With me it was the 607 bce thing. I always followed the org and would have died for it but when I saw the fallacy of the 607 date that blew it for me. I am now on a quest to try and find something to feel comfortable with. My wife has become a Born again christian and attends church after all her life in the dubs.
I asked a Christian friend about that scripture and he wrote this:
note the context of the parable of the several invitations. Note Mt 22:1 "in further reply ..." Mt 21:44, 45 shows Jesus ws teaching the Jewish hierarchy. The parable is intended to show that "many [Jews]" are given the invitation to share in Christ's Kingdom but are all too busy. God the King finally destroys their city in 70 AD. [22:7] But, turning to the non-Jews others are invited to become subjects of Christ's realm. Upon the parousia judgment those who invited but turn out to be like those of Mt 7:21-23 will be cast out. From the standpoint of judgment those who are "chosen" would be those positively described in 2 Cor 5:10 and 1 John 2:28. It is also possible that those "chosen" are those who accepted the invitation [or, callng - the Greek is the same] and joined fellowship within the realm of Christ. The term "chosen ones" is almost a synonym for "saints" used elsewhere.
I was am MS for about 6 years. When I had to change congs The Elders said that They were going to "see how I got on" as I missed meetings as I worked shifts as a Firefighter. So as I am still a Firefighter so I was never reappointed!
I could not undertstand this one either. I thought that we were suppose to be the WTs (when we were pucka dubs)? I thought that we were the organisation, all of us?
Welcome to the board and it is good that you have an opened mind. If you decide that the JWs are for you, then good on you, at least you would have come to that informed decision on your own.
I have a question for you, If only 144000 go to heaven then can you please explain to me what 1 John 5:1 is all about where it says "everyone"?
all this talk about whether door to door work is fruitful or not has really got me thinking.. so i was wondering, (a) how many jw's or ex's here were actually converted on the door, and (b) how many jw's or ex's here ever obtained a convert on the door?.
i made 2 converts whilst a jw, but 1 was the son of an interested person, the other was a wayward son of a weak sister so i get a zero.. my dad worked at london heathrow as an air traffic controller, he got 6 other controllers to join up, so if you're arriving in the uk, don't fly apostasy airways!
for all his frequent bouts of vac pioneering, i don't think that he ever pulled a live one off the doors, so he gets a zero too.. my mum was quite a puller in her time but they were all friends of friends who came to sit in on bible studies etc, so, sorry mater, you get a zero also.. as a matter of fact, i'm wondering if the door to door work isn't completely pointless!.
I have never called the JWs a mind controlling cult but the more I see the more I am beginning to think that it is. This type of reasoning can only be explained by that definition.
you do whatever you feel that you have to do. I have the same problem myself regarding 607. Do I keep quiet or do I tell other people? It is coming to the point where I NEED to tell other JWs even though it means I may be dsfd.