I don't know if they're making similar arrangements in other parts of the world but below you will find the letter (and the translation attempt) they're sending to all the congregations in Mexico and Central America asking them to modify their September 21 and September 28 Service Meeting programs.
After watching Jackson's gold Apple Watch and Lett's Pinky Ring one can only assume they are a bunch of brazen, shameless and greedy bastards!
The letter has already been uploaded at the Spanish Forum and you can find it if you click HERE or see the attached picture.
The translation "attempt" is as follows:
August 1,
Subject: Needs
at the Service Meeting
In the letter dated April 10,
2015, we were informed of an uplifting spiritual gift that would begin in May
in the Spanish Language: JW Broadcasting.
In view of the great effect that
the May program had at a worldwide level, and the practical reminders that were
discussed therein, we have deemed appropriate for you to watch that part of the
program again during the Service Meeting.
There will be two presentations
of 20 minutes each. The two weeks scheduled for this purpose are the ones of
September 21 and 28, 2015. We are confident that each member of the
congregation will benefit from remembering how important it is to continue
honoring Jehovah with our valuable things (Ps. 119:111).
We take this opportunity to
remind you that you can watch the monthly programs of JW Broadcasting at the
Kingdom Hall when there are no meetings scheduled or at homes with other members
of the congregation for the benefit of those who do not have Internet.
We are pleased to work together in furtherance
of Kingdom interests.
Your brothers,
Cc. circuit overseer
P.S. to the
coordinator of the body of elders: this
letter must be read to the congregation at the Service Meeting of the week of
September 7, 2015. The program will be presented in two parts of about 20
minutes each and must be scheduled as follows:
22 min. "Honor Jehovah with your valuable
things' (Part One).
Play the first 22 minutes of the video "JW Broadcasting: May 2015".
(You can find it in tv.jw.org in the section VIDEO> FROM OUR STUDIO> MONTHLY
PROGRAMS> JW Broadcasting: May 2015)
8 min. "Imitate Their Faith." Questions and Answers.
20 min. "Honor Jehovah with your valuable
things' (Part Two).
Play the next 20 minutes of the video "JW Broadcasting: May 2015". (You
can find it in tv.jw.org in the section VIDEO> FROM OUR STUDIO> MONTHLY
PROGRAMS> JW Broadcasting: May 2015)
10 min. “Teaching With the Good News Brochure.” Questions and answers. After
considering paragraph 3, have a well prepared demonstration showing a publisher
offering the Good News brochure and discussing one paragraph.
If you compare the NEW program against the one that had originally been scheduled for those two Service Meetings, you can clearly see there are priorities for the Watchtower Corporation and they have nothing to do with the spiritual wellfare of their indoctrinated worshippers (in a region where POVERTY and EXTREME POVERTY reach very significant levels).
Unfortunately, most of the friends won't clearly see what we are now able to see.
Best regards,