And I told you I am looking to hear smiddy's reply... :)
JoinedPosts by johnamos
The Myth About Jehovah as a "GOD of LOVE".
by smiddy3 ini`ll list a few things and welcome any input, comments you may have .. 1.when adam & eve "sinned" disobeyed him, surely god could have handled it better than to condemn all future generations to disease and death ?.
2.his handling of satan who supposedly seduced eve to disobey god could also have been done a lot differently with a finality to it.. 3.i find little if anything in his dealings with the patriarchs that suggests a loving god protecting them.?.
4.taking on the nation of israel and leading them as his chosen people does not inspire confidence or trust as a god of love.. 5.throughout the hebrew scriptures / old testament his chosen people were constantly at war with other nations which of course would have meant many deaths of the israelite`s during these battles .and the grief that comes with family members in those times.
US Letter Read Sunday 4/26 at Meeting - No KH Use and No Field Service Indefinitely
by JWTom inthere was a letter read sunday at our meeting that mentioned some parts of us are starting to open back up.
however, regardless of things opening up that no kingdom halls should be used for any meetings of any kind.
also, no door-to-door ministry or any form of in-person ministry is allowed.
The Myth About Jehovah as a "GOD of LOVE".
by smiddy3 ini`ll list a few things and welcome any input, comments you may have .. 1.when adam & eve "sinned" disobeyed him, surely god could have handled it better than to condemn all future generations to disease and death ?.
2.his handling of satan who supposedly seduced eve to disobey god could also have been done a lot differently with a finality to it.. 3.i find little if anything in his dealings with the patriarchs that suggests a loving god protecting them.?.
4.taking on the nation of israel and leading them as his chosen people does not inspire confidence or trust as a god of love.. 5.throughout the hebrew scriptures / old testament his chosen people were constantly at war with other nations which of course would have meant many deaths of the israelite`s during these battles .and the grief that comes with family members in those times.
Would you conclude that they are not God's of Love because of that? If so how is it that you come to that conclusion? Where to you get your understanding of what LOVE is and is not?
The Myth About Jehovah as a "GOD of LOVE".
by smiddy3 ini`ll list a few things and welcome any input, comments you may have .. 1.when adam & eve "sinned" disobeyed him, surely god could have handled it better than to condemn all future generations to disease and death ?.
2.his handling of satan who supposedly seduced eve to disobey god could also have been done a lot differently with a finality to it.. 3.i find little if anything in his dealings with the patriarchs that suggests a loving god protecting them.?.
4.taking on the nation of israel and leading them as his chosen people does not inspire confidence or trust as a god of love.. 5.throughout the hebrew scriptures / old testament his chosen people were constantly at war with other nations which of course would have meant many deaths of the israelite`s during these battles .and the grief that comes with family members in those times.
In this regard, it is not a matter of what I mean by LOVE and it doesn't matter in your belief in only matters what LOVE means to smiddy and if he feels he possesses that LOVE and where does he feel he got it from...the LOVE that he feels he has that Jehovah doesn't.
Also to add to this is where did he get the info for his 6 points he listed?
The Myth About Jehovah as a "GOD of LOVE".
by smiddy3 ini`ll list a few things and welcome any input, comments you may have .. 1.when adam & eve "sinned" disobeyed him, surely god could have handled it better than to condemn all future generations to disease and death ?.
2.his handling of satan who supposedly seduced eve to disobey god could also have been done a lot differently with a finality to it.. 3.i find little if anything in his dealings with the patriarchs that suggests a loving god protecting them.?.
4.taking on the nation of israel and leading them as his chosen people does not inspire confidence or trust as a god of love.. 5.throughout the hebrew scriptures / old testament his chosen people were constantly at war with other nations which of course would have meant many deaths of the israelite`s during these battles .and the grief that comes with family members in those times.
Do you believe that you possess the quality of LOVE?
If YES, where did you get such quality?
Memorial Talk: 2 points for JW's to listen out for - and to consider.
by The Fall Guy inmemorial talk from australia - .
at 23 minutes 00 seconds, the speaker says who are god's sons/christ's brothers.. according to the bible, he's got it wrong:.
In regards to who are God's sons and Jesus' brothers, am I wrong in thinking that all JW's believe/refer to Jehovah as their heavenly father...
If Jehovah is Jesus' heavenly father and JW's believe Jehovah is their heavenly father, doesn't that make them all sons (& daughters) of God and brothers (& sisters) of Jesus...
[12-1-57 WT - Joseph the carpenter of Nazareth, who acted as an earthly father to Jesus, did not give him this organization of followers. God his heavenly Father was the one that gave him the organization. Jesus himself acknowledged that fact. He said: “No man can come to me unless the Father, who sent me, draws him.” (John 6:44) “What my Father has given me is something greater than all other things, and no one can snatch them out of the hand of the Father.” (John 10:29) To his heavenly Father Jesus said in prayer: “I have made your name manifest to the men you gave me out of the world. They were yours, and you gave them to me.” (John 17:6)]
[7-1-12 WT - “FATHER” was the term that Jesus often used when talking to and about God.* When teaching his followers to pray, Jesus said: “Whenever you pray, say, Father.” (Luke 11:2) But what kind of father is Jehovah? The answer to this question is vitally important. Why? The better we comprehend the kind of father Jehovah is, the closer we will draw to him and the more we will love him.
No one is better qualified to tell us about our heavenly Father than Jesus himself. He enjoyed a close relationship with his Father. Jesus stated: “No one fully knows the Son but the Father, neither does anyone fully know the Father but the Son and anyone to whom the Son is willing to reveal him.” (Matthew 11:27) Thus, the best way to know the Father is through the Son.]
Name 3 Movies You Have Seen At Least 3 Times
by minimus ingoodfellas.
one flew over the cuckoos nest.
Top Secret
Today’s Watchtower Study (December ‘19 issue
by BluesBrother in“parents train your children to love jehovah “.
the title says it all really, but par 6 has this piece of advice.. “jesus likened our time to “the days of noah,” and there is no doubt that we are living in “critical times hard to deal with.” (matt.
24:37; 2 tim.
“Jesus likened our time to “the days of Noah,” and there is no doubt that we are living in “critical times hard to deal with.” (Matt. 24:37; 2 Tim. 3:1) With that reality in mind, some couples have concluded that they would like to postpone having children so that they can devote more time to sharing in the Christian ministry.“
we are living in those times but in 2022 we are going to start a building project for more movie studios and housing and it will be finished in 2026. we are doing this so that we can produce more videos on jw dot org in order to continue to make disciples. oh...and the fact that we say the no attention to that if the thought crosses your mind on why would we bother to build that if it is just going to be taken away.
[Restored At Last! p. 187-188 - The nations will “devise an evil plan.” They will seek to vent their long-standing rage and hatred on Jehovah’s worshippers, who will seem vulnerable, as if “living in settlements unprotected by walls, bars, or gates.” The nations will also be eager to “take much spoil and plunder” from those “who are accumulating wealth.” (Ezek. 38:10-12)… The nations may try to disrupt our way of life and stop us from carrying out our worship. To that end, perhaps they will try to interrupt the flow of spiritual food, prevent us from meeting together, break up the unity we enjoy, and stop us from zealously proclaiming God’s message.]
[Quote from “What the Future Holds” talk; speaking about Gog’s attack – “What’s the point? Brothers, we should expect them to despoil us of our human rights. We should expect them to confiscate all of Jehovah’s belongings and close down and take possession of all our branches, factories, depots, kingdom halls, assembly halls, everything. Don’t make any mistake about it. We are all in this together. We have a common enemy.”]
The Governing Body Doesn't Wait On Jehovah
by Afterburn inhave you ever been told that humility requires waiting on jehovah?i have.
lots of times.
for decades.
Ezekiel 13:1 And the word of Jehovah continued to occur to me, saying: 2 “Son of man, prophesy concerning the prophets of Israel who are prophesying,+ and you must say to those prophesying out of their own heart,+ ‘Hear the word of Jehovah.+ 3
This is what the Sovereign Lord Jehovah has said: “Woe to the stupid+ prophets, who are walking after their own spirit,*+ when there is nothing that they have seen!+ 4
Like foxes in the devastated places are what your own prophets have become, O Israel.+ 5 YOU men will certainly not go up into the gaps,+ neither will YOU build up a stone wall+ in behalf of the house of Israel, in order to stand in the battle* in the day of Jehovah.”+ 6 “They have visioned what is untrue and a lying divination,+ those who are saying, ‘The utterance of Jehovah is,’ when Jehovah himself has not sent them, and they have waited to have a word come true.+ 7 Is it not an untrue vision that YOU men have visioned, and a lying divination that YOU have said, when saying, ‘The utterance of Jehovah is,’ when I myself have spoken nothing?”’+8 “‘Therefore this is what the Sovereign Lord Jehovah has said: “‘For the reason that YOU men have spoken untruth and YOU have visioned a lie, therefore here I am against YOU,’+ is the utterance of the Sovereign Lord Jehovah.” 9 And my hand has come to be against the prophets that are visioning untruth and that are divining a lie.+ In the intimate+ group of my people they will not continue on, and in the register* of the house of Israel they will not be written,+ and to the soil of Israel they will not come;+ and YOU people* will have to know that I am the Sovereign Lord Jehovah,+ 10 for the reason, yes, for the reason that they have led my people astray, saying, “There is peace!” when there is no peace,+ and there is one that is building a partition wall, but in vain+ there are those plastering it with whitewash.’+
11 “Say to those plastering with whitewash that it will fall. A flooding downpour will certainly occur, and YOU, O hailstones, will fall,* and a blast* of windstorms itself will cause a splitting.+ 12 And, look! the wall must fall. Will it not be said to YOU men, ‘Where is the coating* with which YOU did the plastering?’+
13 “Therefore this is what the Sovereign Lord Jehovah has said, ‘I will also cause a blast of windstorms to burst forth in my rage, and in my anger there will occur a flooding downpour, and in rage there will be hailstones for an extermination.+ 14 And I will tear down the wall that YOU men have plastered with whitewash and bring it into contact with the earth, and its foundation must be exposed.+ And she* will certainly fall, and YOU must come to an end in the midst of her; and YOU will have to know that I am Jehovah.’+
15 “‘And I will bring my rage to its finish upon the wall and upon those plastering it with whitewash, and I shall say to YOU men: “The wall is no more, and those plastering it are no more,+ 16 the prophets of Israel that are prophesying to Jerusalem and that are visioning for her a vision of peace,+ when there is no peace,”’ is the utterance of the Sovereign Lord Jehovah.+
Email from JW relative/elder
by Lynnie inas much as i enjoy you and pete's company, you also know our understanding of how much we want you to be reunited with jehovah and his people.. .
we did not set the standards for what jehovah says about our associations with those who choose to not serve him.
so we will always be there for you and pete, but it is in your hands as to how we can enjoy your friendship.. .
That is because we do not "shun" anyone.