Born and raised in the "Truth". Wasn't too bad back in the 40s.
Ken P.
i was "born into it".
that's my excuse.
what's yours?
Born and raised in the "Truth". Wasn't too bad back in the 40s.
Ken P.
any thoughts?
time goes on friends, our children are growing and the world moves on.
clock the hours you spend fighting a non-entity and realize it is time lost.
Actually I enjoyed most of my life as a JW, it finally became too much for me to handle and I quit. I don't think it was too different from some other religions. I wasn't restricted like so many are today from having friends outside the borg. I always had friends at work. Now that I think back, damn it did take so much of my time, maybe I've just got over it to the point I don't remember the bad stuff anymore. Hey, I think I'm cured. H2O and JWD did it's job.
Ken P.
Death. I've seen so much this last year. I was just looking at a picture of an assembly taken in 1951 and 90% of the ones I knew there are dead. Almost all my uncles and aunts are dead and so many other people are dying that I know. It's just a few years left for me and my brother unless we are very lucky. I hate the way life flies by. I guess I need to take each day and enjoy what ever comes along.
Ken P.
i won't go into details but the nephew that attempted suicide just got a visit to get him to sign a paper to allow an autopsy on his wife.
she was staying with her parents and they found her dead this morning.
she had left him and that is why he tried suicide.
They make JWs look like angels. Her family was Pentecostal.
Ken P.
i just went into the bedroom to change into my clothes and had just removed my pjs and was naked.
she opened the door about that time and remarked,"wow i just saw your golden globes.
" i couldn't stop laughing.
After reading your comments, I'm laughing even more. It's good for me to laugh.
Ken P.
i won't go into details but the nephew that attempted suicide just got a visit to get him to sign a paper to allow an autopsy on his wife.
she was staying with her parents and they found her dead this morning.
she had left him and that is why he tried suicide.
I won't go into details but the nephew that attempted suicide just got a visit to get him to sign a paper to allow an autopsy on his wife. She was staying with her parents and they found her dead this morning. She had left him and that is why he tried suicide. She was in her late twenties. His brother just called, the one who was in a car wreck and his live in girlfriend of several years just beat him up. Broke a rib and hurt his back, he called from the hospital. That's just part of what's happening. This girl is a trouble maker and she had better stay away from my house. A drug user and her young son steals everything he can get to.
Ken P.
i just went into the bedroom to change into my clothes and had just removed my pjs and was naked.
she opened the door about that time and remarked,"wow i just saw your golden globes.
" i couldn't stop laughing.
I just went into the bedroom to change into my clothes and had just removed my pjs and was naked. She opened the door about that time and remarked,"Wow I just saw your golden globes." I couldn't stop laughing. I never heard that expression before.
Ken P.
i spent the weekend with some relatives.
they have an fairly extensive library of jw material going back 50 years in their spare bedroom.
i was looking at a few items when i found a program for the divine victory convention held in winnipeg, manitoba in 1973. the convention lasted 5 days.
IF I remember correctly I went to the one in Phil.Pa. that year. I was dating my wife then after my JW one divorced me. I saw the Jackson family there. Don't know why I went, but I drove by myself in my 65 Ford Mustang and stayed in a private home. I saw one of my old JW teenage friends there who previously lived near here and moved there. That was the last time I saw him. Brings back some memories. I stopped by the apartment where I had lived with my wife near DC in 1972. I couldn't help crying as I sat in the parking lot, she wasn't home. I haven't seen her since 1972.
Ken P.
i read that david beckham is leaving real madrid and coming to the us to play for the la galaxy.
soccer is not that popular in the us and that is a obscene amount of money to pay a player and i am surprised that david beckham would want to finish out his career playing in the us.
i guess for $250 million anyone would.
I can't completely agree with this statement.
Economics is not a zero sum game. Giving Beckham that amount of money does not mean that $250M is taken away from poor people.
Where does the money come from that is paid? It is added to the price of a product that is bought by poor people to cover the advertising cost. At least that is what I think. Of course the people who make the products get some of the money back in wages but most of it goes to the CEOs.
Ken P.
there have been several threads about matt.
24:14 being fulfilled and a few have mentioned audio recordings of this.
does anyone know where i can get a copy of the audio?.
Wow, the JWs have finished the preaching work, now all they have to do is wait for the end. I bet they were glad to hear that.
Ken P.