I've never used an OB so I can't say from first hand experience - but shamanism - I can say from first had experience.
Should I disbelieve that because someone else has not seen what I have?
DD's right about science - from what I've read.
i always wondered why jw's were always so afraid of ouija(pronounced as "wee-yaw" not "wee-gee") boards.
does anyone have any speculation about who started these jw myths?.
anyone who has actually tried the board and would like to give their opinions are welcome.
I've never used an OB so I can't say from first hand experience - but shamanism - I can say from first had experience.
Should I disbelieve that because someone else has not seen what I have?
DD's right about science - from what I've read.
anyone live or travel there lately?
i have an interesting prospect and wonder if there are any opinions about the place that have some actual experience of qatar attached to them?
did you feel safe?.
I have friends there working as teachers. They've been there a couple of years and seem to like it.
Not sure that there is a lot to do, but they bought a car (necessary) and go to the beach - they also travel a lot.
i always wondered why jw's were always so afraid of ouija(pronounced as "wee-yaw" not "wee-gee") boards.
does anyone have any speculation about who started these jw myths?.
anyone who has actually tried the board and would like to give their opinions are welcome.
My ex told me a story of when he was a young pioneer. I can't imagine why he didn't know the society's stance on OB's - but apparently he didn't.
He was at a bible study's house and they brought out a board. He asked it his sister's name (unusual name) and the board got it correct. He then asked God's name and it spelt out Jehovah. He didn't have his hand on the board at the time. I've also heard other stories from people whom I don't think were fantasizing, but in the case of my ex I know he wasn't as I heard the story more than once and it scared him at the time.
just a few months ago my little jw sister got married at 19. i remember how excited she was when she started planning the wedding.
both she and her partner made it clear that there were lots of none jw's present (myself included) so it was not to be a "theocratic" event.
none of those stupid plays or performances.
I remember going to the wedding of a Vietnamese pioneer couple. The elders completely controlled every part of that wedding and scrutinized everything that was done. They would not allow anything that bordered on being traditionally Vietnamese as those customs weren't theocratic. They sang kingdom songs and did demo's. The whole attitude of the elders was one of "we have to be here to watch because these people can't be trusted to keep it theocratic". Thinking back - that was a significant nail in the coffin for me.
hi.. i have been a witness since birth (will be 30 years in june 2009).
got baptised when i was 15 (pressured into it by my parents, plus, i was promised my first home pc if i did get baptised before turning 16).. both my parents serve in the uk bethel.
i have an older brother and younger sister, both of which are witnesses.. i am married to a witness and live in cyprus (i am english).
Yes - not sure how they (some of them) grieve but it sure is different from any (worldly) literature I have read.
Since my son died I have never received a phone call from my parents (elder) and the couple of times I've seen them his name has never been mentioned - strange to say the least. Glad your wife is with you G_D.
i have been reading this discussion - someone may like to add to this in the interest of helping others.. need to register though.... .
I have been reading this discussion - someone may like to add to this in the interest of helping others.
Need to register though...
seoul, south korea - north korea publicly executed a christian woman last month for distributing the bible, which is banned in the communist nation, south korean activists said friday.. .
ri hyon ok, 33, was also accused of spying for south korea and the united states and organizing dissidents.
she was executed in the northwestern city of ryongchon near the border with china on june 16, according to a report from an alliance of several dozen anti-north korea groups.. .
The North doesn't really need an excuse to execute people - they just do it to keep the population fearful and under government control.
my mom emailed me and asked if they could come to town and go to our district convention with us.
i politley said no thank you we wont be attending.
we havent been to meeting in a long long time.
Sounds just like my mother.....
i am not the oldest but have 3 years here!
restrangled.. how about you?.
It would have been 1999 when I first started reading this forum - don't post much...not my thing really (on any forum).
this was sooooo true.. you can disfellowship the person, but it doesn't make everything you were taught disappear overnight.. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cppijrqhsmu.
I knew a young person studying law (scholarship) who was exemplary in every way - both in terms of personal life and the "truth".
The family was somewhat looked down upon and the child - while always giving well thought out answers at the meetings - was sniggered at by some in the congregation. (I felt) that the father was obstructed from servant positions due to this situation. (note - not everyone felt this way)
However, before this young person graduated from uni, bethel was asking for them to be part of the legal team. This was one of the major incidences that turned my kids away from the 'truth.' While they liked this person very much, they hated the two-faced nature of the organization.