More than loss of property, they may be worried how such a ban on sizable number of JWs by what they call the “North” King would misfire on their Bible prophecy—it would also mean that God is not interested in His people. Greatest worry may be about being shunned in a conspicuous way—people who popularized shunning is going to be shunned in the day light by most powerful country on the earth!
Posts by venus
Two (circumstantial) lines of evidence for the real motivation behind the Russian lobbying?
by doubtfull1799 in1. in bro sandersons latest video (in which he shows a very impressive skill with russian) he mentions two likely results of the imminent russian ban: the liquidation of the branch office and its assets, and the individual brothers capacity to worship freely.
no prizes for guessing which one gets mentioned first!.
2. why have the gb never attempted in the past, and are not interested in attempting now, such a letter writing campaign in other communist countries where the work is under similar restrictions, like china, or vietnam?
Two (circumstantial) lines of evidence for the real motivation behind the Russian lobbying?
by doubtfull1799 in1. in bro sandersons latest video (in which he shows a very impressive skill with russian) he mentions two likely results of the imminent russian ban: the liquidation of the branch office and its assets, and the individual brothers capacity to worship freely.
no prizes for guessing which one gets mentioned first!.
2. why have the gb never attempted in the past, and are not interested in attempting now, such a letter writing campaign in other communist countries where the work is under similar restrictions, like china, or vietnam?
Ban news is out
The worst is yet to come: "On April 5 the Supreme Court of Russia is expected to decide whether the religious group should be banned outright in the country."
What is in a name - God is Love
by Check_Your_Premises induring my time dealing with the jw, i was always a bit annoyed by the whole "use god's name" thing.. one day i asked somebody the following:.
"if i murder and torture a child, and claim to do it in jehovah's name, who did i serve.
if i rescue, comfort, and help heal the same, and claim to do it in the name of satan, who then did i serve?".
It's all amounts to not being able to understand what Jesus himself said in Mathew 7:21-23: “Not everyone who says to me, ‘Lord, Lord,’ will enter the kingdom of heaven, but only the one who does the will of my Father who is in heaven. Many will say to me on that day, ‘Lord, Lord, did we not prophesy in your name and in your name drive out demons and in your name perform many miracles?’ Then I will tell them plainly, ‘I never knew you. Away from me, you evildoers!"
Jesus has already disowned those operating in his name!
Atheism would not appeared if …
by venus in· if religions were immune to division.
· if scriptures were immune to scientific errors.
· if religious leaders were immune to hypocrisy.
cold steel,
Your comparison would not make sense because of the following reasons:
Belief in Supernatural
No place for supernatural beliefs
Has godmen
Does not accept godmen or anybody unquestioningly
Essence of religion is miracle
No miracle in science
Based on revelation
Based on Method of Science
Makes predictions that cannot be tested, as in astrology
Makes testable predictions
Religion is static – once formed never changes
Science is dynamic – evolves continuously
In religion, truth represents the opinion of its leaders
In science, truth is not somebody’s opinion. It can be verified, tested and validated.
No built-in correction
Built-in correction present
Questioning is not permissible
Questioning is one’s fundamental right
Godmen have answer for everything
Scientists do not have any hesitation to admit that they don’t know
Divides the people
Unites the people
Inspired by emotion
Guided by logic
Atheism would not appeared if …
by venus in· if religions were immune to division.
· if scriptures were immune to scientific errors.
· if religious leaders were immune to hypocrisy.
Yes I believe that Jesus was a humanist par excellence, otherwise he would not have declared the most revolutionary statement in Mathew 7:21-23 and 21:43. All the exclusive views seem to have been added later by myopic people.
Atheism would not appeared if …
by venus in· if religions were immune to division.
· if scriptures were immune to scientific errors.
· if religious leaders were immune to hypocrisy.
I am sorry, heading should have been:
One more thought on the word atheism:
The word construction of atheism is like the word asexual which means:
1. without sexual feelings or associations.
2. (of reproduction) not involving the fusion of gametes.
Atheism would not appeared if …
by venus in· if religions were immune to division.
· if scriptures were immune to scientific errors.
· if religious leaders were immune to hypocrisy.
· If religions were immune to division
· If Scriptures were immune to scientific errors
· If religious leaders were immune to hypocrisy
When influence of God was not seen on the believers [which means believers were living without God] some decided to live without (a) God (theos), thus came the word atheism (a + theism).
That means theists created atheists. And in comparison with theists who mostly followed their parents’ religions, atheists are better because they have thought out life more than someone blindly religious. Interestingly, Jesus did not support even his own supporters (Mathew 7:21-23) because he knew that belief in God is not factor in the last judgment, but God goes by one’s humanistic attitude (Mathew 25:31-36; 8:11, 12)
Pretend to support Critical Thinking, but forbid it when directed toward the "leadership"
by doubtfull1799 inthis from the latest watchtower article on propaganda:.
"keep in mind that satan does not want you to think clearly or reason things out well.
because propaganda “is likely to be most effective,” says one source, “if peo- ple .
Matter is very simple:
Exposing the clergy of Christendom is right
Exposing those taking lead withing the org is wrong
Did the serpent have legs before the curse?
by Acluetofindtheuser ingenesis 3:14 – “then jehovah god said to the serpent: “because you have done this, you are the cursed one out of all the domestic animals and out of all the wild animals of the field.
on your belly you will go, and you will eat dust all the days of your life.”.
the old gb and gb 2.0 differ on this matter.
Genesis and Revelation both are allegorical. Characters are representation of human behavior. For example, hare and tortoise competed. Story literally never happened, yet we come across hare-like people and tortoise-like people around us.
Similarly, snake represents sin which can communicate with us in any form wherever we are, and yielding to sin brings misery. Once we succumb to sin, then we engage in shifting the blame which shows deep within us we are pure, hence sinning is alien to our nature. Sin destroys the self-respect and makes us feel ashamed.
Thus if you look behind the details, account would make sense. Literally, it doesn't make sense.
Not Inspired, Not Infallible
by pale.emperor init occurred to me this morning while one the train to work that jw's, including my family, use the following weasel phrases to excuse the errors they've made over the years:.
"god uses imperfect men".
"jesus didn't say he'd give perfect spiritual food".
They convert people exposing the mistakes of clergy. Once converted they won't encourage to expose those taking the lead within the org. If pointed to the responsible ones, they have the standard phrase: "Wait for Jehovah."