My grandfather who has been dead for 37 years would not recognise the borganisation today.
Thirty-seven years? Heck, the organisation is barely recognisable from as recently as the mid-1990s!
- JW
TelevangelistBroadcasting channel - GB members (and 'helpers') now given celebrity status; obedience and worship of GB ramped up
- JW website
- Old WT logo almost completely superseded by "golden calf" JW ORG logo stuck on every Hall.
- 'Revised' NWT
- Multiple songbook changes
- No paper Bibles or publications at meetings - all tablets and phones
- Disney-fied Bible videos, including Caleb & Sophia cartoons
- TV screens at Halls and routine video segments in the meetings
- Awful sub-christian-pop-rock 'original' songs
- Removal of roles like District Overseer, Magazine Servant
- Pioneer hours cut drastically
- Theocratic School scrapped and replaced with watered down meeting assignments
- Ministry reduced to bite-sized presentations, removal of Reasoning book and other more substantial tools
- Watchtower and Awake mags drastically reduced in size (pages) and number of issues
- Public witnessing carts/trolleys introduced, books and more 'weighty' placements removed for just tracts, magazines and playing video clips
- NY Bethel, London Bethel both relocated and previous locations sold off
- Printing operations scaled right back; European operations merged so all printing now done in Germany
- Major congregation mergers, hall closures and sell-offs worldwide
- FDS now just the GB, not all anointed
- "This generation" now 'overlapping'
- Numerous other beliefs 'clarified' - compare this list of just how many more changes have happened since 1995 than were made before then! (remove the b from borg) https://wol.jw.borg/en/wol/d/r1/lp-e/1200277174
... and I bet there are more I've forgotten!