There are VERY VERY VERY positive developments !!!!!!
There are VERY VERY VERY positive developments !!!!!!
haven't seen jeffro in a few months.
i wonder if he's doing ok.. eden.
Hey, nice to hear from you again. Glad to know you're doing well. :)
Eden had a look at this 2015 legal judgement.
one of a number of things that caught my eye was the statement in (11) that "the organisational structure of jehovahs witnesses is modelled on first century christianity as described in the bible".er, hardly.
try acts 2: 44-45"all the believers were together and had everything in common.
On point 4, there's a most interesting statement from the judge:
The first defendants are the over-arching body of the second and third defendants. It is common ground that, if the second and/or third defendants are liable, then the first defendants will satisfy the judgment on behalf of the other defendants.
The first defendants are the Watch Tower Bible and Tract Society. The second defendants are the local congregation where the abuse took place. As it can be seen, it is established that the Watch Tower Society IS LIABLE for whatever happens within the congregations as a result of their directives and policies being followed.
hi i've been reading a web sight called borean pickets.
although the guy writes some real thought provoking stuff, i sort of don't know what to make of it.
I'm a subscriber of their emails and they're the only ones I never delete from my Yahoo account.
Some are better than others, but consistently my favorite writer is Meleti Vivlon.
Once I stopped considering the Bible as the word of God, I've become less enthusiastic about their points of view, but I must say they're razor sharp and know their Scriptures very well, and acutely deconstruct the doctrinal flaws promoted by the Governing Body using the Bible, which, regardless of anyone's current stand on the existence of God, is always a well worthy reading.
Alex, great to have you onboard here!
here's john oliver's take on how easy it is for religions to fleece vulnerable people in the us.
i had a few good laughs, but it's seriously disturbing at the same time.
read the article, but don't miss the video, it's hilarious.. john oliver sets up his new church.
Here's John Oliver's take on how easy it is for religions to fleece vulnerable people in the US. I had a few good laughs, but it's seriously disturbing at the same time. Read the article, but don't miss the video, it's hilarious.
John Oliver sets up his new Church
imitate the desert god.
the ca for the upcoming year is entittled "imitate [insert desert god name]" so for the public at large its jesus but *wink wink* we really mean the desert god.
"Support the Brothers of Christ" - Convention 2016
One drama will be based on the fictional life story of the old widow who gave two small coins to the temple treasury; the other drama will be about King David allocating part of his wealth for the construction of Jehovah's temple in Jerusalem.
Public talk: "God loves a cheerful giver" - 2 Cor 9:7
New Light:
Romans 15:27 - " fact they are indebted to them, for if the Gentiles have come to share in their spiritual blessings, they ought also to serve them in material blessings."
The "other sheep" have been spiritually fed by the "spiritual Israel", so they must now serve them in return with material blessings. Contributions to the Organization will now be part of the monthly report slip. Whomever is found inactive or irregular in the privilege of contributing financially will face reproach and won't be eligible for congregational privileges.
*hint, hint*
post a meme, original or not, about what you think religion is.
i'll start:.
Another one:
post a meme, original or not, about what you think religion is.
i'll start:.
Post a meme, original or not, about what you think religion is.
I'll start:
Angus Stewart is brilliant.
Towards the end of part 1 of the video, he establishes a parallel between the situation described in Deuteronomy, where a woman is raped in the field. She screams but no one listened, so she is exempted from guilt, while the man is stoned to death. Angus questions: Where is the second witness to this crime? After all, the woman screams and no one listened so to come to her help. Jackson was truly uncomfortable at this point. All he could mutter was "Well...there would be circumstances..." Angus then asked him, if Jesus, who made reference to the two witnesses rule on Matthew 18, would also concede the same exception as in the case of the woman raped in the field. "That is a question I would like to do to Jesus's hypothetical", Jackson said.
He also referred to the Elder's manual about the use of circumstantial evidence to establish a sin, such as the case where a man is found guilty of adultery after being seen spending the night alone at the house of someone of the opposite sex or a known homosexual.
Then Angus drove the point home. He asked if there would be any possibility that the Jehovah's Witnesses would be willing to consider likewise "circumstantial evidence" and "opportunity of sexual abuse to take place" as the second witness [he gave the example of a child's trauma] to establish the credibility of a case of an allegation of child abuse. Jackson, after much squirming, conceded that the possibility of a 'second witness' requirement could be fulfilled by circumstantial or corroborating evidence is something the Governing Body is willing to reconsider.
1:13:05 This is important: The presiding judge asked Jackson, repeatedly, if the Jehovah's Witnesses would be willing to consider modifying the process of verification of the truthfulness of sexual abuse allegations, so that women would be involved in such a body. Once such investigation were completed, it would be then the Elders to make the decision to disfellowship or otherwise the accused. In this way, the involvement of women would make the process less traumatizing for young women to bring forth their allegations, because they wouldn't be forced to tell their story in details to a group solely composed of men; at the same time, this wouldn't require women to be made Elders. In fact, what is being suggested by the Royal Commission is an intermediate body that would HEAR and INVESTIGATE and DETERMINE if the allegations of sexual abuse are true, whereas the actual JUDICIAL DECISION would be up to the Judicial Committee, composed solely by male Elders.
Either Jackson was genuinely surprised by the suggestion, or he was trying to work out the implications of such a suggestion, he danced around it, pretended he didn't understand the question, but finally he said to that: "The answer, your honor, is, such a situation would be worthy of us considering and doing research and checking the Scriptures, yes. The possibility of considering that is there."