Well said Clash city! I think you took the words right out of my mouth.
today i received greg stafford's new book three dissertations on the teachings of jehovah's witnesses.
for those who don't know, stafford has been a staunch defender of the watchtower society's teachings for at least six years, on the net and in print.
his previous book, jehovah's witnesses defended (1998, 2000), is a milestone in pro-jw literature.. the new book is a radical departure from stafford's previous book in that he strongly questions the society's doctrines about blood transfusions, the basis for the claim of spiritual authority by jw leaders, the necessity for christians to believe the society's 1914 doctrine, and issues of "legalism" including the propriety of requiring "time" in the field ministry to be reported, and even the supposed scriptural basis for the society's ban on celebrating birthdays and christmas.
Well said Clash city! I think you took the words right out of my mouth.
not that i am advocating one church over another.
rather, i'm just trying to make the point that other religions (such as the two cited below) have an organized preaching work.
jehovah's witnesses use the reasonings of, "who else carries out the commission to preach?
It occurred to me recently, while the JW's always take credit for the worldwide preaching, it's funny how their numbers of growth in foreign cultures are always where the people there have already been exposed to Christianity. In other words, some missionaries go in there, teach people about Christ, spend years translating the Bible in to the language of the people, build churches, then the Witnesses come in as ferocious wolves and steal and mislead the sheep and then take full credit for the worldwide preaching work (as if others werent already there before them) Next time I encounter a dub and they tell me they are the only ones doing this work, I will have to inquire as to how the Bible was translated into 3,000 languages (or something like that). Did the WTB&TS do all this laborious work over the ages?
some of my favorites are:.
"man's fate is like that of the animals; the same fate awaits them both: as one dies, so dies the other.
all have the same breath; man has no advantage over the animal.
The point of Ecclesiastes is that life is utterly meaningless without God. Read the last few verses of the book.
b-jw: (hyphen so it dont look too nasty).
i grew up catholic (sorta).
i have two older sisters and a younger brother.
Thanks for the story. Have you read Crisis of Conscience? That should put the final nail in the coffin. Readf all you can about the WT. The false prophecies, the twisted scriptures, their lies and manipulations (United Nations fiasco), etc. Freeminds.org is a great place to read up on this stuff. Tons of info.
I am praying for you bro! Email me if you ever want to rap. ( [email protected])
b-jw: (hyphen so it dont look too nasty).
i grew up catholic (sorta).
i have two older sisters and a younger brother.
I wanna hear more :)
ok, i was reading on another thread and the poster brought up a side point that made me go "omg"!!!.
here's the quote:i would serve in the military as did cornelius, a roman army officer who converted to christianity ... and who was never required to leave the military, nor is there in record that he left the roman army.
it never dawned on me that cornelius was 1)an army officer and 2)no scripture demands his resignation of said position.. any thoughts?
Also, at the end of Phillipians, Paul writes 'Greet all the saints in Christ Jesus. The brothers who are with me send greetings. All the saints send you greetings, **especially those who belong to Caesar's household**.
Caesar's household?!?! You mean, there are Christians in the Roman army? Hello? JW's wrong again. Cornelius in Acts Chp 10 is what did it for me. Clear as a bell much? How about the Phillipian jailor (soldier) in Acts who said 'What must I do to be saved?' and Paul replied 'Join Jehovah's organization and quit the military' NOT!!
can anyone name a religeon that is the correct one?.
my personal criteria would be: shouldnt celebrate holidays/ only study the bible, not publications with someones personal ideas/ people won't worry about dressing in exactly a particular manner, welcoming others personal thoughts on the interpretation of scripture even if it differs from others/ not demand money for membership.. any religeons like this?
Jesus said 'I am the Way, the Truth, and the Life. No one comes to the Father but by Me' -John 14:6
i've done a little research since leaving the wts and am having difficulting sorting out what i really believe in.
after some studying of different faiths and their doctrines, i find i can relate to the jewish faith....but i do believe in jesus.
so i found out about this faith called jews for jesus.
Hey Native, I think what you are doing is awesome. I'd skip the advice about 'wait a couple of years'. Scripture says' Today is the day of salvation', not 'God has your number'. Also, there is freedom in Jesus. If you find yourself in a system of legalism and works/righteousness, run, run very fast. All these people here that think you should stay away from 'religion' and that you need your freedom, obviously have never experienced anything other than religious bondage. Jesus' yoke is easy and burden light and missing out on a relationship with God, or even postponing it would be, in my opinion, an unwise choice. I am glad for your post. Nice to see you :)
P.S. Email me anytime if you want to chat
thank you, a thousand times thank you.
it's nice to hear others sharing open mindedness about life and love and belief as well.
Good answers! Well done **applause**
anybody go or all of you looking at tv playing golf or what?.
hell is truth seen too late.
I went to church this morning, and I am going to a different service tonight. I am sorry you all got burned by a cult. I am sure church is the last place you want to be, but I would ask that you 'taste and see that the Lord is good'. Not Jehovah's Witnesses, or Baptists ot Catholics, but 'the Lord'.