Never been cautious, not even performed a damage-control excercise as the ban attempt was brewing for decades
Posts by venus
"Cautious as serpents, Innocent as doves" ? How does this fit in with the moves against Russia??
by stuckinarut2 inwe know that jesus supposedly said at matthew 10:16.
"be cautious as serpents, yet innocent as doves".. so , with all the hype going on about russia, and the "personal" letter writing campaign the gb is making all witnesses be a part of, this scripture came to mind.. surely this action is the very opposite of being "cautious"!?
surely it is not being "innocent" as to world affairs and political activities?.
Book of Zechariah applied to GB
by yoko N inbook of zechariah chapter11.
16 for i am letting a shepherd rise up in the land.
he will not take care of the sheep that are perishing;+ he will not seek out the young or heal the injured+ or feed those able to stand.
yoko N,
When I too wanted to leave the org, I wanted a confirmation from God that I am doing the right thing. Then I made this a subject of my prayer to God for many months, and one day answer came as though some thoughts were put into my mind.
I have posted here the same thoughts today which is titled: Bible writers ignored their own principle
James 3:17 & the hypocrisy of the GBoJW / WTBTS
by Nicholaus Kopernicus injames 3:17 - but the wisdom from above is first of all chaste, then peaceable, reasonable, ready to obey, full of mercy and good fruits, not making partial distinctions, not hypocritical.
(nwt) .
matthew henry's commentary:.
"not gained by conversing with men"
That's a new insight for me
great thought!
Banned or Not It Will Be Spun By WT
by mr_doubtful inbanned: proof we are true christian's because we are being persecuted!
(despite the other extreme religions in the same boat).
not banned: no man can forge a weapon against jehovah!
Looking at the way Russia was tightening its grip over last two decades systematically banning over 80 WT books ... shows that decision is already taken--and what remains is only a formal announcement
Book of Zechariah applied to GB
by yoko N inbook of zechariah chapter11.
16 for i am letting a shepherd rise up in the land.
he will not take care of the sheep that are perishing;+ he will not seek out the young or heal the injured+ or feed those able to stand.
Great thought and correct application
Bible writers ignored their own principle
by venus inbible gives a very beneficial principle when it states “too much talk” is problematic whereas “anyone who holds his tongue is prudent.” (proverb 10:19) in harmony with this if bible had given us just enough verses like this: “remember god always and do everything as an offering to him” (ecclesiastes 12:1; colossians 3:17), it could have kept itself invincible.. instead, it started to speak “too much” which often backfired.
1) too much information on a too less important subject (such as woman’s menstruation) and yet too less information on too important subject such as creation which comes in just one sentence: god created “the mankind in his image.” (genesis 1:27).
2) jesus was taken to a mountain top so that he and satan could see “all the kingdoms of the earth” [which is in support of flat-earth belief], and satan tried to tempt jesus by offering them all in exchange of an act of worship to him.
Bible gives a very beneficial principle when it states “too much talk” is problematic whereas “anyone who holds his tongue is prudent.” (Proverb 10:19) In harmony with this if Bible had given us just enough verses like this: “Remember God always and do everything as an offering to Him” (Ecclesiastes 12:1; Colossians 3:17), it could have kept itself invincible.
Instead, it started to speak “too much” which often backfired. For example,
1) Too much information on a too less important subject (such as woman’s menstruation) and yet too less information on too important subject such as creation which comes in just one sentence: God created “the mankind in His image.” (Genesis 1:27)
2) Jesus was taken to a mountain top so that he and Satan could see “all the kingdoms of the earth” [which is in support of flat-earth belief], and Satan tried to tempt Jesus by offering them all in exchange of an act of worship to him. Such a temptation makes no sense because “all those kingdoms” were already belonged to God and to Jesus. (Proverbs 21:1; Daniel 4:17, 25, 35; Jeremiah 27:5-7; Ezekiel 7:24; Romans 13:1, 6; Ps 110:1; Mathew 22:42-45) Further, Jesus was a supernatural person as he is “the exact representation of God’s very being” (Hebrew 1:3) and “the only begotten God who is in the bosom of the Father” (John 1:18), hence is able to perform supernatural feats such as calming the storm, resurrecting the dead…etc. For such a person to come out victorious over Satan’s temptation provides no example for the ordinary people like us. [Like chicken find no example in peregrine falcon’s diving speed of 389 km/h]
3) If all the wonders Jesus performed were to be written “even the whole world would not have room for the books that would be written” (John 21:25) Now the question would arise: Why did the beneficiaries of all the miracles Jesus performed not come in support of him—not even one person when he was tried under false charges, or at least why did they not come in support of preaching work even after Jesus’ death? [especially in view of the fact that even criminals come in support of their human leader when he is in trouble]
Real reason why Russian government is trying to ban JW's
by LevelThePlayingField in
The real reason seems to be utter failure of WT machinery to do damage control. Look at the depth into which the Russian government has gone against JWs: “The warnings against Jehovah’s Witnesses have stacked up over the past decade in particular, with dozens of regional charges of extremism and more than 80 of its books, pamphlets, and other texts (including its magazine, The Watchtower) banned in Russia, according to The Moscow Times.
Last Tuesday’s suit comes a year after the government launched an investigation against the national headquarters in St. Petersburg. Police raided an average of three Jehovah’s Witnesses centers a month in 2016, Forum 18 reported. In areas where the group has already been banned, police cite their criticism of traditional Christianity and Orthodoxy—as well as their objection to military service—as grounds for the extremist label”
Heb 10:34 & the Russian Situation
by doubtfull1799 inas would be expected we've seen a lot of the "persecution" scriptures bandied about recently in connection with the likely imminent ban on the org in russia.
they like to claim that being targets of persecution they are seeing the fulfilment of those verses.
but they conveniently ignore what the bible teaches about how christians should respond to said prophesied persecution.... for example, no one is referencing the above verse which talks of the apostles "joyfully accepting the plundering of their belongings.
Russia is likely to go ahead with ban because move is deeply premeditated and has a history of two decades: “For almost two decades, however, Russian prosecutors in various localities have periodically sought to outlaw or curb the group, charging it is a cult that destroys families, fosters hatred and threatens lives. …In February, investigators inspected the headquarters of the Jehovah's Witnesses in St. Petersburg, the independent Russian newspaper Novaya Gazeta reported. More than 70,000 pages of documents were confiscated for the General Prosecutor's Office, according to Russia's Sova Center of Information and Analysis, which monitors hate crimes and the enforcement of anti-extremist laws………..In 2009, the Supreme Court of Russia upheld a lower court ruling that declared 34 pieces of Jehovah's Witness literature as "extremist," including their magazine The Watchtower in Russian ……..Jehovah’s Witnesses have been officially banned from the port city of Taganrog since 2009, after a local court ruled the organization guilty of inciting religious hatred by “propagating the exclusivity and supremacy” of their religion, according to the British newspaper The Independent.
Aren't you a bit amazed that the WTS/JWS is still around ?
by Finkelstein ini know i am, to me its a bit of a peculiar anomaly that the wts is still around and functioning in reflection of its decades and now complete century that the wts has been bullshitting to people .
organizations like the church of god have shrunk dramatically from its heyday of the 1980's, this too was another organization that spread and grew by publishing its own magazine proclaiming a armageddon soon doctrine and its main publication was called " the truth " .
i'm guessing some of this has to do with the fact that people who get lured into this cult aren't aware of its past, its doctrines, the people who started it and so forth.
They were waiting for the greater Cyrus to dry the waters (members of Christendom) before great tribulation making it easy for JWs to preach with utmost urgency.
But the opposite is happening now. They are already dried in vast areas such as China, India, Gulf countries ... and going to be dried in Russia
Heb 10:34 & the Russian Situation
by doubtfull1799 inas would be expected we've seen a lot of the "persecution" scriptures bandied about recently in connection with the likely imminent ban on the org in russia.
they like to claim that being targets of persecution they are seeing the fulfilment of those verses.
but they conveniently ignore what the bible teaches about how christians should respond to said prophesied persecution.... for example, no one is referencing the above verse which talks of the apostles "joyfully accepting the plundering of their belongings.
Those who were abused by the leadership would remember the scriptures such as this:
“The king's heart is a stream of water in the hand of the Lord; he turns it wherever he will. (Proverb 21:1)
“I will bring the worst of the nations to take possession of their houses. I will put an end to the pride of the strong, and their holy places shall be profaned”. (Ezekiel 7:24)