If god is bound by his own nature, and his own nature is being omniscient, isn't it true that restricting the exercise of his power goes against the nature of god? For what purpose?
Why is it necessary that god shuts down his omniscience to allow the exercise of free will? I'll tell you why: Because, if god knew in advance the negative outcome of each individual's choices and did nothing about it to stop evil from happening, that would make god complicit with evil, and that is something a true believer would not have. That's why believers demand that god shuts down his "exercise of omniscience" - so that god doesn't look bad. But you can't have the cake and eat it too, can you?
In any judicial system, failing to provide assistance to someone in distress when you are able to do so is considered a crime. Why are believers seeking a "special pleading" for god, exempting him from the same principles and standards that universally accepted ethics entail?
How much more serious, then, would be to actively subject someone to distress, usually with third-party innocents being hurt, just to test their faith or integrity? That isn't consistent with the idea of a 'god of love'.