This is the text of the press release translated to English.
Lisbon, February 9, 2018
March 9, 2018 marks the 40th anniversary of the publication in Diário da República, I Series A, No. 57/78, of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights; November 9, 2018 marks the 40th anniversary of the entry into force of the Portuguese legal order of the European Convention on Human Rights. These conventions contain a number of fundamental human rights, including the right to freedom of thought, opinion and expression, the freedom to have a religion or to change one's religion or belief, and not to be disturbed, discriminated against or prejudiced by that.
In line with these conventions, the Constitution of the Portuguese Republic enshrines a number of rights, freedoms and personal guarantees, including the right to freedom of conscience, religion and worship, as well as the right to freedom of expression, association, the right to moral and physical integrity, the right not to be treated with cruelty or inhumanity, the right to a good name and not to be treated with discrimination, among others.
It sometimes happens that the right to religious freedom conflicts with other fundamental rights of individuals. What are the limits of religious freedom? Does the freedom to practice a religion override other fundamental human rights? Can one allow everything to a religious organization in the name of religious freedom enshrined in the constitution? This is a debate that our society needs to make.
At stake is the treatment of Jehovah's Witnesses to individuals, adults and minors, who for some reason are no longer affiliated with this religious organization. Jehovah's Witnesses have a practice of excommunication that entails the complete social ostracization of former members and hatred of dissenters of conscience; this institutionally taught and implemented practice separates families and friends, causes deep psychological damage that can, ultimately, end in suicide, coerces individuals, limits one's self-determination, destroys one's self-esteem, and harms human dignity. Should a church that advocates cruel, inhumane and law-breaking practices, and the violation of Constitutional and human rights continue to receive official recognition of the state? Can and should the state intervene to regulate this conflict and protect citizens?
A petition was filed online to the parliament in order to request the extinction of the collective religious entity representing Jehovah's Witnesses in Portugal and to cancel their registration as a religious legal person, thus removing the status of religion officially recognized by the Portuguese State, until this practice of social ostracization is canceled definitively by the religious group and its victims relieved of the suffering they are subjected to because of it. It is very important to point out the following: It is not a matter of asking for the proscription or banishment of this religion, nor of preventing individuals who profess this faith from freely meeting or spreading their beliefs; we understand that these are peaceful rights and do not conflict with other individual rights. This petition addresses only the status of the collective religious entity that represents them, and if the violation of human and constitutional rights ceases in a satisfactory and permanent manner, we understand that Jehovah's Witnesses should once again enjoy official recognition.
The petition can be found at the following address:
We are grateful for the attention and dissemination of the initiative and the promotion of the debate on this theme in society. For more information you can get the contacts of those who propose this initiative by sending a message to the email: XXXXXX
The petition has gathered 163 votes so far. If you are voting from outside Portugal, it would be interesting to say from what EU country you are voting from and also leave a comment.