Incidentally that is a nice house , If it were around this part of the U.K. it could cost double what they paid.
It might be ok, but it's a very bland and soulless development. Miles of cookie-cutting buildings and empty grass 'yards'. Not my idea of a desirable area, but then those kind of characterless American suburbs never did it for me.
I agree with FFG. AMIII has clearly been expelled from the 'inner circle' for being a 'bad boy' in some way, and paid off with an anonymous property somewhere where he will feel personally comfortable (presumably, with those previous family links) in return for 1) staying out of the hair of the remaining GB, and 2) keeping his mouth shut.
The other nearby property could be either for another family member (maybe a pad for his son to stay at when in the area), or even for another JW heavy to keep an eye on AMII and his wife and make sure they behave themselves?
My concern is that with news of his location spreading, I hope no unhinged or angry former JW tries to track him down and confront him. These days, that sort of thing is always a risk.