I had never read that before, very enlightening and explains a lot.
i recently met a sister who told me she heard of a story that the late president of the watchtower society, mr. freddy franz, received secret instructions on how to direct the organization from a jewish acquaintance.. is this a conspiracy theory or could there be some truth to it?.
comedian peter serafinowicz gave trump different voices in the videos below.
each little flower that opens,each little bird that sings,he made their glowing colours,he made their tiny wings.. all of us have been moved by the riot of colours in a spring meadow, the majesty of a sunset or the beauty of a bird in breeding plumage.
what greater evidence could there be of a loving creator than our colourful world and the human eye that is equipped to appreciate it?.
this is the sort of simplistic argument that convinces a lot of creationists about their beliefs.. it's time to "unweave the rainbow".. light is detected by a proteins called opsins.
each little flower that opens,each little bird that sings,he made their glowing colours,he made their tiny wings.. all of us have been moved by the riot of colours in a spring meadow, the majesty of a sunset or the beauty of a bird in breeding plumage.
what greater evidence could there be of a loving creator than our colourful world and the human eye that is equipped to appreciate it?.
this is the sort of simplistic argument that convinces a lot of creationists about their beliefs.. it's time to "unweave the rainbow".. light is detected by a proteins called opsins.
Thanks Cofty, for explaining it so clearly and simply. I'm not knowledgeable at all on these topics, but I remember a chapter on one of Dawkins's books on bats and echolocation which fascinated me as well. This thread subject reminded me of that and also of the fact that some birds of prey have amazing eyesight.
Evolution fits perfectly with a world in which some animals needed to hunt to survive and thus evolved traits that aided them in that and other animals which evolved in ways that helped them better escape their predators. This had always caused me cognitive dissonance when I was in the cult.
The natural world is full of many interesting animals and understanding how evolution moulds it all is very exciting indeed.
according to jwism, god didn't cause suffering, he just allowed it.
wow, that's really, really, dumb.
to help humans out, jeehoobidoob provided the ransom.
according to jwism, god didn't cause suffering, he just allowed it.
wow, that's really, really, dumb.
to help humans out, jeehoobidoob provided the ransom.
all you've got is your view
i never thought i would admit it, but i don't.
i might superstitiously have some kind of doubt but digging a bit deeper in my heart i really don't believe in god.
as a human i could never just sit and watch people be tortured, live years of abuse, suffer from illness and disabilities and all the other awful things people have to endure day after day without doing something about it.
I wish someone had gotten in my face 35 years ago and given me something to think about . . .
years ago, i attempted to discuss this topic with jehovah's witnesses in another discussion group.
looking back on the discussion, i found that i was never able to really get to the bottom of the subject.
i've never really understood witnesses belief in the spiritual aspect of humans without some belief in a soul (or spirit).
i mean, i don't want to be miserable or anything, but what's the bloody point of it all?.
since i left the watchtower cult, i have come to realise that god cannot possibly exist...and if a god exists...god is indifferent to humankind as the least.. in 100 years time i'll be gone.
What's the bloody point of it all?
i have always wondered why prince and michael jackson stayed in good standing for some of the stuff they released as jws?
or how the williams sisters could stay in sports without all the bs?
after all the revelations about the org that i have heard... i wonder if they are paid and the reason they get away with it is that they are pr strategies and really they could give a crap about the org?
They do have to exemplify JW lifestyle to promote.