I wish I could get rid of the 1 off my user name. I can’t see a list anywhere with moderators on it.
I think I did message Simon when I first signed up but never got a reply.
i wish i could change my user name.
i am no longer confused..
I wish I could get rid of the 1 off my user name. I can’t see a list anywhere with moderators on it.
I think I did message Simon when I first signed up but never got a reply.
a website i had not seen before tells the story and provides the scans of the court case.
http://www.bibletopics.com/biblestudy/84.htm .
more of the scans are on page 2 so click the link at the bottom of the page.
Hi Wifi Bandit.
Are there copies of this letters in Spanish? Their equivalents from the Spanish branch would be fantastic if available.
Also if you have the UK versions, I'd be very grateful.
anopther coup for cedars: http://jwsurvey.org/cedars-blog/leaked-2018-convention-videos-celebrate-anti-lgbtq-bigotry-unquestioning-obedience-doomsday-fear-mongering
It used to be illegal in the UK to ask for money for charity. Even to rattle their collection tin at you too, although they always did it.
Its not really charity if you’re forced or guilted into it.
just though i'd start a thread devoted to languages, dialects/sociolects and accents, with the idea being that posters can comment on any language, or dialect or accent of any language, on this thread.. any phrases, expressions or idioms that you find interesting are also welcome.
first, the subject of english accents came up on another thread.. the british isles have many different types of accent (although many of the dialects may be dying out), and if i start to take a closer look, i can't help but see 'patterns' .... in received pronunciation of standard english, the letter r is pronounced initially, between vowels, and after consonants, e.g.
red, arrow, break.
Thanks DioG. I loved it, especially with the BSL too!
just though i'd start a thread devoted to languages, dialects/sociolects and accents, with the idea being that posters can comment on any language, or dialect or accent of any language, on this thread.. any phrases, expressions or idioms that you find interesting are also welcome.
first, the subject of english accents came up on another thread.. the british isles have many different types of accent (although many of the dialects may be dying out), and if i start to take a closer look, i can't help but see 'patterns' .... in received pronunciation of standard english, the letter r is pronounced initially, between vowels, and after consonants, e.g.
red, arrow, break.
Gerrus a brewin if yer mashin duck!
Please would you make me a mug of tea my friend, if you’re making one yourself?
just though i'd start a thread devoted to languages, dialects/sociolects and accents, with the idea being that posters can comment on any language, or dialect or accent of any language, on this thread.. any phrases, expressions or idioms that you find interesting are also welcome.
first, the subject of english accents came up on another thread.. the british isles have many different types of accent (although many of the dialects may be dying out), and if i start to take a closer look, i can't help but see 'patterns' .... in received pronunciation of standard english, the letter r is pronounced initially, between vowels, and after consonants, e.g.
red, arrow, break.
Here’s one for you then, midduck!
You’d love Nottnm as it has TWO universities.
i would like to look it over.
correspondence sent to branch office.
branch departments as recipients of correspondence.
Thanks to AvoidJW.org for the originals. I believe he's in the process of writing an article about it.
just some thoughts for today - let me know what you think.
i grew up in the jw faith / cult - .
i can’t prove i am a better person because of it , but in some ways i can prove how it has damaged me.
@Scratch Me
You can choose to do good things and be a kind, decent person on your own and because you choose to, not because of some paradise on Earth nonsense.
Here here!
Positive things? Theocratic Ministry School made me confident when speaking in public; handy for business conferences.
w55 10/15 p. 623 par.
w56 12/15 p. 755 par.
w56 2/15 p. 119 par.