I wished he would have asked the elder do all the hall shut downs across Canada have problems with their parking lots and that's why they have to sell?
There is a brother and his wife from Fergus hall who got hired on to do just parking lots here in Ontario. Wouldn't surprise me if they are doing this as a cover up. Her cousin's father is the one who hires and signs the cheques at the Bethel in Georgetown, Ontario bethel. And the two who he got in also had two sons that were booted out of bethel because they had posted pics on face book being drunk and nude. Once they were kicked out their parents made them stay in Orangeville, On and attend their meetings there until their bethel term was up. They didn't want anyone knowing from Fergus what had really happened. They only went there to do a certain job and I think they were to be there for no more than two years. They didn't last long there. A brother from maintenance told us what had happened and we knew the couple that had sent the pictures in. Amazing what elders will do to hide their screw ups.
This elder at the Georgetown, On bethel had also hired on his nephew who also was an elder and reported on for heavy drinking. They used him to make all the halls signs and cabinetry for the insides while renovations were gong on. Before that he could barely make ends meet. Now retired way up north enjoying what he loves the most and that's fishing and hunting.
The hall in Elmira should fetch at least a million dollars.