Last day of the 2023 Regional Conventions in the UK today (oh dear, what a shame, never mind!)
The peak attendance at Excel B on Sunday at the English section was about 9,600, with about 2,900 in total for other languages at the same venue. I didn't get the baptism number, but I would presume it was comparable to the weekend before, since the other figures were similar.
Looking back at my old notes (yes, I used to keep attendance figures in my diary each year - how geeky) it seems that in the few years before COVID lockdown the peak could be up to 11,000 on Sunday for the English, so it's down a bit but not dramatically out of range, especially as the org kept rearranging the circuits and assignments around London and the SE of England.
I guess given the size and mobility of population around London and the high percentage of foreign language congregations and ethnic minorities (many JWs in English congregations these days seem to be from Afro-Caribbean backgrounds), the capital would be one of the last parts of the UK for any decrease to become really apparent.
Anyway, that's it for another year for the UK. Thank goodness. The constant stream of trite videos gets more wearing every year. The org were actually boasting about how many videos were on the programme these days - more than 70! Yet most of them were pointless shorts used as filler in symposium items (which are already broken down into such small segments now that they are mostly devoid of meaningful teaching points).
I liked nowwhat?'s comment on another thread, that this was more like the "Trying My Patience" convention...🤣