Not your fault. We tend to lash out when a reminder of a nightmare is persuading us to come back and be abused all over again (without themselves knowing). At least you have your son. Some of us lost everything. Maybe next time sit back and listen to how your son handles them. Sounds like he doesn't need papa bear's protection.
JoinedPosts by newsheep
Blew it this morning with 4 JWs
by Vanderhoven7 inso i decided to go hunting for jws this morning.
walked to the end of my driveway and who should be approaching...but 2 ladies, one old (dianne) and one younger both with watchtower mags in hand.
dianne shared how the world was under the control of satan etc.
Now Canada's Turn
by newsheep injust got a phone call this morning from a very upset anointed brother.
he said he didn't believe me when i told him about the pedo problem and selling off of halls.
he said he was disgusted with the watchtower and had to go to a special meeting last night.
Last Thursday they left it up to kid elder to answer any questions to the one group who is assigned to the farthest hall away. There were complaints about how long it will take, the money in gas and how treacherous the road is out that way in the winter. His reply was everyone will have to carpool. WTF? How can they put that out there and assume people are going to carpool? In the Elmira hall there are many sisters with unbelieving husbands and widows. They are feeling really unsafe about this
I asked about Guelph and none are going there. It's Waterloo, Fergus and Listowel that are the assigned halls and no one is happy about this but the elders who live right next to Waterloo.
Now Canada's Turn
by newsheep injust got a phone call this morning from a very upset anointed brother.
he said he didn't believe me when i told him about the pedo problem and selling off of halls.
he said he was disgusted with the watchtower and had to go to a special meeting last night.
Three halls in the Niagara region got shut down. One is in Welland
Now Canada's Turn
by newsheep injust got a phone call this morning from a very upset anointed brother.
he said he didn't believe me when i told him about the pedo problem and selling off of halls.
he said he was disgusted with the watchtower and had to go to a special meeting last night.
There are none going to Guelph. Fergus, Listowel, Waterloo and Grand Valley. Guelph is way too far territory wise. Also, London, On has only three halls and one assembly hall. Guelph would make more sense it's a few minutes closer but they went by the territories from neighboring halls that back up to Elmira's. No one has mentioned Guelph to us yet. I could be wrong though. I will love to see what these halls will look like come memorial or co visit time. That's the only time their jammed pack. Maybe another announcement then saying they need to build a bigger hall and then down that road sell it again. Stay tuned as the stomach turns.
Now Canada's Turn
by newsheep injust got a phone call this morning from a very upset anointed brother.
he said he didn't believe me when i told him about the pedo problem and selling off of halls.
he said he was disgusted with the watchtower and had to go to a special meeting last night.
I wished he would have asked the elder do all the hall shut downs across Canada have problems with their parking lots and that's why they have to sell?
There is a brother and his wife from Fergus hall who got hired on to do just parking lots here in Ontario. Wouldn't surprise me if they are doing this as a cover up. Her cousin's father is the one who hires and signs the cheques at the Bethel in Georgetown, Ontario bethel. And the two who he got in also had two sons that were booted out of bethel because they had posted pics on face book being drunk and nude. Once they were kicked out their parents made them stay in Orangeville, On and attend their meetings there until their bethel term was up. They didn't want anyone knowing from Fergus what had really happened. They only went there to do a certain job and I think they were to be there for no more than two years. They didn't last long there. A brother from maintenance told us what had happened and we knew the couple that had sent the pictures in. Amazing what elders will do to hide their screw ups.
This elder at the Georgetown, On bethel had also hired on his nephew who also was an elder and reported on for heavy drinking. They used him to make all the halls signs and cabinetry for the insides while renovations were gong on. Before that he could barely make ends meet. Now retired way up north enjoying what he loves the most and that's fishing and hunting.
The hall in Elmira should fetch at least a million dollars.
Now Canada's Turn
by newsheep injust got a phone call this morning from a very upset anointed brother.
he said he didn't believe me when i told him about the pedo problem and selling off of halls.
he said he was disgusted with the watchtower and had to go to a special meeting last night.
There was a congregation picnic held in Elmira, On yesterday. This is why they had to sell their hall which was told by a dumb elder.
1) It was going to cost $45,000.00 to do their parking lot and the org felt it would be better to dump that money into a Kitchener hall parking lot instead. Elmira is out in the country outside of the big city of Kitchener-Waterloo.
2) Ever since the deed had to be signed over to the org a few years ago they have no say on anything.
3) Because there are only forty to sixty publishers going to the meetings out of a hundred publishers this makes more sense to consolidate.
The guy said they will be burning at least forty dollars in gas a week to go to two meeting alone. That doesn't make sense. The elder told him they are expecting ones to car pool. He can say that since his drive along with all the elders in Elmira will only have a four minute drive into Waterloo. The road this woman and many other single sisters have to go on is treacherous in the winter. We know because we had to do it back then when we were in.
The guy wanted so bad to say to the elder it's because of the lawsuits and pedos but his staunch jw wife would have divorced him for it. Now she is panicking so guess who will be made to drive these sisters to their meetings in Fergus? This poor guy who wants nothing to do with cult.
Now Canada's Turn
by newsheep injust got a phone call this morning from a very upset anointed brother.
he said he didn't believe me when i told him about the pedo problem and selling off of halls.
he said he was disgusted with the watchtower and had to go to a special meeting last night.
Thank you so much! I wonder if the assembly hall in London was one of them. Back in around 2010 they had done a reno with the ugliest green carpet and blue chairs. It was horrible but then later on they did another fix up and for some reason I'm remembering orange. Could be wrong but definitely remember the horrible green. -
Now Canada's Turn
by newsheep injust got a phone call this morning from a very upset anointed brother.
he said he didn't believe me when i told him about the pedo problem and selling off of halls.
he said he was disgusted with the watchtower and had to go to a special meeting last night.
Do you know what site might have all the hall closures listed? Many many people are upset and now we are getting calls after seven years of no contact. We are filling them in and bringing them here to this site as well as jw survey and jw facts
Now Canada's Turn
by newsheep injust got a phone call this morning from a very upset anointed brother.
he said he didn't believe me when i told him about the pedo problem and selling off of halls.
he said he was disgusted with the watchtower and had to go to a special meeting last night.
His old church had kicked him out when he started studying with the witnesses in 1960's. He is in a semi-retirement two bedroom condo where the church he use to go to is right down the road. I know that for sure. It's the old mennonite church in Elmira. Every Wed night the mennonites come together and have sing song and games night. All the people living in that commune are mostly mennonite. As far as anointed goes, he felt everyone should partake. He would only use his king james bible and not theirs. He also believes that you have to be born again to enter heaven. Eighty percent of the Elmira territory is mennonite. Old order, Amish, new order, you name it. He says he is done. It was him that had shown up on our door step the evening he heard we were out and gave us a book written from a Russel Reed. In return we gave him a book Crisis of Conscience which he read twice.
He has 101 family members that are mennonite and has no problem going back to their belief. He does have one son who is an elder outside of Ottawa. It would be funny if that guys hall is sold too.
Now Canada's Turn
by newsheep injust got a phone call this morning from a very upset anointed brother.
he said he didn't believe me when i told him about the pedo problem and selling off of halls.
he said he was disgusted with the watchtower and had to go to a special meeting last night.
A while back someone had posted a video with Cedars being interviewed and in that interview he said something big was coming but couldn't say what. Can anyone please send me the link. I have a friend leaving that wants to see it. It wasn't that long ago.