From the perspective of a Jehovah's Witness the bible does justify shunning, and you cannot prove it doesn't.
Yes, I can. Refer to chapter 8 of my article and you'll see it debunked. The only way a Jehovah's Witness can use the Bible to justify shunning in he way its taught by the Organization is by quote mining and ignoring historical evidence. The problem is the following: The implication of accepting what the history and serious textual analysis and contextual analysis tells you is that one would have to abandon the two hopes theology. And I'm quite sure the Watchtower Society isn't ready to go down that route. If there's ONE thing that may be argued in terms of shunning as having PERHAPS some scriptural backing is in what concerns "antichrists". As I argue in chapter 8, even that interpretation is very doubtful because the scope is limited to Christian gatherings.
You cannot prove shunning is unscriptural or wrong
Actually I can prove that is unscriptural AND wrong. More: I'd argue that it should be unlawful. Refer to chapter 2 of my article to see scientific evidence.
What I cannot do is persuade those who are resolved to hate and discriminate against others. That, sadly, I cannot do. But I can attempt to offer some education in hopes they may change.
Giordano: If your interested and need help researching him let me know.
Yes, I am. Please contact me.