from my knowledge, moridon is right. the "card" is called a "publisher card" and is started when you become a publisher. i was curious about the card when i was an active member and was never allowed to see it. to my knowledge it does contain history of any judicial meetings the publisher has had and is sort of like a dossier. my father(an elder) once told me that any KH i moved to would know everything that the elders ever knew about me, based on the info. in the card. kind of creepy, huh?
JoinedPosts by unanswered
Information on Cards
by myMichelle ingood morning people,.
could someone here tell me more about the cards that are kept at the kh on the publishers there?.
do they keep one for unbaptized people, and at what stage (interested one, publisher, etc.
Introducing myself...& need advice...
by ShaunaC inmy name is shauna and this is my first post here.
in short, i am 26 years old and have been df'd for a little over 2 years.
i come from a strong and long jw heritage (6 generations).
shauna-sounds like you've already done a lot of the setup so that your parents won't be totally shocked by a new conversation, that should help a lot. more importantly, you've prepared yourself for any outcome. you asked how i brought up the conversation-part of what made it happen is the fact that my mother and i have always been very close. this is what makes this whole situation hard for her. so my mother and i are used to talking about things in a reasonable way, even though we don't see each other as much any more. our conversation did sort of come up naturally and this helped because she felt more comfortable interjecting her own views. i didn't plan a time to talk about it, i just waited for the right time to come up. my father is very hardcore and him and i have never really gotten along that well, so it was easier to talk to my mother and let her tell my father because he listens to her, and usually just gets mad when i bring things up. in my family it was the best way to make my point without it being ignored.
so that's the answer to your question, although, as you can see, it's not a great one.
thanks for the congrats-my wife posts once in a while under the name rileygurl in case you ever see her on the board.p.s.-frenchy's view on this might be of some help,as i said i think keeping your love for your parents in the conversation can sometimes grease the gears, and his posts always show a lot of love and human compassion. hopefully he will respond. sorry to put you under the gun, frenchy:)
Introducing myself...& need advice...
by ShaunaC inmy name is shauna and this is my first post here.
in short, i am 26 years old and have been df'd for a little over 2 years.
i come from a strong and long jw heritage (6 generations).
hi, shauna-welcome to the board. your post brought up a lot of emotions for me because of the similarities in our situations. i'm 27, my dad's an elder, i left during a failed marriage, one of my sisters shuns me, things with my parents are now strained, etc.
as far as your question, i did have that conversation with my parents fairly recently. it took time to get to that point because i didn't want to make things worse, but finally i decided that i had to. one good thing it did accomplish was making my parents realize that i wasn't going to be a witness because of my beliefs, not because i just wanted an excuse to do whatever i wanted to do. they now respect me for that even though they think i'm wrong.
it is tricky to defend your stand without picking on the jw beliefs, and since your parents sound like staunch jws that will probably upset them. i tried to keep my love for them as parents in the forefront so that they would know i wasn't trying to hurt them. it worked so-so. they also had to deal with me living with my girlfriend who i am now married to, so there was no way to make it easy.
i think if you are going to have the big discussion with them, you have to be ready for the fact that it may very well go badly. you have to decide how important it is to you. for me, i decided that i would rather have no relationship with my parents than one based on faking it for them(which i did for a long time).
i'm not sure if this will help or not, but since our situations seem similar, i had to comment. i hope everything works out for you. not everything has worked out exactly like i wanted for me, but this board and all the support here from people with stories i can identify with has helped me a lot.good luck-nate
WT official video response online-molestation
by Dogpatch in
get with it and say what u think about j.r. brown!.
downtown mr. brown kicks butt!
dog-finally got to check it out. brown sounds like any p.r. man for a large corporation. that's to bad. his flat denials really torqued me off. is it ignorance of what's going on in their org., i doubt it, sounds more like a big fat cover up. if their motives were purely godly, would they not seriously investigate these allegations, just to make sure they were false? they just sound more and more like any other organized religion all the time. so sad, now nothing will be done to help those that bowen spoke of.
WT official video response online-molestation
by Dogpatch in
get with it and say what u think about j.r. brown!.
downtown mr. brown kicks butt!
dogpatch-i've found your posts to be very thought provoking and factual. i have to go to work right now, but i'll check this out later and respond. thanks for keeping an eye on the WT, here and at your site-nate
Always Late?
by Norm inalways late .
one of the watchtower society favorite themes is how incredibly late it is.
it is in fact always later than you think.
the WT has always told us that it's "later than we think", but since the end still hasn't come and almost every non-questioning jw was taught to believe that it should have come already, it seems obvious that it is "earlier than we think".
great post, norm
Bert is EVIL
by VeniceIT incheck out this site, it's hysterical!!!!
venice-this site was to funny. i wonder if bert ever free-lanced for the WT?
Do you practice incest?
by Norm incomfort for those with a stricken spirit.
*** w95 11/1 25-6 "comfort for those with a "stricken spirit" ***.
*** w95 11/1 26 "comfort for those with a "stricken spirit" ***.
norm-your post was, sadly, so true.
When the Samaritan came along, his heart went out to the wounded man.
What did he do? Did he insist on hearing every last detail about the
beating? Or did the Samaritan get a description of the robbers and
immediately chase after them? No."this one was a real piece of work, is this an example of direct interperatation of a scripture without adding one's own spin? this goes along with what you said about "guiding wording". they don't really say anything good about the robbers, but they take your attention away from them. in other words,"help the victim, but don't be to worried about bringing justice to the perpetrator. and why would they say that? i think you made it pretty clear in your post.
there was a lot i could of commented on, but that quote really caught my attention. this topic has been discussed a lot, hopefully some of the right people will take notice and start doing something about it. i say "hopefully" but most likely the WT will be able to keep this fairly quiet for awhile.
Any other *New Light* I haven't heard about?
by eyes_opened inguess i have been out of the loop for a while!
that post about being denied priveledges if one decides to get a vasectomy is just too much.
i am truly appalled at the presumptiousness of these people who think they can control their followers to this degree.
uni girl-congratulations on your engagement, my wife is also an ex-jw and it does help a lot to have someone who understands your background as a mate.
as far as the other part, along with what prisca said, many of us need to discuss these topics as a part of getting over experiences that we don't remember with fondness. some of us take longer than others to "get over it", and what one person needs another may not, but it's all valid if it helps us heal and become even better people.cheers-unanswered
'How to Cope With Negative Feelings' WT April 15
by ISP inwatchtower, april 15, 2001 page 23,. but i am constantly with you; you have taken hold of my right hand.
with your counsel you will lead me, and afterward you will take me even to glory.
(psalm 73:23-24) one christian who was abused as a child learned the wisdom of these words, keeping in close association with the congregation, she says, showed me a different side to life.
thinker-i have to agree with your take. if the org. advises that victims use the authoritys to bring perpetrators to justice, or if they advocate counseling to help victims work things out, more and more people on the "world" will learn about the problems that exsist in the org. since the org. tries to project themselves as a group not nearly as subject to the immorality of other groups, public awareness of their faults will really hurt their credibility. i too await the upcoming dateline and it's possible results.