S-8 Form Slimboy mentioned.
JoinedPosts by Journeyman
Does the org not use S8s any more?I thought it was only in the UK and EU that S8s were scrapped, due to data protection regulations. -
Only one weekly meeting?
by mikeflood innew wt october 2023....first an article remembering 1923....they make changes, the had a "prayer, praise and testimony weekly meeting".. after an study article about obey, specially paragraph 18.. i have a wild guess, next year, just one weekly meeting for the borg..
I can't see them ditching the midweek meeting.
As BluesBrother says, it's their main meeting for 'training' the congregation in the ministry. Announcements are not a problem, they could be moved to the weekend, but there's no way they could have a talk, WT study and a training programme for ministry all in a single 1.5-2 hour meeting.
They won't drop the public talk and even if they cut the WT study to half an hour, you can't fit much into the remaining 30 minutes.
One meeting a week won't be enough to keep the PIMIs engaged - it's likely to increase the attrition rate.
Also, what about the twice-yearly CO visits? They have to fit his talks in somewhere too.
The weekend meeting is traditionally the 'public' one, while the midweek is the 'internal procedures' kind of meeting, so the org will probably still feel both are needed.
The only thing they might do is reduce the midweek meeting in length, maybe drop the book study. I think there's a lot of wasted time in that meeting anyway, with the unnecessary preview and review segments, the opening talk and filler items in the final section. Lately they've been cancelling regular items and showing the monthly GB video updates in that last part of the meeting too, and usually a few weeks after it's been released. What's with that? The thing is already online, and sometimes it's out of date by the time it's played at the meeting (like the recent video on preparing for the Memorial which was played at a meeting after the Memorial had happened! Duh.)
Reduce the whole thing to 1 hour max, and let the bros get away earlier for home in the evening. That might win some points with the R&F.
A bit of both, depending on the venues.
For years, the main conventions I attended in London were at the Twickenham and Crystal Palace sports stadiums and there were not many food places near them, so mostly people brought their own cooler bags, etc.
But in the past decade or so most of the conventions have moved to indoor venues like conference centres that have lots of food chain options like Costa, KFC and McDonalds, so these get packed out during the lunch break. Or they used to, pre-COVID. It will be interesting to hear the reports of what happens this year across the country. Local retailers used to love it when the JWs were in town at the weekend as they made a lot of money, but if numbers at conventions start falling, then the attraction of having them around will soon fade!
It's been a long 9 years Lloyd Evans / John Cedars
by Newly Enlightened inoriginal reddit post (removed).
He's not interested in acting. He's interested in being applauded. There's a difference.
Good point, DerekMoors.
Far too much discipline required in acting for our Lloydy-boy to cope with. He would hate having to be at the bottom of the pecking order and take direction from others.
His problem though is, whatever new career path he takes he's going to have to do that. He'll be the fish out of water, the newbie, and he'll have to humble himself and learn from others. Can he deal with that?
It's been a long 9 years Lloyd Evans / John Cedars
by Newly Enlightened inoriginal reddit post (removed).
Maybe there's another reason behind the new pics...
So he sees himself as a future George Clooney or Alan Rickman? Figures.
He probably thinks his skits in convention rebuttals and his amateur comedy and music appearances indicate a huge undiscovered performing talent.
Plus of course, theatre and drama classes are a great source of females to
harassdate. -
SydBarrett - I'm not sure which country you're in but you may have just missed it. I believe the food service stopped here in the UK in the early '90s, and charging for literature shortly after that. Not sure about the US, but presumably around the same time as I guess it was a global change.
Definitely by the late '90s when I was around, that had all stopped. It was just something I heard about anecdotally. I remember literature desks and distribution at conventions, but no food distribution and no charging for literature anywhere, although we still had a list at the hall which had 'suggested' donations for main items eg: Bibles, mags, etc. It was around that time they kept drumming into us to tell householders the literature was offered "without charge" NOT "free", because there was still a cost to produce it! 🙄
I used to hate being given cash contributions because of the hassle of having to remember to take them with you to the next meeting and drop them in the box. At least now it's easier that they don't accept cash from the ministry, and publishers are not expected to mention donations. Downside is all the begging for money is on the congregations themselves now, of course!
Is WT Using ATTENDANTS At The Conventions To Be: "TOY COPS"
by HiddlesWife ini have heard from a few ppimis and several pimos that the attendants who are stationedly-assigned to the front entrances of the borgvenues (cahs and other arenas) have been checking to see if any persons (members and non-member visitors) have badges.
on the other hand, if these persons don't have one, this is what i was told that these dubs do this: corral around the non-badge-wearing individual and interrogate he/she/them plus questioning them, "why are you here?!".
also, even if that person or persons have an invitation plus showed it to these dubs, these toy cops still do that procedure.
I can't do it now for health reasons, but when I used to be an attendant, I liked it because you didn't have to sit still for hours on end listening to the same old talks, and you did actually get to help people if you had the right assignments (and the right attitude to the role). I used to try to get assigned to concourse or door/gateways. On concourse, you generally couldn't hear much of the programme so that was a result, and on the doors or gates, although you could hear the programme, there was usually too much happening to get bored and you could genuinely help people like parents losing their kids, older ones or pregnant sisters feeling unwell, that sort of thing. At least made it feel more worthwhile.
Back then, we didn't have any of this interrogating of visitors or checking for badges. We were told we were there to greet people, generally look out for trouble, and keep the crowds moving to prevent bottlenecks (doesn't look like that would be a problem at most conventions these days! )
The worst attendants were the young teen/early 20s ones who thought they were in some kind of 'cool bro' security service, and the over-officious captains (usually single or younger married elders) who had too much time on their hands and acted like they had some high-status job that was a cross between people management and policing.
For a few years I worked with the security team because I'd already acquired a 'secular' security licence for work and wanted to see what it was like. That was much more laid back. Most of those bros had 'real' security jobs so were more lowkey and didn't have the exaggerated swagger of the less experienced attendants who are usually the ones that visitors encounter first. You all had to cover each others' backs and had a different control room and separate shifts from the rest of the attendants, so could come and go as you pleased, as long as you stayed on post when assigned and kept permanently in radio contact with base. But later, the org tightened up the rules and now only their 'approved' heavies from Chelmsford can do that role I believe (and of course in hired venues they have to defer to the venue's own security teams - rightly so.)
Jehovah’s Witnesses Open Historic Museum in Edo
by Bangalore injehovah’s witnesses open historic museum in edo .. https://punchng.com/jehovahs-witnesses-open-historic-museum-in-edo/.
This obsession with opening museums and exhibitions lately is strange. It seems to be part of turning the org into some kind of pseudo entertainment and heritage industry.
Yet of course, they rarely highlight the fact they had very different teachings in the past and kept changing them. The only ones they usually mention are those changed one-time only long ago (such as celebrating Christmas or using the cross). Probably because they are easiest to prove and not so embarrassing to have to explain.
Wow. Talk about sales targets! This was well before my time so I've never seen one of these before.
Another example of something way outside the model set by Jesus. I really don't remember him holding a performance meeting to pull out a report scroll and reprimand the apostles on not fulfilling their monthly quota of preaching targets! 🤔
It's been a long 9 years Lloyd Evans / John Cedars
by Newly Enlightened inoriginal reddit post (removed).
He told the photographer "make me look good." So the photographer said "stand in those heavy shadows."
"Stay where you are, I just need to move further away ... in fact, give me 3 hours to drive to Hungary then move about a lot - the blurring can only help."
Tonus and Simon - love your comments on Lloyd's latest profile picture! 🤣
Maybe this will be his preferred profile picture once the Croatian authorities are fully aware of his recreational sexual activities... 🤣