Charles Gillette,
Yes, God could have acted immediately on receiving ransom, if Edenic story were true--nice point!
or is their an inconsistency / contradiction here somewhere .?
in genesis god allows satan after deceiving the first human pair to go relatively unpunished for thousands of years interacting between heaven and earth at will.. the so called punishment is not to take effect until thousands of years later.. in the meantime .. the wager ( ?
) between jehovah and satan over jobs loyalty in question ,and obviously satan still having communication with god in the heavens.
Charles Gillette,
Yes, God could have acted immediately on receiving ransom, if Edenic story were true--nice point!
the video drama shown at the recent comvention was called "the wife of lot".
i noticed some stuble lessons being taught in this soap opera style video.... firstly, all the bad influence comes from women, its the wife and the mother in law whose pushing for more money and a better lifestyle.
while the men remain loyal to god, can't show the men going astray now can we?.
Lot's wife was actually looking back at life something like that of present GB live--having materially to the full!
or is their an inconsistency / contradiction here somewhere .?
in genesis god allows satan after deceiving the first human pair to go relatively unpunished for thousands of years interacting between heaven and earth at will.. the so called punishment is not to take effect until thousands of years later.. in the meantime .. the wager ( ?
) between jehovah and satan over jobs loyalty in question ,and obviously satan still having communication with god in the heavens.
Perfect logic, JW's policy of shunning is unchristian
i found it difficult to digest the word (“slave”) jesus supposedly used to refer to his appointees on earth to dispense spiritual food on earth.
(mathew 24:45) why not a better word, something positive in view of the fact that jesus came to free us?
freedom is the absence of physical and mental boundaries or restrictions.
That's interesting: question is directed to all Christians.
i found it difficult to digest the word (“slave”) jesus supposedly used to refer to his appointees on earth to dispense spiritual food on earth.
(mathew 24:45) why not a better word, something positive in view of the fact that jesus came to free us?
freedom is the absence of physical and mental boundaries or restrictions.
That is an interesting thought. Adopting a name and going exactly opposite to it is of worldly spirit. It reminds me of William Shakespeare who wrote: ‘What's in a name?’ because many names and words have lost their meaning. For example, a city is named Los Ángeles which means 'the angels' (in Spanish). The word religion (from religare, Latin) which originally meant re-uniting (or reestablishing bond between God and humans and between humans) is now synonym for divisiveness and conflicts.
i found it difficult to digest the word (“slave”) jesus supposedly used to refer to his appointees on earth to dispense spiritual food on earth.
(mathew 24:45) why not a better word, something positive in view of the fact that jesus came to free us?
freedom is the absence of physical and mental boundaries or restrictions.
I found it difficult to digest the word (“slave”) Jesus supposedly used to refer to His appointees on earth to dispense spiritual food on earth. (Mathew 24:45) Why not a better word, something positive in view of the fact that Jesus came to free us?
Freedom is the absence of physical and mental boundaries or restrictions. Physical freedom is when you enjoy freedom of movement. Mental freedom is when you are free to choose and make your own decisions. However, “Faithful and discreet slave” class find themselves restrained when it comes to their vital duty of imparting spiritual food. They know hanging on to the year 1914, Bible verses such as 1 John 5:19 (which they apply against voting, defense service …) are all senseless, yet they are not free to think differently. That means they experience no freedom, hence are “slave,” still controlled by short-term goals which mean slavery to ego.
True freedom, however, is internal. In true freedom, one would love to say “Today is the first day of the rest of my life; the past isn’t important, for, from today onward, I can change; and I very well know that God is pleased when I give Him my mistakes.”
any book that claims to be god’s word should have the minimum qualification of clarity.
if any of its verses are open to many interpretations, it cannot be god’s word.
god can easily be crystal clear as traffic police who puts traffic signals (red means stop, green means start …etc.
The fact that God doesn't take measures to correct the scriptures or He is not bothered to unify religions shows that scriptures and religions are not His. He knows very well that people know what is right and wrong, hence why should people be given external guidance?
For example, many lick the shoes of those from whom they expect some benefits, and kick the feet of those from whom they expect no benefits--we find its varying degree among people.
...........why would an all-powerful christ, whom the bible describes as having been given "all authority", need 144,000 other king/priests as "helpers" to run his universal organization?
(matthew 28:18) .
1 corinthians 15:25 - "for he [not 144,000] must rule as king until god has put all enemies under his feet.".
When humans write scriptures they can think only in terms of their experience. They have observed a King being assisted by a selected group of people, hence they chose a number:144000. They ignore the fact Almighty does need the help of humans to restore what has been lost.
i just had a visit from two guys who are engaged in a door-to-door campaign in the area, preaching "the gospel", and offering, to quote "the best news you are ever going to hear".
this was at 3:30 pm local time, an hour at by which all jws would have long called it a day.
while these two didn't identify themselves with any particular church group, it was quite obvious that they were neither jws or lds.
When means of communication have been radically changed, still resorting to 2000-year old house-to-house means of communication is like saying: Jesus used a boat to cross the river, and now also I will use boat even though there is an express-high-way-bridge going over the same river.
Even preaching activity itself is not the sign of a true religion (Mathew 7:21-23), if so, how can its means of being carried out be the sign of true religion?
any book that claims to be god’s word should have the minimum qualification of clarity.
if any of its verses are open to many interpretations, it cannot be god’s word.
god can easily be crystal clear as traffic police who puts traffic signals (red means stop, green means start …etc.
only contradictions, even other assertions carry inherent contradictions. For example,
you know that something against demand-and-supply mechanism will not happen—if
someone says “when supply of gold exceeds and becomes superfluous like sand in
the desert, its price will increase” no one will agree. Similarly, Can a father
exalt one child (Jesus) over others, or one nation (Israel) over others? Can a
nation that experienced a great miraculous escape soon turn into calf worship
telling a single calf idol:
‘You are our gods, who
brought us up out of Egypt’? (Exodus 32:4) Can a nation that experienced
millions of miracles from Jesus soon turn to be so mad as to demand “Kill
Jesus, and release for us Barabbas!” which would bring them no benefit at all?
(Luke 23:18) Yet these are not just isolated verses, but are the very pillar on
which the whole Bible is built!