Is it possible to get a copy of the Charitable Planning Brochure - this would be very useful for me at the moment.
Posts by Roski
Video based on "Kingdom Control". It's short but to the point. Seen it?
by Wasanelder Once ini just posted a short video with the soundbyte from the talk in the thread on kingdom control.
here's the link.
i don't know if i can embed it properly:.
Begging for money at Bethel
by life is to short inthe thread about the circuit assembly accounts and where the money goes reminded me of one time when we were at bethel.. we were at bethel between 1991 to 1994, there had been some problem in another country and at morning worship they asked all of us bethelites to put in at least one dollar a person to send to the brothers in this problem country.. at the time my husband and i just did not have it.
we only got $90 a person so $180 a couple.
ok i know we had a free place to live but we still had to pay for car gas to the hall our car insurance, air conditioning, shampoo, clothes, etc.
Lots of pioneers are not better off. When my ex and I were special pioneering in a (missionary) assignment we had a house made of bush materials. The land had been donated by the local brothers and the house had been built by the previous pioneers and donated to the society - who charged us substantial rent.
I heard about a pioneer in Aust. that had been assigned to a remote congregation. His car had major trouble on the way so he called into bethel and they kindly got it going for him - then later sent him a bill for the work at normal mechanics rates.
I'm starting to develop a real hatred toward this religion
by man in black inthis past week i flew out of town to attend a seminar for work, then afterwards i drove 150 miles extra to go and visit my dad.. two years ago my mom died, and the lack of concern/caring from the so-called "friends" from two different states was a major reason why i walked away from the jw religion.. anyway, my dad is depressed and his local hall has him doing more fs, and attending the meetings,,, ok so that could be a good thing for him.. but i noticed that service and meeting attendance is the only thing that they are pushing on him.
nobody seems to check up on him, he just jumped at the chance to go out to eat with me.
and the negativity !!!
designs - I feel that there definitely is a process that they ( the elders) have been told to follow.
As soon as the elder/s with the PoA realised I wasn't going to play ball I received a copy of yet another PoA from a brother in Bethal who definitely did not do the revocation in the presence of my mother (both her and my names were misspelled) and yet signed that he did (and signed off as a JP). At this point I do not know who has the PoA. Either they are very confident of their procedure or very stupid in the way they go about this - I suspect the former and that this has been done before - successfully.
I'm starting to develop a real hatred toward this religion
by man in black inthis past week i flew out of town to attend a seminar for work, then afterwards i drove 150 miles extra to go and visit my dad.. two years ago my mom died, and the lack of concern/caring from the so-called "friends" from two different states was a major reason why i walked away from the jw religion.. anyway, my dad is depressed and his local hall has him doing more fs, and attending the meetings,,, ok so that could be a good thing for him.. but i noticed that service and meeting attendance is the only thing that they are pushing on him.
nobody seems to check up on him, he just jumped at the chance to go out to eat with me.
and the negativity !!!
Hopscotch - I am also in Australia and I have the office of Adult Guardian onto it - they said there are red flags all over it! But in the end I do not know how effective they will be. After seeing how it goes with them I will use my own legal representative, however, I have a feeling that the boys at Bethel are operating in their usual way. They are not waiting for my mother to die so I can contest the will - they want it done first and then it would be too expensive for me to fight them. My interest is not in the money (will) anyway, but having some control over her money to see she gets the ongoing care she needs, so if all the money is spent - so much the better. Unfortunately my mother - as well as having dementia - is brainwashed from long ago and sounds just like the OP's father.
LV101 - I was the guardian with her consent but the local elders got her to re sign for them. One morning she showed me a piece of paper and didn't know why she had to sign more papers at the bank. The alarm went off and I rang the bank. The bank manager told me she was not happy about the 2 men who came in with her to sign and asked me if they are family I know a little (and anyone from Ausrt would be quite surprised to know who it is) and the other I have never met....but he is my mother's power of attorney :-) Not even the manners to make a phone call. Changed the locks that day so I couldn't continue to stay at her house and installed a watch-dog - a sister whom I had never met but gave me the distinct feeling she had 'been around'.
There is a lot more to this that I will make known when a conclusion is reached - but suffice to say that there has been some very dodgy and outright dishonest goings on - and one from a legal representative at Bethel. Interestingly, the various doctors, counsellors and the office of Adult Guardian have not been at all surprised - quite the opposite - when they know who the religious group is that they are dealing with.
I'm starting to develop a real hatred toward this religion
by man in black inthis past week i flew out of town to attend a seminar for work, then afterwards i drove 150 miles extra to go and visit my dad.. two years ago my mom died, and the lack of concern/caring from the so-called "friends" from two different states was a major reason why i walked away from the jw religion.. anyway, my dad is depressed and his local hall has him doing more fs, and attending the meetings,,, ok so that could be a good thing for him.. but i noticed that service and meeting attendance is the only thing that they are pushing on him.
nobody seems to check up on him, he just jumped at the chance to go out to eat with me.
and the negativity !!!
Sounds exactly like my mother - except the elders are around often as they are in the process of getting her house.
They took her to visit an old sister in an aged care facility this week - so guess it is obvious where she is going after the house is a done deal.
Funny thing is - she went along with them rather than trust me as they told her I was just after her property and I should really be DA'd - therefore bad association. She has dementia so may never know how she has been ripped off.
"Charitable Giving" Brochure
by HintOfLime incan someone provide me with some information on the names and nature of a brochure by the wt with a name something along the lines of "charitable giving"?
upon learning that a close jw relative was diagnosed with cancer, and possibly on their deathbed, the "friendly neighborhood jw hopital group" showed up, had a lengthy closed-door discussion with him one-on-one (wife couldn't be present), and left a brocure and dvd in the room with a title along the lines of "charitable giving" - i'm sorry, i didn't read the full name before it disappeared.
the 'brothers' (*cough* moneyhounders in sheeps clothing *cough*) had already left this "information" and had "discussions" with him before even the family learned of the situation and had arrived.. am i right in thinking this is a "you're soon-to-be-widow doesn't really need that life insurance money" brochure?
They will go very low when they smell the money. I was staying with my mother after my father died. I had a call from the neighbour just before going to her house one day to tell me the local elders had been round and changed the locks - my mother called and told me not to go there. They had been to the bank to change the Enduring Power of Attorney without so much as a phone call to me. I have been inside the house twice since then - once this week - and found a photo of me that had been in the lounge room for ten years had gone. I call every day but she has obviously been told not to communicate any more than possible. She has dementia (part of the problem - the other part is personality), but they will not take her to the doctors appointment for a ct scan - it will show that she is not mentally capable of signing all the documents that they have had her sign. Now they are renovating her house - my guess is that they own it. Looking back over the last few months, it is astounding just how cunning they have been. Obviously not the first time.
The organisation wants our money
by Heartofaboy inhas anyone heard that at the end of the theocratic service meeting last night the organisation asked for money, pensions, properties, shares, insurance policies in fact anything of any financial value?.
it upset some people attending the meeting.. .
My experience of the last few months leaves me in no doubt that they will stop at nothing to acquire the estates they presume belong to them - blatant dishonesty and stand-over tactics. I made reference to this in another older post a couple of weeks ago - or so.
I am not able to divulge the details right now as I have engaged the relevant government authorities to investigate, so should be interesting. I found when discussing this situation with the govt. department, they were not at all surprised - seems like the 'society' may have a bad reputation for this type of thing.
I can only assume that they are hungry for funds as what has occured would leave me speechless if it were a 'worldly' group - the hypocricy is mind boggling. I'd be interested to know the age of the brothers giving the parts - apparently my father was the 'elder of choice'...for good reason.
Why do Jehovah's Witnesses Feel Like They Have To Label You?
by Pitchess Co-Gen inok here's a little story on my background i was baptized in 2003, and i was a model witness for 2003-2006. then i had sex and was at first put private reprove (2006) and i made a another boo-boo in 2007 ( public reprove ) .
i was then given a bad name and thats when i started to get ''troubled'' label and a bad name around the circuit.
i labeled as "party boy" and ''sex hound'' ( which i was lol.
It is a way of justifying the judgments they make.
My Dad's passing
by happyexjw inquite a while ago i wrote about my dad who has been living with prostate cancer for 13 years with secondry bone cancer for the last 2 years.
we all thought he was going to leave us back in april when he had a bad chest infection.
i was talking about wanting to be able to say some words at his funeral.
I am experiencing a similar situation. It is ongoing (have now involved relevant government authority for investigation) so I will not reveal too much information at this point.
Even though I have not associated for a number of years I have always remained on good terms with my family (although they are disappointed at my choice to not associate) and any other JW's I interact with - not DF/DA'd. Things have now changed drastically and it is all due to money - my mother's.
While having read lots of information on this site over the years relating to unethical behaviour by elders, what I have experienced during the last few months has left me reeling. I would never have thought they could be so blatant in their attempt to secure the funds they feel they are entitled to - and I'm not easily shocked nor prone to exaggeration:-)
I have also seen first hand how all encompassing mind control is.
When I first contacted the relevant authority and outlined the situation, the government officer asked me which church this involved...when I said JW's she said "that would have been my first guess". I'm not sure how effective the government department will be (although they said there are red flags all over this), but after this has been dealt with I will post the story as I believe it may be a growing trend - as old loyal JW's pass away their assets will become easy pickings.
**JWfacts - as you mentioned that you will soon face a situation similar to the OP you may be interested in this situation as it involves people you would be familiar with.
North Korea just attacked South Korea, wonder where this will head........
by miseryloveselders in
seoul north korea bombarded a south korean island with dozens of artillery shells tuesday in one of the fiercest attacks on its neighbor since the korean war ended in 1953.. .
there's more to the story, but copying and pasting was somewhat awkward.
North Korea will do what China allows it to do. Albert is corrrect.