There's something of a delicious irony if Derek & Inna win the Patreoff for the second month, at the same time as they get to expose the details of LE's "lawsuit"!
August could be quite a month!
original reddit post (removed).
There's something of a delicious irony if Derek & Inna win the Patreoff for the second month, at the same time as they get to expose the details of LE's "lawsuit"!
August could be quite a month!
original reddit post (removed).
It's now up to 482..
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In the Mike & Kim video they calculate it to be about $13.3m per month based on the current figure of 1.23m publishers. So that's nearly $160m per year. And that's just from the USA.
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Are they individual pledges, or is it at the congregational level.
Congregational. The 'suggested' donation amount for the whole congregation per month (based on headcount) is put to a resolution of all baptised Witnesses each year. Of course, as we know with such votes, there is significant peer pressure to go along with the proposal. Anyone voting "No" can expect to be having a word with the elders in the back room afterwards...
Is the amount really decided by the elders as to how much they can shake-down the congregation for, or does Bethel decide how much they expect each congregation to cough up, while pretending that it is the elders' decision?
Good question. I believe it is down to the local elders, but the branch has 'recommendations' regarding the amount per publisher that they should consider. But maybe someone on here who has recent experience of being an elder might know for certain? Can a local BoE set a different amount, and if so, can it only be above the 'recommended' donation per publisher (ie: choosing to give more)?
My understanding was that donations were tied to the literature.
To my knowledge, that's not been the case for many years. Donations for literature were effectively ended in the 1990s, when it was all made voluntary.
It's probably part of the reason why the org was facing alleged 'financial problems' a few years ago, when Lett made the now-infamous begging video.
While a few wealthier congregations might donate more than they 'cost' in literature and KH expenses, many others are probably in technical 'deficit'. But of course, there's now no way for anyone on a local level to know, because the money raised by every congregation is now grabbed by 'donated' directly to the organisation, above a certain basic balance allowed.
certain forces appear to be trying to make sure donald trump never runs for president again.
some republicans are clearly abandoning trump and of course the democratic press has been saying trump is done!
is trump’s goose cooked?
I'm resurrecting this thread as it seems the one with the most appropriate title.
So, Donald Trump is now officially facing criminal charges more serious than those levelled against him so far. The counts are:
Are these charges what the indictment alleges, an indication that Trump "was determined to stay in power" and "spread lies" in order to try to do so?
Or are they, as Trump's team claim, "un-American witch hunts" and "the latest corrupt chapter in the continued pathetic attempt [...] to interfere with the 2024 Presidential Election"?
And whether you think the charges have justification or not, do you think it will derail Trump's re-election campaign? Or make him stronger? Or neither?
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Nice tried Journeyman...
Haha! It was taken from an internet meme of a political video well known to most Americans, but less so to us on the other side of the Atlantic! I thought about changing the background but couldn't be bothered. Besides, my photo editing skills are not as rapid as yours!
Maybe he'll wait until winter to do his next begging video? Nah, who am I kidding?
original reddit post (removed).
And he still hasn't made the fucking documentary, nor has he met his promises of "growing the channel". He just took the money.
Not only that, but he's still reneging on the other commitments he made to patrons who joined before April this year, when he took down these. Note the points underlined in orange:
I just noticed - at 380+ he committed himself to "travelling to more diverse locations".
His audience was supposed to think that was all about making channel content, but of course it was also about his "recreational activities" with the "locals", like err... (checks notes) scuba diving!
No wonder he's not so keen to keep all these promises about travelling and filming internationally, now that that 'perk' is known by all!
original reddit post (removed).
Time for another begging video ..
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Down to 481 now!
original reddit post (removed).
So far, he's lost 106 since his peak after the "Things Are Bad" video in April. That's about half of the increase that it generated.
At this rate of losses (about 20-30 a month), he will be back around his lowest level to date (387) by the end of the year, give or take a month.