Reminds me of something a friend told me!!!
He said he knew someone who said this about the School and service meeting:
'Isn't it kinda like Groundhogs Day!!!' (the movie)
Soo true!!!
with logical's post in mind, i want to start a thread about something positive.
the wt are positively good at controlling their followers.. which is your favourite wt control technique, and why??????????.
the best contibution wins six million devoted worshippers and a 40 year conditional canonisation in the pages of the wt.. the one i like is so good because it works from 'on high' as well as among the orphans and widows at the congregation.
Reminds me of something a friend told me!!!
He said he knew someone who said this about the School and service meeting:
'Isn't it kinda like Groundhogs Day!!!' (the movie)
Soo true!!!
here's a link to a site that is selling xjw t-shirts.
they are really cute and funny.
i don't know the person who is selling them, a friend told me about the site..
ROTFLMAO!!!!! OHHHH that is tooo good my fav is the
"I survived..." I won't ruin it for you, go check it out. Thanks for the link
much of the work i do is at vacant, repossessed, and abandoned houses.
almost without exception, i find wt literature that was "placed" there.
what a disingenuous way for a jw to get rid of wt rags.
And the last thing they want is the JW's on the interent!!!! Who knows they might meet one of us WHOOOOOOOO!!!!
ever look at the lyrics to the jw songs?
what a riot, i can't believe i sang them, although i can remember laughing at the meetings while singing some of them.. iknow that in this crucial hour.
my faith will yet be tested.. around me swarms the devils crowd.
Ohh Englishman that is tooo funny, I would have died!!! I bet she was so MAD HAHAHHAHAH!!!! Poor thing!!!
ever look at the lyrics to the jw songs?
what a riot, i can't believe i sang them, although i can remember laughing at the meetings while singing some of them.. iknow that in this crucial hour.
my faith will yet be tested.. around me swarms the devils crowd.
LMAO thanks for the link WHO on earth would waste so much time to do that???? I bet they counted they're time!!!!
Well they won't be winning any Grammys soon, let me tell you that. I wonder why the new CD's not on there yet. Does the WTS know about that site, wouldn't it be funny if they took him to court. HHAHAHAH
Firm and detemind in this time of the end (WHATEVER!!!!)
ever look at the lyrics to the jw songs?
what a riot, i can't believe i sang them, although i can remember laughing at the meetings while singing some of them.. iknow that in this crucial hour.
my faith will yet be tested.. around me swarms the devils crowd.
LMAO thanks for the link WHO on earth would waste so much time to do that???? I bet they counted they're time!!!!
Well they won't be winning any Grammys soon, let me tell you that. I wonder why the new CD's not on there yet. Does the WTS know about that site, wouldn't it be funny if they took him to court. HHAHAHAH
i have a question.... if the elders "catch wind" of something that could be a df'ing offense, and they ask for a judicial, if you don't show up or refuse to talk to them, can they disfellowship u in absence??
if they can, is there any legal action that can be taken against it?.
i've been threatened by my jw husband (we are separated) because i've met someone else...he is threatening to tell the elders i'm dating someone else ( though as of yet, no "fornication" has occured and it's long distance) if i don't write a letter of disassociation.
Yes, unfortunetly you can be Df'd in abnstentia, my father who was the PO was last year. The main reason they can is if they have 2 witnesses, so that could be your out!!! I don't know, it's not like it's that fair, and these men haven't gone to law school so it's pretty much whatever they feel like doing.
As to legal ramifications I'm not sure what you can do. You might want to talk to a lawyer about that! I guess I would just avoid them, and if they corner you tell them you've done nothing wrong and don't feel comforatble talking to them!
Hope it helps, take care,
ever look at the lyrics to the jw songs?
what a riot, i can't believe i sang them, although i can remember laughing at the meetings while singing some of them.. iknow that in this crucial hour.
my faith will yet be tested.. around me swarms the devils crowd.
ROTFLMAO AHHHH your kidding, Mom always wanted someone to use that as a wedding march!!!
That's too good!!!! I thought Marriage is God's arangement was a must!! Shows what I know.
ever look at the lyrics to the jw songs?
what a riot, i can't believe i sang them, although i can remember laughing at the meetings while singing some of them.. iknow that in this crucial hour.
my faith will yet be tested.. around me swarms the devils crowd.
ohhh I remeber the 'molesting the bee' one. It cracked me upi everytime, I thought who wrote this one!!! YIkes. There's a few others but I can't think of them right now. Ohh how about the 'melodrama'
*sing in deep dark voice*
Dark Days are here
man lives in fear
with dire expectation (whoohooo)
as to all creation
blindly they grope(hmmm won't go there)
having no hope
as this system nears it's end! (AGAIN)
*sing in high pitched angle voice*
But the Bible gives us a reason for cheer
due to all that the kingdom is near
(well you get the idea)
i know that most of us have asked out self this question at one time or other!
information control .
information control.
12 Rules Of The Community Leading Con-Man
By Peter Forde
1. What you've got is mine, and what I've got is mine too. (This is forcedly rule one because the world expects to see this, and is why they stay away in droves).
2. I own you too, and you don't own yourself, since you have vowed yourself into being my obedient serf. I will hold you to this even after you leave.
3. You're required to be meek and obedient, never angry, and constantly asking my permission to exist.
4. I can do anything I like, because I'm the leader- God's gift to Mankind. Undemocratic, Unimpeachable. The Holy Spirit representative (circle whichever applies, but note that "God's gift to mankind" is compulsory). For this heavy burden of leadership I, of course, have unlimited extra privileges and income.
5. The community actually exists for these purposes: Give me power over you: Make me lots of money: Make me powerful in the world: Flatter my vanity: Flatter my vanity again: Exist from moment to moment simply to pump up my ego.
6. One hint of criticism and you're out, and note rule #1. Your spouse, children and friends. (Community con men try to make suppression of criticism rule one, and stress it hard).
7. All critics of me are sinners and have gone the world's way. (It?s a feature of all con men to preemptively accuse their marks of what they themselves are doing, as a way to confuse the opponent.)
8. Members are to confess their life's sins to me, preferably tape recorded, for use in shaming them into groveling subjection and for defamation and blackmail if they happen to leave and speak out.
9. Members are required to be dependent to the point of inability to cope if they should leave. This especially applies to children of members.
10. Priority of loyalties are: A) to me; B) to God, meaning me again since I am his representative C) to the community, meaning me again since the community exists to serve me D) to spouse and children but they are required to hate their relatives and spouses and to have a relationship with me before them.
11. Its fine to tell lies about who we are and what we actually represent. I wax lyrical about piety and morals since I don't have to actually practice what I preach - those rules are for YOU!
12. People who annihilate my enemies without blame falling on me are liable to get promoted and to share somewhat in my power, always of course being mindful of who is boss.
Thus are the commands of Jesus carried out, and the Kingdom of Heaven promoted.
These can both be found at Steve Hassan's website. He is the worlds leading cult-exit counsler and has writtent two wonderful books. "Combating Mind Control" 1988, and his 2000 "Releasing the Bonds", in which JW's are mentioned and a not from Randy Watters is in the forward. Both great reads for anyone who was a JW, or has family or friends who are/where!