I've wondered for some time if that might be one of the main flashpoints that could very plausibly trigger an attack on religion from the political system.
The other is over wealth - religions (including the JWs) have a lot of money and benefit from tax perks, and in some cases are very ostentatious about their wealth, with gold adorning their religious buildings, fine robes and fabrics, and (in the case of evangelical and modern churches especially) expensive cars, private jets and so on. Often, the very religions that have all this visible wealth also have many followers who are poor and struggling to make ends meet.
Both issues appear on the face of it to be reasonable justifications to attack religion, as they both appear humanitarian and "for the greater good", yet they could also be used to justify the use of bullying "cancel culture" tactics and extreme pressure and the passing of draconian laws if desired.
Also, either could be implemented on a more global scale in the not-too-distant future, so although it seems hard to imagine the UN coming together enough to be united in an attack, it's not implausible that there could be an international coordinated campaign of some kind in that direction.
Admittedly, none of this is likely in the immediate future but I reckon it will begin to happen in the next decade or so, accelerated by the decline of religious affiliation among younger generations which is already well underway, and more older people abandoning the beliefs of their youth - the predicted "drying up" of the waters of religion. As social attitudes change en masse, I think a concerted attack by policy makers on the power and influence of religious organisations could well happen, despite it seeming unlikely right now. That would especially be the case if the remaining religious audiences become more militant, like both the so-called Christian right in the USA and radical Islamists are.
A polarised world between radical religionists, where the more moderate religionists fade and become indifferent or agnostic/atheist, would leave remaining religions looking like an extremist threat to the future of mankind.