Simon, you living in Canada would know how strict it is here to own a gun and operate it. We would never ever make a joke about killings especially from those that own guns. Just joking about it can end with a heavy fine and six months in jail. That's the rules in Canada but the US not so much of anything.
Recently when I took my gun course the teacher had told us that even when we are driving and get pissed off at the driver in front of us and decide to make gestures as though we want to shoot them off the road, that is a ten thousand dollar fine if caught on video or cell phone. It's a ten thousand dollar fine, and/or six months in prison plus lose our gun permit if we point a gun at someone. Even if it's empty. Do it in the field test for hunters safety course and that's an automatic fail. I don't think most understand how serious it is with guns.
Go to the States and it's a whole different ball game. No courses required. All you need is to show that you are a resident of the US and you have your permit. No wonder there are so many deaths there. Over a million hunters in Canada and not one got shot last year.
So depending on where some of these people live you can have a better understanding why they say what they say. Still no excuse but it is what it is. No one should be allowed to own a gun unless they have taken courses on how to prove the gun safe. And for all the guns here that have been mentioned we have to learn how to operate, clean and prove them safe. Whether it's the muzzle loader or flintlock, rifle, shot guns ect,, And for all the guns that have not been mentioned here we also have to know everything about them as well. In our field tria we had eight guns we had to identify and prove safe. Even though I had no intention of buying some of them ever I still had to know how to operate them. The restricted course was the same. It's really nothing to brag about. Again, it's not the gun but the people who operate them.