Start in Eden where Adam (Lloyd) gets Eve but finds out they are sexually incompatible. After Jehovah God refuses his request for multiple sex partners to be created, the Serpent comes down from the tree and convinces him to eat from the Tree of Prostitutes.
Then Adam/Lloyd blames God for giving him genitals but not teaching him mastery over his penis, and then proceeds to whine at God for hours and claim that God is harassing him and is harming his mental health. After which, God gets fed up and kicks the pair out of the garden, so Adam/Lloyd proceeds to build a new home for himself in a bunker...
Jesus (Lloyd) preaching from the Mount of Olives that the amount of Patrons was pitiful and he'd be forced to dismiss the apostles, giving only two sermons a month. Also blaming the "defamation campaign" on the Pharisees. Known in perpetuity as the "Things Are Bad" sermon on the Mount.
Yes, if it wasn't for the fact that LE is of course an atheist, I'd imagine he'd love to be cast as Jesus (or even God himself). No lowly "servant of God" role for him!