimate means of teaching people world-wide, and drastic slow down in the printing of literature; downsizing of branch offices and printing facilities and staff.
f) Erasure of staff on the payroll: Bethelites and District Overseers. Vast empowerment of Circuit Overseers, while at the same time reducing liability exposure from Bethel.
g) Emphasis on "new" methods of evangelizing (literature carts, street stores, trucks, book fairs, website, e-publications), and less investment on door-to-door evangelizing.
All these recent changes are a strong 'composite sign' (see what I did there? ) that major changes are coming. They won't be pretty for the old-timers and the die-hards.
nathan h. knorr was the third president of the watchtower society.
he was by mentality a clerk, with a fondness for instructing young male brooklyn bethel inductees as to what was the "right handling" of their genitalia.
it goes without saying he was a liar, a fraud, a hypocrite, a swindler, a conman and a thoroughly evil bastard, and let f.franz perpetrate the great 1975 hoax to boost membership, murdering the hopes of millions of elderly victims while so doing.. joseph f. "judge for 4 days" rutherford was the second president of the watchtower society.
Entry #6 (last, I promise :P )
nathan h. knorr was the third president of the watchtower society.
he was by mentality a clerk, with a fondness for instructing young male brooklyn bethel inductees as to what was the "right handling" of their genitalia.
it goes without saying he was a liar, a fraud, a hypocrite, a swindler, a conman and a thoroughly evil bastard, and let f.franz perpetrate the great 1975 hoax to boost membership, murdering the hopes of millions of elderly victims while so doing.. joseph f. "judge for 4 days" rutherford was the second president of the watchtower society.
Entry # 5
nathan h. knorr was the third president of the watchtower society.
he was by mentality a clerk, with a fondness for instructing young male brooklyn bethel inductees as to what was the "right handling" of their genitalia.
it goes without saying he was a liar, a fraud, a hypocrite, a swindler, a conman and a thoroughly evil bastard, and let f.franz perpetrate the great 1975 hoax to boost membership, murdering the hopes of millions of elderly victims while so doing.. joseph f. "judge for 4 days" rutherford was the second president of the watchtower society.
Entry #4
nathan h. knorr was the third president of the watchtower society.
he was by mentality a clerk, with a fondness for instructing young male brooklyn bethel inductees as to what was the "right handling" of their genitalia.
it goes without saying he was a liar, a fraud, a hypocrite, a swindler, a conman and a thoroughly evil bastard, and let f.franz perpetrate the great 1975 hoax to boost membership, murdering the hopes of millions of elderly victims while so doing.. joseph f. "judge for 4 days" rutherford was the second president of the watchtower society.
Entry #3
nathan h. knorr was the third president of the watchtower society.
he was by mentality a clerk, with a fondness for instructing young male brooklyn bethel inductees as to what was the "right handling" of their genitalia.
it goes without saying he was a liar, a fraud, a hypocrite, a swindler, a conman and a thoroughly evil bastard, and let f.franz perpetrate the great 1975 hoax to boost membership, murdering the hopes of millions of elderly victims while so doing.. joseph f. "judge for 4 days" rutherford was the second president of the watchtower society.
Entry #2
nathan h. knorr was the third president of the watchtower society.
he was by mentality a clerk, with a fondness for instructing young male brooklyn bethel inductees as to what was the "right handling" of their genitalia.
it goes without saying he was a liar, a fraud, a hypocrite, a swindler, a conman and a thoroughly evil bastard, and let f.franz perpetrate the great 1975 hoax to boost membership, murdering the hopes of millions of elderly victims while so doing.. joseph f. "judge for 4 days" rutherford was the second president of the watchtower society.
My entry to the competition: