Blondie, the judgement message, the hailstones thing has been effectively nullified by the recent announcement that outsiders might still be saved at the last minute, or at least that's this outsider's understanding.
I don't see that at all. Remember the story of Jonah: He was told to go to Nineveh to warn them they will be destroyed. He did it (eventually). They all repented. God withdrew the threat of destruction.
Ok, so there wouldn't be a total repentance at the end, so the destruction would not be stopped completely, but it could still be that a warning message could be given that Armageddon is imminent, but some at the last minute would 'repent' and survive. Yes, it would mean that the 'hailstone' message would have to be "Last chance now or you're getting it!" (or something like that) rather than "Time's up! You're all getting now!" (which they've taught until now), but the basics could still stay the same.
I'm not saying what the GB are saying is correct, just that it doesn't necessarily change the idea of giving a judgement message before the destruction at Armageddon.
I suppose they will also parallel it with Noah's day (as Jesus hinted the same) - right up until the moment the doors closed and rain began to fall, anyone could've said "Ok, you've sold me on this" and got on board. Likewise, right up until the destruction is about to start, anyone could still change their mind. And we don't know how long this supposed 'warning' period would be. Logically, it wouldn't last long, because God would have already gathered the 'bride' and also determined that few if any were left on earth who would repent, but it would still need to take a bit of time in order for people to realise what is about to happen and the full consequences of what is coming to sink in (since the Bible says: "they will have to know..." etc). The Bible talks about visible signs and events at the end which will shake the people and make them panic. So maybe a few weeks? A couple of months?