Do you find anything unsound with my definition? Please elaborate. Or is this a case of a fallacy of authority?
it just dawned on me.
the existence of god can't be proved, neither is there evidence of god's inexistence.
so, i'm neither theist neither atheist.
Do you find anything unsound with my definition? Please elaborate. Or is this a case of a fallacy of authority?
it just dawned on me.
the existence of god can't be proved, neither is there evidence of god's inexistence.
so, i'm neither theist neither atheist.
No, Cofty, it is you who can't read what I write and keep resorting to strawman fallacy.
Aten was a sun-god without human traits or antropomorphic qualities. It was there in the sky for everyone to verify. It doesn't matter if you or I agree if Aten could hear hymns or be placated. That's not the point. The sun didn't just represent an invisible being in the spiritual realm called Aten. The sun was Aten. And the sun exists. So too Aten exists. Just because you don't agree with one definition of what constitutes a deity, doesn't force reality to oblige with your wishful thinking.
it just dawned on me.
the existence of god can't be proved, neither is there evidence of god's inexistence.
so, i'm neither theist neither atheist.
Invisible isn't the same as absent. Strawman again.
As for a definition of "absent": something for which no evidence of presence has been found.
My problem is that atheism purposedly mistakes lack of evidence for evidence of non-existence. No research broad enough has been made of the entire universe and all physical dimentions that can soundly conclude that "No deities exist". That's why it is such an extraordinary claim that relies simply on probability. The simplest explanation that is grounded on reality is: "The only thing that can be said about God is that it's absent".
it just dawned on me.
the existence of god can't be proved, neither is there evidence of god's inexistence.
so, i'm neither theist neither atheist.
Of course I understand your critique, but to say "god is absent" is not the same thing as "god exists but is absent". The first is open to God's existence or lack thereof. Whomever or whatever God may be, we cannot find evidence at the present time. And that is all we can say about it - unlike atheism, that makes a grandiose claim about the existence of God that is at least (if not more) extravagant claim than theism. Because theism claims that "something", albeit wrong, is evidence in favor of God, while atheism claims that "nothing" is evidence against God.
The example of the sun-god is an anedoctical example given to satisfy Cofty's demand for a definition of God, which he claimed he could deconstruct. When I gave the example, he couldn't refute the evidence that the sun does indeed exist and has been worshipped for its face value - a source of heath, light and nourishment for life. Of course, this is NOT the type of God that Cofty is used to defy. This one really exists. it's there in the sky. Does it do what the Egyptians credit it for? Doesn't matter. It still exists and it is a deity for those who worshipped it.
it just dawned on me.
the existence of god can't be proved, neither is there evidence of god's inexistence.
so, i'm neither theist neither atheist.
Their God existed indeed and it was there in the sky for everyone to see. If you don't agree with them about their God's ability to interact with them, that's a matter of opinion. If the point is debating existence, I say their God did indeed exist, and there is evidence to back it up.
However, Cofty, you're resorting to your usual strawman fallacy here. The point of absentheism isn't asserting the existence or non-existence of deities. It simply is asserting that the only thing that we can confidently say about them - and back it up with evidence - is that they're absent. If you want to do your tired number of grandiose claims that God doesn't exist, then be prepared to provide overwhelming evidence for it. The kind of evidence you usually demand from theists.
it just dawned on me.
the existence of god can't be proved, neither is there evidence of god's inexistence.
so, i'm neither theist neither atheist.
Atheism isn't a statement, it is a response.
BS - it is a statement, to wit, that "no deities exist". Perhaps it's not your brand of atheism, but it is certainly the main claim it makes. If you're skeptical, that doesn't make you an atheist, you're perhaps closer to being an absentheist. Otherwise you too have to back up your grandiose atheist claims with overwhelming evidence.
it just dawned on me.
the existence of god can't be proved, neither is there evidence of god's inexistence.
so, i'm neither theist neither atheist.
This is factually incorrect.Is it? Aten, the ancient egyptian sun-god is a good example. It is merely a solar disc, with no human traits associated with it, no anthropomorphic representation of is, but was believed that all light, heath and life emanated from it. It was worshipped as a God.
it just dawned on me.
the existence of god can't be proved, neither is there evidence of god's inexistence.
so, i'm neither theist neither atheist.
The problem of atheism is that it makes a grandiose claim about any and every deity, when in fact they need a very precise definition of what constitutes a deity in order that their claim may have the slightest chance to logically succeed. If a deity escapes that narrow definition, atheists find themselves in boiling water, just as theists they love to trump. That's why "absentheism" adheres to the available evidence, while theism plays on a probability.
it just dawned on me.
the existence of god can't be proved, neither is there evidence of god's inexistence.
so, i'm neither theist neither atheist.
I just defined a deity for you. I said, to them they took the sun at face value, they didn't think of it as a person with a personality. They took it for what they received from it and worshipped it as their God.
are you telling me that said God doesn't exist? You're going against evidence.
it just dawned on me.
the existence of god can't be proved, neither is there evidence of god's inexistence.
so, i'm neither theist neither atheist.
So, in this case:
a) The sun exists
b) Humans thought of the sun as their God and worshipped it.
c) Therefore, God exists.