How is this affecting "still in" JWs you know?
I looked around the audience for any reaction, but didn't see any. Kind of curious.
Word spread fast. The response has been to keep keeping on.
This is the interesting thing, and the big change from how I remember things used to be years ago.
Today, changes - even major ones - get barely any discussion among R&F from what I can tell. No buzz of excitement or desire to discuss what it means at length. I can remember we used to spend ages privately debating what each announced change, new release or new 'light' might mean and the implications or possibilities.
Funnily enough, these days I see more interest, speculation and excitement - for good or bad - on here and among other exJWs online than among active JW publishers whenever a change happens in the organisation.
I think that almost more than anything else shows how flat everything is now.
As for the meetings, a good proportion of the R&F are no longer attending in person and choose to stay at home on Zoom (usually between 25-50% of the congregation). Barely any of those have their camera on or try to comment. I suspect in the UK, USA and much of Europe, as we go into winter, attendance will get worse.
The change to reporting is just another nail in the coffin of any excitement or buzz that there used to be in congregations, as it will reduce the motivation and need for many to spend as much time supporting ministry groups, working with other publishers or getting up early on Saturday mornings, for example.