2.penis master (level one)
That was never one of my favourite arcade games... š¤£
original reddit post (removed).
2.penis master (level one)
That was never one of my favourite arcade games... š¤£
As someone has has no claim to being any kind of Hebrew or Greek scholar, I broadly feel that there is something more bland and soulless (nepheshless? pardon the pun) about the 2013 RNWT (Revised NWT, as I think of it).
The supposed benefit of more 'up-to-date' language is over-rated IMO, especially when accompanied by the general dumbing down of all the other teaching and meeting material from the org. What's wrong with encouraging readers to learn a bit more, improve themselves and stretch their linguistic knowledge rather than 'lowering' the standard of a text to the lowest common denominators? What next? Slang, street talk and gender-neutral pronouns?
The language of the 1950s-80s NWT, while perhaps a bit dated in places now, is a good compromise between the old texts of the likes of the KJV (which I do agree is less relevant today, and besides, is not really that accurate a translation by today's standards), and the contemporary free-translations of recent decades. It retained enough of the poetry and symbolic language of the text to provide colour and meaning, without being too obscure or complex in language or too far removed from the contemporary vernacular.
Now, the RNWT is too far in the opposite direction and as some have said, too many important contextual footnotes have been removed (eg: nephesh/soul, hades/sheol/grave, etc), and expressions and possible alternate or modern renderings have been interpolated directly into the text to lean towards current GB teaching and JW terminology. "Older men" to "elders" being just one example.
Also, working against the GB's claim of wanting to improve readability, some features which actually made understanding easier in the previous NWT have been removed, such as the plural YOU which was a useful feature, and the removal of which was never explained.
original reddit post (removed).
OMG please tell me you will post this on twitter so i can like it again and repost it .!
by the way thanks Journeyman for putting a Prostitute that is older then "20 ''years old...
Haha! I'm not on Twitter, but you're welcome to use that image as you like...
original reddit post (removed).
Toblerone - those multiple "Faces of Lloyd" you posted earlier made me think of a 'popular' JW image: The foretold Seven-Headed Horny Horned Beast of Revelation!
I'm no expert in Photoshop or Gimp - (I mean the graphics program, not the sort of thing he is probably into) but here's my attempt to capture what I had in mind...
study article 22 is headed.
"keep traveling on the "way of holiness".
this article states that since 1919, having left babylon the great in that year, jws today are traveling on 'the way of holiness" (a figurative highway) as it takes them through the spiritual paradise and leads them through to future kingdom blessings.. they say that 'preparatory work' of that highway began centuries earlier.
I don't have the patience anymore to go look for it, but I am a bit curious to know what old Chucky had to say about it.
"Ask, and it shall be given you" as it says somewhere!
Thanks for putting me on to that!
note: photos can be found on the blue envelope channelhttps://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-nakezkhqbmtony and susan morris are living in lumberton, north carolina.
a real estate document on the robeson county website is filed:.
the religious order of jehovah's witnesses has provided a "life estate" for them.they can live in this townhouse until they are deceased or choose to move away and in either case the ownership becomes entirely the property of jehovah's witnesses.
I suspect nobody knew anything about his personal life or why he was back in London. Does the average JW know anything about AMIII?
On a deeper level, no, but the big difference between the time of Chitty and now is that back then the GB didn't set out to make themselves media stars, front and centre of all the output to the R&F with their faces all over a TV channel and website. The image that AMIII has projected to date via his talks and appearances has not been a very endearing and sympathetic one and will have created a lot of bad feeling among many people.
It's unfortunate for AMIII that he's being the "guinea pig" for this social experiment, but this will be a first in JW org history: how the R&F, exJWs and others deal with a high profile, public eviction from the inner circle of the JW world back to 'ordinary' life.
original reddit post (removed).
O.M.G he just release a new video on the Tony Morris news
Ok, well he's getting better. A mere 5 days late to the story this time!
does not give anyone permission to take matters into their own hands in a manner that is abusive or CRIMINAL
To be fair, he's said that sort of thing in the past about "aggressive activism", and I agree with him on that aspect.
But his theorising about the second home being for someone to keep an eye on AMIII is hardly radical or newsworthy. Several have already speculated that that could be one reason. That's the advantage of posting late - you can jump on the coat tails of what others have already said!
Lloyd is calling people ācriminal defendantsā again.
I wonder if that's just an attempt to cover for the failure of his case to date and try to make "mud" stick, or if it means he's trying to keep the case alive? Will we see more submissions? If so, I don't envy the staff in the Croatian court system!
Lloyd is projecting a lot by calling people things that he is.
That was my immediate thought. "Classic narcissist who loses it whenever people don't join in his abuse and toxicity"? Pots and kettles, most definitely!
And then of course he has to play for the sympathy vote with the references to being "triggered" and "hurt" while on a "family holiday". So predictable!
note: photos can be found on the blue envelope channelhttps://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-nakezkhqbmtony and susan morris are living in lumberton, north carolina.
a real estate document on the robeson county website is filed:.
the religious order of jehovah's witnesses has provided a "life estate" for them.they can live in this townhouse until they are deceased or choose to move away and in either case the ownership becomes entirely the property of jehovah's witnesses.
Perhaps you are attributing to them too much intelligence?
You could be right. I was assuming that they'd be more likely to be more paranoid than the usual person over security, given their obsession about persecution from the "world".
But maybe it's mainly just the BoEs, COs and the like who are outside in the "real" world that panic like that. From my personal observation, local elders tend to over-stress about every little detail, risk or setback, so they would definitely go into panic mode over something like this.
BTW, Journeyman, I enjoy your posts, so please don't take this note as a personal attack.
No problem, no offence taken!
original reddit post (removed).
Thank you Journeyman for giving me this idea...
Do you you know what Tony Morris brand new house is missing ? A balcony...
š¤£ Nice work! Ah yes, Holiday Lloyd looks just right. Certain to 'pull' the 'ladies' of Patong with his beach-ready body! š¤£
study article 22 is headed.
"keep traveling on the "way of holiness".
this article states that since 1919, having left babylon the great in that year, jws today are traveling on 'the way of holiness" (a figurative highway) as it takes them through the spiritual paradise and leads them through to future kingdom blessings.. they say that 'preparatory work' of that highway began centuries earlier.
This article was studied in congregations this weekend.
The OP is right. It's pretty bizarre they had an entire article with a theme about "The Way... of Holiness" and completely skipped over the link to first century Christians and, you know, that chap Jesus Christ!
Jesus said he himself is "The way... and the truth and the life", and at Acts 9 it shows that for the first Christians, their course of life was known as "The Way". They could've at least referenced these points in a couple of paragraphs to show "The Way of Holiness" being progressively revealed. But no, not a single mention of Jesus and the establishment of Christianity in the first century in this article.
Yet there were several paragraphs about three 19th century men who happened to have a few theories, and then a whole box about stuff the early Bible Students and then JWs got wrong "refined"!
The old GB's studies used to be odd enough at times, but it seems the GB2.0 have given up even trying to appear 'scholarly' or thorough in covering scriptural topics.