When the old Queen was crowned I had just started school and we all lined up to get a Coronation Mug and replica anointing spoon.
Seventy years have passed since the last coronation. The UK - and the world - is very different. Millions in this country have no interest in the whole edifice of monarchy, or the pomp and ceremony of a coronation. Many are even openly hostile to the concept. Younger generations born here, along with the many immigrants we now have from all over the world, have no loyalty, understanding of, or interest in, the history or significance of royalty. Heck, many of them don't have any loyalty or respect for any aspect of this country.
As a result, despite all the media coverage there will be, there is not the peer pressure there would have been in past decades to fall in step with such an event.
The Coronation makes me feel miserable anyway.
The same for me, but for a very different reason: it emphasises the loss of the Queen and the accession of a much inferior figurehead, and I feel it marks the beginning of much more decline for the nation and public wrangling over the future of the UK in the years ahead.