It's too bad when it comes to passing resolutions that the publishers couldn't use a ballot box to vote yes or no. You would see more no's then yes's for sure. The org knew what they were doing by making everyone put their hands up publicly so everyone would see each other's answer and wouldn't feel humiliated if they did go against the resolutions or possible df'ing.
JoinedPosts by newsheep
Last Thursday's Meeting in Elmira, On
by newsheep ini had gotten a phone call from a brother who was really upset.
he said there was a resolution passed that everyone is in agreement to the selling of the elmira hall.
the strange thing is at the congregation picnic an elder told him that a few years ago the deed to the hall was signed over to the org.
More fear-mongering in Nov. 2019 WT
by neat blue dog infirst of all, there's a new imaginary picture of jws during the great tribulation:.
then there's a picture of a jw family refusing to listen to "apostate lies" via pre-programed, self imposed information control:.
the description says:.
Cult! I see fear, fear, fear! Fear is the weapon all cults use.
John 12:42,43,44,45,48
42 Many rulers believed in Jesus. However, they wouldn't admit it publicly because the Pharisees would have thrown them out of the synagogue. 43 They were more concerned about what people thought of them than about what God thought of them.
44 Then Jesus said loudly, "Whoever believes in me believes not only in me but also in the one who sent me.45 Whoever sees me sees the one who sent me. 48 Those who reject me by not accepting what I say have a judge appointed for them. The words that I have spoken will judge them on the last day.
Last Thursday's Meeting in Elmira, On
by newsheep ini had gotten a phone call from a brother who was really upset.
he said there was a resolution passed that everyone is in agreement to the selling of the elmira hall.
the strange thing is at the congregation picnic an elder told him that a few years ago the deed to the hall was signed over to the org.
Diogenesister they didn't even need to pass a motion since the deed of the hall was signed over to the society and the hall was going to be sold. There is suppose to be a resolution to be passed but it was to get more money from the rank and file. I think they were calling it the Global Assistance Program but since there's not going to be a hall in Elmira they must have thought they still had to pass a resolution but would ask instead about selling the hall. It was really stupid since the publishers are already pissed and the elders know it. And to ask them to keep cleaning the hall was rubbing their faces in crap.
We drove by the Acton, On hall and that one is now sold. The JW.Org sign is gone and the building is vacant. That hall was way outside of Acton so now I would think they have to go to Halton Hills just outside Toronto or Georgetown, On. where the bethel is. It was such a tiny tiny little hall in the middle of nowhere but it was close to Toronto so lots of money in sales.
Not only do they want them to feel like they have a say in nothing but I bet you their hand count got sent in as though they were agreeing to the Global Assistance Program. And none the wiser. Sad.
Last Thursday's Meeting in Elmira, On
by newsheep ini had gotten a phone call from a brother who was really upset.
he said there was a resolution passed that everyone is in agreement to the selling of the elmira hall.
the strange thing is at the congregation picnic an elder told him that a few years ago the deed to the hall was signed over to the org.
I had gotten a phone call from a brother who was really upset. He said there was a resolution passed that everyone is in agreement to the selling of the Elmira hall. The strange thing is at the congregation picnic an elder told him that a few years ago the deed to the hall was signed over to the org. So why this stupid resolution.
My thoughts are that there was suppose to be a resolution passed for more money per publisher for the Global Assistance Program and since the hall is sold they wanted the congregation to feel like they were apart of something and that their thoughts mattered.
Then there was a talk on not listening or reading anything negative about the org. Anyone talking negative were apostates and to see the elders about it.
The Cobe, Rawd M was complaining how he didn't want to go to Eastwood congregation, Kitchener since he didn't know anyone there and that he would lose his label. He is almost seventy and he said he put so much into the regional building committees and now nothing. Now he knows what others have to feel.
The elders admit that no one is happy with this move but are made to keep quiet and put on a plastic smile. Just like when a resolution was made last year to redo their parking lot. One guy put in almost a thousand dollars and now he says they took his money and his hall. People are mad but still say in. Just so sad.
They also had the nerve to ask the congregation to keep cleaning the hall and keep doing the yard maintenance until the hall is closed. Unbelievable!
If you are reading this Courtney and Helene
by newsheep inplease please contact us by private messaging us.
we didn't know what to put this under so sorry in advance but this is why we are here.
courtney was a co serving in another country when his father was dying.
Spoke to a close friend of the family and not only did Courtney get df'd but his brother got df'd too! His brother had mentioned to the elders that there was no need to df his brother, Courtney and at the end of the week a friend called him up to say how he was sorry to hear that he had gotten df'd as well. The brother went to appeal it since they didn't follow the org's " Way" and the org hasn't gotten back to him. Only he got df'd but not his wife. Sad it went this way but this is the only way I think to wake ones up and get them out is to treat them like crap. Needless to say the congregation has been extremely cold to the mother and the rest of the family. I imagine they will be next.
France Paris International convention
by keinlezard inhi everyones, .
this weekend the 3 days convention ... .
around 37500 jw and 265 baptized ... 0.7% :) .
There was a french speaking Canadian couple that was leaving here to be in the assembly over there representing Canada at their international. Don't know why they had to go to France when they could have been in the circus parade here at the Toronto international. So much for carbon foot print.
is the watchtower cult the most hated religion ?
by stan livedeath inhated by many members of the public for their ( former ?
) door knocking and preaching at the most inopportune times ( at work for instance ).
hated by former members who are now shunned by family and former friends.. hated by thousands ( millions maybe ) of pimos who only stay for fear of losing wives / family friends.. can you name any religious cult thats even worse ?.
Blondie your right, they don't hire people to hunt down their members. The elders and some of their members volunteer to do it!
We were not only stalked and hunted down but they actually sat outside our property gates which were locked for five hours one Saturday morning. The neighbors couldn't believe it.
Then another set of elders from another congregation came in just as we were unlocking our gates telling us they were just in the neighborhood and thought they would drop in. We were a half an hour away from the closest town and these guys were from Guelph which were forty-five minutes away.
And last but not least the elder who got demoted and wanted to become an elder again caught wind of what was going on and he had to be in on the action. He lived a half an hour away and he was caught at the end of our lane with his son trying to see what ever they could find on us. When asked what they were doing he said that they use our road for roller blading because it's smooth. Had our driveway been a paved driveway I'm sure they would have roller bladed right up to the shop and house. Not to mention all the visits while the clowns are out in service.
Then one time two snoop elder wives wanted to use my bathroom in the house when there is one in the shop. Once in the house they were scanning the house all over looking for something and all they found was a bible and strongs book opened on the coffee table. Their husbands were doing the same thing at the shop asking to go up stairs pretending that they loved the structure of the building. The one even said he use to be in construction yet while we knew him never worked a day in his life. He was a fillin CO. By the way these were the only times ever anyone had ever come over to our home for a visit unless I invited them over for a dinner then they knew us and were all fake friendly.
All these visits were with in a month before we were to get the boot. We had no trespassing sign on the post and the gates shut yet that wouldn't stop them from having the nerve to open the gates and come in. A car group with a sister, elders wife and a co's wife did the once. Stayed five minutes to say I should be at my meetings. Dropped off a frozen tv dinner and left. I had broken my arm while out in service and hadn't heard from anyone at all until these lame brain nit wits had shown up a month later. Such a cold heartless rude visit.
They do stalk and hunt faded and ex members as far as I'm concerned. After we were df'd our company truck had spike nails in some of our tires. The same time Mouthy got hers slashed and she lived twenty minutes from us.
When we were in the cult that's what we too use to do. When with elders out in service we always ended up stalking someone to get to the meetings and I mean stalk. One time I asked an elder if he knew what we were doing was against the law. I actually felt sorry for this one family since they would never answer their door and yet he wouldn't let up on them. Even when we couldn't reach them at home he would be calling them as well that very same day and driving to their home before the meetings would start harrassing them as well until they finally moved. Today that family is on my face book and yes it drove them nuts!
Blew it this morning with 4 JWs
by Vanderhoven7 inso i decided to go hunting for jws this morning.
walked to the end of my driveway and who should be approaching...but 2 ladies, one old (dianne) and one younger both with watchtower mags in hand.
dianne shared how the world was under the control of satan etc.
Not your fault. We tend to lash out when a reminder of a nightmare is persuading us to come back and be abused all over again (without themselves knowing). At least you have your son. Some of us lost everything. Maybe next time sit back and listen to how your son handles them. Sounds like he doesn't need papa bear's protection.
Now Canada's Turn
by newsheep injust got a phone call this morning from a very upset anointed brother.
he said he didn't believe me when i told him about the pedo problem and selling off of halls.
he said he was disgusted with the watchtower and had to go to a special meeting last night.
Last Thursday they left it up to kid elder to answer any questions to the one group who is assigned to the farthest hall away. There were complaints about how long it will take, the money in gas and how treacherous the road is out that way in the winter. His reply was everyone will have to carpool. WTF? How can they put that out there and assume people are going to carpool? In the Elmira hall there are many sisters with unbelieving husbands and widows. They are feeling really unsafe about this
I asked about Guelph and none are going there. It's Waterloo, Fergus and Listowel that are the assigned halls and no one is happy about this but the elders who live right next to Waterloo.
Now Canada's Turn
by newsheep injust got a phone call this morning from a very upset anointed brother.
he said he didn't believe me when i told him about the pedo problem and selling off of halls.
he said he was disgusted with the watchtower and had to go to a special meeting last night.
Three halls in the Niagara region got shut down. One is in Welland