Punk of Nice, Cedars, everyone...I'm dying here, also, my atheist girlfriend really enjoys your dry sense of humour as well!
apparently "prejudice" applies only to racial equality and has nothing to do with diverse sexual orientation or religious beliefs.
it's news to me, but that's the only way i can explain this latest cover from the society.. http://download.jw.org/files/media_magazines/86/wp_e_20130601.pdf.
Punk of Nice, Cedars, everyone...I'm dying here, also, my atheist girlfriend really enjoys your dry sense of humour as well!
first, let us consider whether that evildoer met the quali?cations for heavenly life.
humans with heavenly prospects have been baptized in water and with holy spirit and are thus spirit-begotten disciples of jesus.
(john 3:3, 5) another requirement is that they conform to gods moral standards and manifest such qualities as honesty, integrity, and compassion.
Has anyone noticed how the 'evil slave' scripture has been applied in the past to those who challenged the leadership in the past, for example when Rutherford was challenged and a number of Bible Students left back then, but how in the new revamping of the understanding of FDS the only new light had to do with Matt 24.45-47?
I mean, how about Matt. 24:48-51:
48 “But if ever that evil slave should say in his heart, ‘My master is delaying,’ 49 and should start to beat his fellow slaves and should eat and drink with the confirmed drunkards, 50 the master of that slave will come on a day that he does not expect and in an hour that he does not know, 51 and will punish him with the greatest severity and will assign him his part with the hypocrites. There is where [his] weeping and the gnashing of [his] teeth will be.
And no explanations on the different slaves in Luke 12:45-48 either:
45 But if ever that slave should say in his heart, ‘My master delays coming,’ and should start to beat the menservants and the maidservants, and to eat and drink and get drunk, 46 the master of that slave will come on a day that he is not expecting [him] and in an hour that he does not know, and he will punish him with the greatest severity and assign him a part with the unfaithful ones. 47 Then that slave that understood the will of his master but did not get ready or do in line with his will will be beaten with many strokes. 48 But the one that did not understand and so did things deserving of strokes will be beaten with few. Indeed, everyone to whom much was given, much will be demanded of him; and the one whom people put in charge of much, they will demand more than usual of him.
bible says god created us.
scientific principle says - simplest explanation is usually the correct one.
Black and white thinking prevails in the Kingdom Hell.
Yes punkofnice, I can still remember a talk by a missionary talking about blood fractions and conscience matters in which he said that for Jehovah ™ there are no 'grey areas', only black and white, he knew what was right and wrong. I remember being so confused by that statement, why didn't I wake up back then? Here we had a missionary blatantly admitting the WT was a cult!
So many unsubstantiated claims in the OT for which no evidence in archaelogy or science can be found, it's really irritating that friends or family refuse to "Face the Facts"™.
my wife friend told her, the bible states, "the earth is the.
only place in this universe that god made for habitation".. have anyone read a scripture that states or indicate this???.
In that case; why did he bother create billions of solar systems with planets?
LOL omg exactly, Dismissing servant.
Finklestein- Women doing Wt. work and Wt. won't back them up, that really is the sad story.
I couldn't agree more designs, that's really awful.
i found this article really interesting because of the similar thoughts ricky expresses i could relate to and think are good food for thought irrespect of what you believe at the present time.
for example.... people who believe in god dont need proof of his existence, and they certainly dont want evidence to the contrary.
Thank you Gladiator, and I wish you luck with your relatives as well.
i found this article really interesting because of the similar thoughts ricky expresses i could relate to and think are good food for thought irrespect of what you believe at the present time.
for example.... people who believe in god dont need proof of his existence, and they certainly dont want evidence to the contrary.
I long for the day I'll DA myself so I can make videos without worrying about getting DF'd or whatever since I'm already out anyway.
i found this article really interesting because of the similar thoughts ricky expresses i could relate to and think are good food for thought irrespect of what you believe at the present time.
for example.... people who believe in god dont need proof of his existence, and they certainly dont want evidence to the contrary.
Hey Tater, I have just seen your video about the memorial invite! How amazing! I'm just waiting to see if I'll get one...I'll have one or two questions for them...
I loved this stand-up, that part was f —ing awesome!
i found this article really interesting because of the similar thoughts ricky expresses i could relate to and think are good food for thought irrespect of what you believe at the present time.
for example.... people who believe in god dont need proof of his existence, and they certainly dont want evidence to the contrary.
Don't be 'centric or intolerant about either since being so has caused some of
the biggest abominations in history. Making either law of the land is institu-
tionalized 'centric intolerance.
I agree, Glenster!
If the suggestions I gave are agreed to. the analogy with the
freedom of subjective reactions to music beyond the math of the music is a good
one, notably with regard to not wanting harm over differing subjective reactions
or misinformation about the known things. Otherwise, the quoted statement veers
toward requiring mathematical proof for subjective reaction to music/mistaken
claims of proof God is or isn't, which are misinformation.
I see, but couldn't we say that it's easier to prove that music does exist? I also liked this thought from Ricky:
If I came up to you and said, “Why don’t you believe I can fly?” You’d say, “Why would I?” I’d reply, “Because it’s a matter of faith.” If I then said, “Prove I can’t fly. Prove I can’t fly see, see, you can’t prove it can you?” You’d probably either walk away, call security or throw me out of the window and shout, ‘’F—ing fly then you lunatic.”
Even though I've been researching theses things intensely in my process of finding out the TTAT, it's been only 6 months of draining research. And I'm actually having to slow down to, of course, take care of life in general as we all do. I realize this will be a journey that'll take many years, but I'm so happy I've started it. My point is I'm no expert. But I now see many holes in the monotheistic beliefs of post-exilic jews that luckily got upheld and adopted by first-century christians and survived to our day, some which may even derive from similarities found in Mesopotamian mythology.
The harm is done when people take their belief to extremes and allow it to take over their lives.
I agree, Gladiator, ironically I firmly believe now that "religion is a snare and a racket."
It is pitiful to see the way that his fantasy believes have improverised him and robbed him of living a fuller life.
Should I have stood by and watched them waste their lives without expressing my concern? The answer for me is no. If you love someone you reach out and try to help, whatever the cost.
Birds of a feather flock together and fragile truces between people with opposing views seldom last unless one side is prepared to remain silent.
To speak out and challenge or to remain silent? That is the question.
I'm so sorry Gladiator, the way the WT divides and destroys families is criminal. Wow, it's so cool to know you're written books, I'm going to look for them!
I pity many of my friends and family in much the same way. And I can't just stand by doing nothing. I'm 'lucky' that I don't live with my family so I could do this all on my own without external pressure from them. But now the time has come when I have to face them and I simply can't pretend. Hell, I haven't seen the elders in months nor have I talked to anyone from my congregation about this except one friend of mine who agrees there are problems in the organization but still believes it's the truth. Ugh, his cognitive dissonance blocks him from listening to me and from accepting the hard facts on paedophilia and all the other problems in the borg. He has no idea I don't believe in god anymore. Last we talked I had told him I was definitely fading because the borg certainly was not the true religion, and that I was going to stick to Jehovah, Jesus, and the bible. It was when I started inpsecting the bible from a closer range and a more open mind that I got where I am today.
But I hate pretending. I am not going to any JC, and based on experiences from all you here it's all but hopeless to expect any of them to actually listen to any of us. So if I can only make any of them to just think, that'll be great. I feel my family guesses something is not right but since they have issues that they have to resolve with me, they do not take the initiative, and we are already very distant, I hope I can get them to think as well but I don't fear them.
The only thing I'm doing now is making more friends now that I'm out since I was a born in and had few friends outside. But I'm not alone, and my atheist girlfriend has been my bedrock through and through. I really just want to resolve my personal things with my family, reassure them of my love, and bide my time to DA myself. And I'm considering how to do it in the best possible way (the way that would create more ripples and reverberations since I was a 'zealous' pioneer/MS for many years held up as a model and known across circuits).
i found this article really interesting because of the similar thoughts ricky expresses i could relate to and think are good food for thought irrespect of what you believe at the present time.
for example.... people who believe in god dont need proof of his existence, and they certainly dont want evidence to the contrary.
Plus, I, of course, being the Christ, got to have a personal interview with God, so I can confirm for those who can figure out from the bible that I'm the Christ that the God of the Bible is truly real. I'm an eyewitness!
Well, OK Lars, you are entitled to claim whatever you do, as am I to not take it so seriously but I'll believe it when I see the evidence. I just ask you to forgive me. Oh and I don't mean any disrespect, but the personal interview with God thing is so funny to me! I had mental pictures of Christ back in heaven and God calling him into his office for his performance review, 'Right, Jesus, let's get cracking....' Sorry I got carried away.
Very good read, love Ricky Gervais. Thanks for postin g
You're welcome Sparlock!
They seem to enjoy that classic game..hide and seek...little rascals!
LOL omg Still Thinking
This line is brillliant because until God says it to me himself it is only the words of men.
Amen to that Amelia!
Love Ricky Gervais - Loved the part he spoke about Noah and getting the animals into the ark - if you look at it from a logical point of view - you see the fairytale quality straight away - put into one of his comedies and it's halarious.
I loved it too Loubelle! It was so funny...I tried showing the creation one to an elder in my hall who was my friend when I was still in and he didn't think it that funny. Pfff
RG is a very funny guy with a great perspective to believe and faith. Thanks for posting.
You're welcome Cantleave!