JoinedTopics Started by alecholmesthedetective
It's been a long 9 years Lloyd Evans / John Cedars
by Newly Enlightened inoriginal reddit post (removed).
Did you have a Narcissistic JW Parent?
by Butterfly607 indid anyone else have a parent who could be described as highly narcissistic who was a jw?
how was that for you growing up?
which was worse - the narcissistic religion or the narcissistic parent?.
How Affected By Jehovah’s Witness News Are You At This Point In Your Life?
by minimus ini’ve been out for many many years.
i still like to know the latest jw news although i find myself not as excited by things..
Beroean Pickets- please offer encouragement
by Lightgrowsbrighter infor many who have left, there is still a spiritual need and faith in the bible.
beroean pickets is one group/website where serious bible research and commentary, weekly critical reviews of wt studies, as well expose's of flawed wt opinion/doctrine- all backed by the bible- can be considered.
this vast amount of work and research is all done by just a small group of our volunteer brothers and sisters.
Explain Your Avatar
by new boy ini know this thread has been done before.
however maybe some of the new comers might like to know.. my avatar is the cover of my first novel "your crazy life.
What are your favorite musical scores in film?
by LoveUniHateExams inhi guys!.
this thread is at least partly inspired by blondie's classical music thread.. i'm not particularly a musical person but i do appreciate good scores in film.. what are your favorites?.
here's a well-known movie score i like .... .
Favorite Classical Pieces, Sonatas, Concertos, Etudes etc...
by blondie in... filling in holes in my cds.
give me composer, work, key if possible.
Simple Question:Why Won’t JWs Just Report Child Abuse As The Law Requires?
by minimus ini just don’t get it.
it would make their life so much easier!.
February 2018 Watchtower - Addressing abuse Victims
by Listener inthere's a preview note on one of the articles in this newly released watchtower.
the note can be found on an article titled "part 1 of 4 love and justice in ancient israel".the note states -.
this article is the first in a series of four that will discuss why we can be sure that jehovah cares about us.
What was the last thing you said to your jw family?
by caves in7 years ago i had my last conversation with the toxic jw that mostly raised me.
every conversation was toxic for my entire adult life with her.
the last time we spoke was right before the memorial 7 years ago and she was laying on the usual heavy guilt and fear mongering about how jeho counts his people at the memorial.