Haha exactly, you can keep the story going forever, as a child I asked about them eating the fruit and was shown the bible story book picture of the them being locked out, and angels twirling the swords they invented to protect the even tastier tree of life. Poor guys were not fast enough even in there amazing state of perfection, lol.
Can't be a literal story, just wanted to point out that I do not think it is not a good topic to pick on with a jw that has faith, if that is your goal (finding these things are mine!) they'd call you out on that point quickly, and boom - mind shuts down, and you better back pedal quickly.
Your story about the snake bite is spot on, but a JW will go back to simple. Ate tasty fruit = Dead. And no matter whose fault it is, both of the supposed fruit thieves are no longer with us dispite Satans promise otherwise.
I'm trying to be careful, and pick battles and subjects that I have read the heck out of, both on JW side, Christianity and sometimes Mormons just for the fun of it. A lot of the fun has to do with delivery. Sound really puzzled, and don't give too many answers, just more questions. There are other topics that you can discuss that really don't have anything close to a answer on, and they really make people think and wonder. Sometimes they say they aren't even going to talk about that subject at the doors since it makes no sense, until they can understand it. I've got a small list going of ones that worked well, and some that I had to abort, haha. I'd post, but that risks identity which I don't want to do now. Later on, or after time passes and I'm outta of my current mode I suppose.
One thing, I swear a at least one person in the cong must be here or at least be onto the TTATT. I so wanted to ask him, but that could blow up, so best not to. I'd swear they are fading too, but maybe just crappy meeting attendance and a bad attitude could be to blame to, who knows.