I suspect nobody knew anything about his personal life or why he was back in London. Does the average JW know anything about AMIII?
On a deeper level, no, but the big difference between the time of Chitty and now is that back then the GB didn't set out to make themselves media stars, front and centre of all the output to the R&F with their faces all over a TV channel and website. The image that AMIII has projected to date via his talks and appearances has not been a very endearing and sympathetic one and will have created a lot of bad feeling among many people.
It's unfortunate for AMIII that he's being the "guinea pig" for this social experiment, but this will be a first in JW org history: how the R&F, exJWs and others deal with a high profile, public eviction from the inner circle of the JW world back to 'ordinary' life.