The United Nations’ Human Rights Committee defines “discrimination” in the following terms:
“any distinction, exclusion, restriction or preference which is based on any ground such as race, colour, sex, language, religion, political or other opinion, national or social origin, property, birth or other status, and which has the purpose or effect of nullifying or impairing the recognition, enjoyment or exercise by all persons, on an equal footing, of all rights and freedoms” - General Comment N.18: Non-discrimination, Thirty-seventh session (1989), Para 7.
Under international law, discrimination has three distinct elements. There must be: a) unfavourable treatment; b) based on a prohibited ground; c) lacking reasonable and objective justification.
The unfavourable treatment must affect the enjoyment of a right by an individual or group of individuals. In practice, discrimination can occur in a variety of different ways:
• A distinction – for instance the targeting of young black men for police checks;
• An exclusion – for instance refusing identity documents to Roma and Travelers;
• A restriction – for instance limiting the freedom of assembly of lesbian, gay, bisexual or transgender people;
• A preference – for instance favouring applications for public housing from white individuals;
• A segregation – for instance systematically sending Romani children to separate schools without regard for their abilities and needs;
• A denial of reasonable accommodation – for instance, failing to provide wheelchair access to public buildings.
In order for it to be discriminatory, the unfavourable treatment must be based on a prohibited ground such as: ethnicity, religion, national or social origin, language, physical appearance, descent, gender, gender identity, sexual orientation, age or disability.
For there to be discrimination, the unfavourable treatment based on a prohibited ground must lack an objective and reasonable justification. In other words, if the unfavourable treatment pursues a legitimate aim (such as protecting public health or security) and is proportionate to that aim, there is no discrimination. This is generally the most controversial aspect of the determination of discrimination. In many cases, even if the unfavourable treatment pursues a legitimate aim, if there are alternative means for achieving the aim that do not have a negative impact on particular groups, then the unfavourable treatment will be found to be disproportionate thus discriminatory.
- Source:
Now, compare the above definition of “discrimination” with the difference in treatment dispensed by the Jehovah’s Witnesses to its former members who have been disfellowshipped or dissociated themselves, versus the treatment that non-Witnesses from other religions receive:
“Should true worshippers shun all contact with people who engage in false worship? Should we hold ourselves completely aloof from those who do not share our faith? The answer is no. [Comment: The answer is a resounding “yes” when it comes to disfellowshipped or dissociated Witnesses] The second of the two greatest commandments states: “You must love your neighbor as yourself.”(Matthew 22:39) We certainly display love for our neighbors when we share with them the good news of the Kingdom. Our love for them is also shown when we study the Bible with them and make them aware of the need to keep clear of false worship. Although we preach the good news to our neighbors, as Jesus’ followers we are “no part of the world.” (John 15:19) The term “world” here refers to human society alienated from God. (Ephesians 4:17-19; 1 John 5:19) We are separate from the world in that we shun attitudes, speech, and conduct that offend Jehovah. [Comment: But when it comes to ex-Witnesses, they shun the people, even if their attitudes, speech and conduct aren’t in disharmony with the bible principles advocated by the Witnesses.] (1 John 2:15-17) Moreover, in harmony with the principle that “bad associations spoil useful habits,” we avoid intimacy with those who do not live by Christian standards. (1 Corinthians 15:33) [Comment: Interestingly, while holding close friendship with a “worldly” person may be discouraged, it’s not subject to any penalty. On the other hand, persisting in associating with a disfellowshipped or dissociated Witness despite counseling is grounds to the penalty of disfellowshippment to the impenitent “Witness”.] To be no part of the world is to remain “without spot from the world.” (James 1:27) Hence, being separate from the world does not mean that we physically withdraw from all contact with other people.[Comment: But a complete withrawal is demanded when it comes to ex-Witnesses] — John 17:15,16; 1 Corinthians 5:9, 10
How, then, are we to treat those who are not acquainted with Bible truths? To the congregation in Colossae, Paul wrote: “Go on walking in wisdom toward those on the outside, buying out the opportune time for yourselves. Let your utterance be always with graciousness, seasoned with salt, so as to know how you ought to give an answer to each one.” (Colossians 4:5, 6) The apostle Peter wrote: “Sanctify the Christ as Lord in your hearts, always ready to make a defense before everyone that demands of you a reason for the hope in you, but doing so together with a mild temper and deep respect.” (1 Peter 3:15) Paul counseled Christians “to speak injuriously of no one, not to be belligerent, to be reasonable, exhibiting all mildness toward all men.” (Titus 3:2) As Jehovah’s Witnesses, we avoid being harsh or arrogant toward others. We certainly do not use derogatory terms to describe people of other religions. [Comment: There’s no “walking in wisdom” with ex-Witnesses, especially those who openly disagree with doctrines or practices advocated by the Governing Body of the Jehovah’s Witnesses. Witnesses are strongly admonished to never engage in a conversation with an “apostate”, ex-Witness, not even to defend their beliefs. And the publications of the Jehovah’s Witnesses have plenty of derogatory names to call to those who left the Witnesses, especially dissenters, calling them “mentally diseased” and wishing them death.] Instead, we are tactful, even if the householder, neighbor, or workmate is unkind or uses abusive terms”. – The Watchtower 2006, 3/15, pp. 27-31 “Keep Clear Of False Worship”
Clearly, there's a discrimination in the way Jehovah's Witnesses treat non-believers (non-members) and former members who have been disfellowshipped or dissociated themselves.