Question #3 "What will you say?"

by ozziepost 20 Replies latest jw friends

  • ozziepost

    All irregular and inactive publishers will be pleased with the heartwarming news that April will see a special campaign by the elders to encourage you.

    Yes, don't faint, it must be true because the April Kingdom Ministry says so.

    In fact, so strong is the forecasted encouragement, that it states on paragraph 25 of the insert article:

    "One sister who had been irregular in field service for two years spent more than 50 hours in the ministry last April. What made the difference for her? She said that it was the upbuilding shepherding calls made by the elders."

    The attention to the inactive is part of a campaign to increase numbers of publishers in April. There are 3 groups that will be targetted; children, Bible students, and the inactive. So intense will the campaign be that "everyone in the congregation (is encouraged) to do his part to reach the goal of 100-percent participation in the ministry that month." (Page 2)

    So, if you a member of one of the targetted groups, what will you say when you receive a visit from the encouraging elders

    Ozzie (of the vacationing in April class)

  • Simon

    They did this last year didn't they?
    I think it's so that however bad the world-wide report is at the end of the year they can say something like "...nut April had a new peak of Kingdom Publishers".
    As the anti-drug campaigns say - "Just Say NO !"

  • neyank

    If they come knocking at my door, I will just respond like Cheech and Chong would have.
    And say...DAVES NOT HOME!!!!!

    You do remember Cheech and Chong. Right??????

  • mommy
    One sister who had been irregular in field service for two years spent more than 50 hours in the ministry last April. What made the difference for her? She said that it was the upbuilding shepherding calls made by the elders."

    I think this is so sad. Why do they have to wait for a month in the year, when it should be all the time? What happened during those two years? Where were the brothers then?
    You know these are the statements I remember reading when I was in the org, And they are the very same reasons I left! They are outright admitting they only showed "love" for one month when the poor sister neeeded it for 2 years! Uuuggghhhh!
    I remember the comments read from the platform and every zombie in there shaking their head and smiling and I would be looking around at everyone saying "Come on guys! Am I the only one hearing this!"

  • happytobefree


    You said:

    :I think this is so sad. Why do they have to wait for a month in the year, when it should be all the time? What happened during those two years? Where were the brothers then?

    Does this sound like a line of reasoning you have heard before ... say like Christmas. lol

    I just want to thank you for my response if I so happen to receive one of those calls.

    Happy to be Free (Me)

  • RR
    The attention to the inactive is part of a campaign to increase numbers of publishers in April. There are 3 groups that will be targetted; children, Bible students, and the inactive ...

    You mean their going to visit the Evil Slave Class too ... wow! lol

    People who want to share their religious views with you almost never want you to share yours with them.

  • NoLongerAjw

    Hopefully I just wont answer the door!!!!! But if for some reason I have too, i think i will say something like.. you didnt care the last 2 years, why now.... and watch them stumble over the words on that one..

  • Welshman

    It's purely to get the publisher peak for April high so that they can boast about that one month in the annual report.So so sad.

    Regards Welshman

  • Moridin

    I think I will definitly tell them exactly how I feel about their organization. I am so sick of hiding my true self and what I believe that I almost wish to get it over and done with.

  • TR


    I'm not in one of those catagories, so I guess I don't have to worry about a visit!


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