hand and hand with guilt, my favorite has to be shame. shame for being just a publisher, shame for being sinful, shame for "perverted" sexual desires with your mate....i could keep on going for days.
JoinedPosts by unanswered
GOOD cult control techniques
by philo inwith logical's post in mind, i want to start a thread about something positive.
the wt are positively good at controlling their followers.. which is your favourite wt control technique, and why??????????.
the best contibution wins six million devoted worshippers and a 40 year conditional canonisation in the pages of the wt.. the one i like is so good because it works from 'on high' as well as among the orphans and widows at the congregation.
by eyes_opened ini know this has probably been covered a bunch...but here i go anyway lol.
how many of you guys who have been out of the org.
for a while, now celebrate the holidays?
both my wife and i have been out for several years. i personally think that holidays are not celebrated for religous reasons very often anymore, but since i grew up a witness and never had them, i don't really miss them. however, around thanksgiving, turkeys are cheap, my friends and i have time off work and it's great opportunity to get together and feast on something we don't eat very often. my point is, i usually don't have a reason to observe the holidays, but if i do, such as the nephew's and niece's birthdays or thanksgiving, i have no problem with it. as far as the birthdays, it is part of their life, and i don't want to miss it.
looking for old friends
by unanswered ini'm an ex-jw in or and i grew up in southern ca.
i'm looking for any ex-jws from the poway area in north san diego county that maybe i grew up around.
might be be a shot in the dark, but worth a try.
i'm an ex-jw in OR and i grew up in southern CA. i'm looking for any ex-jws from the poway area in north san diego county that maybe i grew up around. might be be a shot in the dark, but worth a try.
Question #3 "What will you say?"
by ozziepost inall irregular and inactive publishers will be pleased with the heartwarming news that april will see a special campaign by the elders to encourage you.
yes, don't faint, it must be true because the april kingdom ministry says so.
in fact, so strong is the forecasted encouragement, that it states on paragraph 25 of the insert article:.
since i live in the same town as when i was associated, they will be the same elders that hunted me down at every new place i moved to over the years, so i'll tell them how glad i am that they came, and that i want to repent of my free thinking-right before i slam the door.
What's your ethical guide?
by expatbrit inon what do you base your moral judgements now that you've left the wts?.
as jw's we used to allow the wt to direct us in any ethical question.
they would give us their opinion (claiming it to be bible-based).
expatbrit- i get what your saying about the wt affecting how we think after we leave but my freedom of thought and my own study of the bible is what made me leave in the first place, so i'll have to keep on relying on that.
by Frenchy ini mean c'mon people, how long are 'we' going to vent?
i have met people who have been 'out' for well over twenty years, and they still talk about the watchtower as if they never left or as if they left yesterdayrr in a response on the thread: don't you have a single good thing to say?'.
are we perhaps all whistling in the dark?
frenchy- even though i would find it hard to believe the WT is everything they say they are, i want find to the truth, not the "truth". whatever it is, that's what i'm looking for.
by Frenchy ini mean c'mon people, how long are 'we' going to vent?
i have met people who have been 'out' for well over twenty years, and they still talk about the watchtower as if they never left or as if they left yesterdayrr in a response on the thread: don't you have a single good thing to say?'.
are we perhaps all whistling in the dark?
frenchy- even though i would find it hard to believe the WT is everything they say they are, i want find to the truth, not the "truth". whatever it is, that's what i'm looking for.
Big Ray on Disfellowshipped Members
by truth_hurts infrom: big ray.
date: mon apr 17, 2000 8:44am.
subject: re: inactive publishers who post.
thank you, ozziepost, for clearing up who big ray is for me also. when i read that letter i was starting to think that i couldn't get away from the WT bs no matter where i went. flashbacks of elders pounding on my door.
The Poor JW Children
by larc inthe children.
there are many things that could be changed, and even though i would never go back, i think there are some very basic changes they could make in their child rearing practices, simple changes that would make a big difference in their society.. 1. don't force small children to sit for two hours in a chair.. this was discussed at length on the thread about slapping children at the kingdom hall.. 2. don't bring children to meetings where the subject has to do with adult sexual practices.. 3. don't tell teenagers that they can't ask someone out for a date unless marriage is on their mind.. 4. don't tell them that they are not special, that they have to humble themselves and be like everyone else.. 5. don't tell them they have to get good grades through high school as a reflection of what jehovah has given them and then tell them they can't go to college when they graduate from high school at the top of their class.. 6. don't tell your wordly neighbors that you give your children presents all through the year, but not on their birthday, when they have never seen a special gift wrapped present in their life.. 7. don't expect a shy child to enjoy going from door to door and don't expect an extroverted, lively child to sit still at meetings.. 8. don't tell an inquiring child not to ask questions and don't tell them not to read interesting books.. 9. don't surprised if you don't change your ways that your children will leave you, even though they love you.
somebody, i totally agree. i'm not mad at my parents for how they raised me, i just came to a point where i didn't believe all of it anymore. of all the people in the organization that i might be angry with, it isn't my parents. most of the friends i grew up with that are not in the "truth" any longer feel the same
R U disfellowshipped 2
by DFshipped inhi people.
i am a df'd person hoping to return to the fold.
i am not critical of the decision to df me nor of the loving organization i believe to be in the palm of jesus hand.. i would find it most encouraging to hear from others who feel the same and would like to "hold hands" on the way back.. this board is hailed as a supportive respectful place so if you do not fit this description may i ask you to move on and not hinder the participants here in following their god given right to pursue their goal.
hi, i'm disfellowshipped and even tough i have no plans on going back i wouldn't want to dissuade you from your intentions. with due respect i have one question for you. having been disfellowshipped yourself, how will you treat disfellowshipped ones close to you after you are reinstated? i'm not being antagonistic, just curious.