I'm posting under this old thread title because it seems apt - WT and their attitude to paying taxes.
I came across an interesting video from "Warwick PIMO". Not sure if they're on this website, but I think they post on Reddit.
This video might seem dry and boring (ok, it is really) but it's still important and holds some interesting hints about the recent financial status of the org, and their attitude to it. It seems to be dated 2021 but I'm not sure if it was made public before - I don't recall hearing about it. Apologies if it's already been covered here.
It's directed at brothers in branch committees. The video opens by saying "Today we are going to discuss your role in an urgent matter: engaging authorities to secure tax exemptions..."
Later at 3:45 the bro says: "The work we are asking you to do goes beyond obtaining available tax relief" - they want to "proactively engage" authorities to try and get additional tax exemptions that are not usually available.
An interesting comment follows from the legal dept indicating that tax exemption is directly linked in their view to legal recognition - or at least that's what they want brothers at branches to think.
It then goes into a lot of detail about how branch brothers can negotiate with "worldly" authorities to seek tax exemptions. Some parts are reasonable (like the bit around 21:35 about considering what you buy and what suppliers you buy from - which should be common sense, and not need a bro lecturing branch members about it) but a lot of it is very telling about WT motives around tax.
Watching this, I wondered what happened to Jesus' words at Romans 13:7: "Render to all their dues: to the one who calls for the tax, the tax...", which implies that Christians should be prepared to pay the taxes asked of them, not spend lots of time and effort "proactively" seeking ways to pay as little tax as possible. That must especially apply to an organisation which rakes in millions worldwide, so can certainly afford to pay. It also makes an interesting contrast to the tone of the two articles posted above, from years ago!