Atheism would not appeared if …

by venus 43 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • venus

    · If religions were immune to division

    · If Scriptures were immune to scientific errors

    · If religious leaders were immune to hypocrisy

    When influence of God was not seen on the believers [which means believers were living without God] some decided to live without (a) God (theos), thus came the word atheism (a + theism).

    That means theists created atheists. And in comparison with theists who mostly followed their parents’ religions, atheists are better because they have thought out life more than someone blindly religious. Interestingly, Jesus did not support even his own supporters (Mathew 7:21-23) because he knew that belief in God is not factor in the last judgment, but God goes by one’s humanistic attitude (Mathew 25:31-36; 8:11, 12)

  • venus

    I am sorry, heading should have been:


    One more thought on the word atheism:

    The word construction of atheism is like the word asexual which means:

    1. without sexual feelings or associations.

    2. (of reproduction) not involving the fusion of gametes.

  • fukitol

    Lol..Jesus didn't think belief in God was crucial. (With supporting scriptures).

    Jesus was just a 'humanist' (with supporting scriptures).


  • Cold Steel
    Cold Steel

    Religion Would Never Have Appeared:

    • If science were immune to division
    • If text books were immune to scientific errors
    • If scientific leaders were immune to hypocrisy

    That means science created religious people. And in comparison with scientists who mostly followed their grandparents’ observations, religious people with revealed teachings fared better because they had thought out life far more roundly than those who were blindly scientific.

    Not surprisingly, Jesus taught his disciples, but eschewed hypocrisy (Mathew 7:21-23) because he knew that mere belief in God is not the sole factor in the final judgment, but God goes by one’s attitude and commitment to that which they'd been taught (Mathew 25:31-36; 8:11-12).

    Depends on how one looks at it.

  • venus


    Yes I believe that Jesus was a humanist par excellence, otherwise he would not have declared the most revolutionary statement in Mathew 7:21-23 and 21:43. All the exclusive views seem to have been added later by myopic people.

  • venus

    cold steel,

    Your comparison would not make sense because of the following reasons:



    Belief in Supernatural

    No place for supernatural beliefs

    Has godmen

    Does not accept godmen or anybody unquestioningly

    Essence of religion is miracle

    No miracle in science

    Based on revelation

    Based on Method of Science

    Makes predictions that cannot be tested, as in astrology

    Makes testable predictions

    Religion is static – once formed never changes

    Science is dynamic – evolves continuously

    In religion, truth represents the opinion of its leaders

    In science, truth is not somebody’s opinion. It can be verified, tested and validated.

    No built-in correction

    Built-in correction present

    Questioning is not permissible

    Questioning is one’s fundamental right

    Godmen have answer for everything

    Scientists do not have any hesitation to admit that they don’t know



    Divides the people

    Unites the people

    Inspired by emotion

    Guided by logic

  • scratchme1010

    That means theists created atheists.

    That is 100% true. My JW parents made me.

  • Vidiot

    venus - "...theists created atheists..."

    I'll agree with this bit.

    No one's done more to turn people off religion than hard-core religionists.

  • Crazyguy

    Atheism appeared because throughout history some people realized that the gods never did anything. Didn't answer prayers didn't make it rain didn't save them from their enemies.

  • David_Jay

    A Cambridge study suggests that atheism was not necessarily caused by religion. In fact, the evidence at hand suggests that atheism appears to have been around as long as religion.

    The OP, while offering some value, is also quite limited to the scope of the restorationist Protestant movements that developed from America's Second Great Awakening period. These groups, like the Seventh Day Adventists, the Mormons, and Jehovah's Witnesses, fit into the paradigm you suggest, but others do not.

    Note, for example, your second point:

    If Scriptures were immune to scientific errors. Judaism, Buddhism, and even early Christianity were not based upon Scriptures. Instead these movements would later produce and add religious texts to their already functioning religions. These texts did not act as the foundation of their doctrines as it does for the restoration movements. The idea that religion is based upon "proof texts" and a particular canon of scripture was developed by Marcion of Sinope of the 2nd century C.E. These new religious movements from the 18th and 19th centuries revived Marcionism and introduced the claim that not only should religion be based upon scripture but science and history as well.

    For this point to be applicable all religions would have to start from a scripture text as well as claim that the texts are meant to be read as historically and scientifically inerrant. Judaism, for instance, has never advanced the idea that Genesis was a historical account.

    The claim that religion must be based upon sacred texts is problematic as scripture texts don't compose themselves. They are the product of religious adherents, meaning that a religious writer must exist first. For this to be true a functioning religion with a set ritual or cult of worship would have had to exist to begin with in order for there to be a religious adherent who could compose such a text. The idea you espouse is based on religious movements that to a lesser or greater degree took scripture texts composed by other groups and made special claim to them. Their theology rests on the paradigm that would have to mean that scripture came before religions since the texts act as their basis (an impossibility).

    Theism cannot be argued to be the natural course of all, even in ancient times. Therefore atheism's existence cannot be said to rely on the existence of theism.

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