Good summary, Vidiot - and I've always thought that it's interesting the leadership of the org lack any self-reflection and humility to ever consider a) as a possibility, or even a potential risk.
As supposed Bible Students from way back, it should be clear to anyone that even if you believe in God, and if you believe he is using a particular organisation and if you believe that org is the one you are in/leading, the scriptures repeatedly warn against hubris and arrogance and show the downfall of key individuals in "God's organisation" who get too big for their boots or decide to do things their own way against all good sense and attempts to correct them:
- Satan (and the other rebel angels)
- Adam & Eve
- Cain
- Eli & his sons
- Saul
- Possibly Solomon?
- Most of the Kings of Judah and Israel
- Most of the scribes, Sadducees and Pharisees
- Judas
- 'Anointed' Christians such as Ananias & Sapphira, Hymenaeus, Alexander and Philetus.
That's just some specific ones I can think of right now. All of the above were on the 'inside' of God's arrangement at the time and initially had his 'favour', yet chose to do their own thing and went beyond recovery.
Many of Jesus' own parables warned against the same thing happening among his followers, including the warning about the risk of becoming an 'evil slave', which the GB dismisses while presumptuously claiming the mantle of the 'faithful slave' to themselves without hesitation or question.
To think no such thing could happen in the 19th, 20th or 21st centuries after all of history from creation to the end of the first century, and despite believing that 1) man is still imperfect and 2) the Devil is still "walking about like a roaring lion" seeking to mislead humans, is naive at best, and self-serving and arrogant at worst.