Sin did not only decrease, but only increased to the level apostle Paul lamented of a sin being practiced within the congregation which he described “of a kind that even pagans do not tolerate.” (1 Corinthians 5:1, 2) And situation is not different even after 21 centuries.
Posts by venus
The true essence of the Bible—there is some problem with it?!
by venus inin the famous aesop fable, we read about a fox who unsuccessfully tried to get some grapes, but at last had to give it up, and walked away with his nose in the air, saying: “i am sure they are sour.”.
someone made a second part to this story.
fox did some rehearsal in the night and came on to the scene next day, and jumped with difference and got the grapes from the vine tree, and he began to eat to his full capacity.
The true essence of the Bible—there is some problem with it?!
by venus inin the famous aesop fable, we read about a fox who unsuccessfully tried to get some grapes, but at last had to give it up, and walked away with his nose in the air, saying: “i am sure they are sour.”.
someone made a second part to this story.
fox did some rehearsal in the night and came on to the scene next day, and jumped with difference and got the grapes from the vine tree, and he began to eat to his full capacity.
In the famous Aesop Fable, we read about a fox who unsuccessfully tried to get some grapes, but at last had to give it up, and walked away with his nose in the air, saying: “I am sure they are sour.”
Someone made a second part to this story. Fox did some rehearsal in the night and came on to the scene next day, and jumped with difference and got the grapes from the vine tree, and he began to eat to his full capacity. To his surprise, he found that “yes grapes are really sour.”
Similarly, many have termed John 3:16 as the essence of the Bible which says God sent his only-begotten son to die for our sin as “the Lamb of God who takes away the sin of the world!” (John 1:29). So he came, and died for our sin. This is the first part of the episode.
Second part can be discerned from looking at the world condition after Jesus’ sacrificial death. Sin still rules the lives of many people as it was before the sacrifice. Since sin’s effect started immediately after the original sin was committed, it is inevitable that effect of ransom sacrifice (antidote to sin) should have started immediately after ransom sacrifice is performed.
If this teaching was true, sin would have disappeared from earth!
Philosophical implications of Genetic 1:26 and the personality of the Judeo-Christian God.
by doubtfull1799 inwhile visiting a still in friend last week we had an interesting discussion on narcissism.
he made a very interesting comment that got me thinking about the above.
we were discussing the nature of celebrity and fame and he mentioned that he would find it very difficult to cope with constant adulation and praise.
You nicely summarized what I was trying to say. Interesting information you brought out.
When impartially viewed, Bible writers were thoughtless in painting a god of this sort--an egoistic god. Interestingly, ego is opposite of spirituality, according to Bible itself (Galatians 5:25, 26), hence is at the root of all problem, and is unholy. Wherever it is found ego is impurity--hence can never be found in God. Hence painting a God with egoistic disposition is height of perverted thinking on human writers who wrote the Bible.
It is true that there are some good verses in the Bible, found sporadic. They might have come by chance just like some flowers are also found in forest which is filled with wild and dangerous animals and poisonous snakes.
Earliest Latin Commentary on the Gospels
by Earnest inthe earliest latin commentary on the gospels, lost for over 1500 years, has been rediscovered and made available in english for the first time.
the work, which was written by a bishop in north italy, fortunatianus of aquileia, dates back to the middle of the fourth century.
despite references to it in other ancient works, no copy was known to survive until a researcher from the university of salzburg identified the commentary in an anonymous manuscript copied around the year 800 and held in cologne cathedral library.. it is reported on here and an english translation and information about the commentary and the bishop can be accessed here.. this commentary tended to allegorise scripture in order to explain it.
Very wonderful, and very useful information
Thanks for that, Earnest
Your View Of Death How Much Does It Effect The Way You Look At The World Around You?
by Brokeback Watchtower inlets face it the watchtower's indoctrinations effect the way we look at the world we see governments as tool of the devil.
we look at our relatives different, we will not speak to our own children if disfellowshipped.. a better world is what christians promise believers, or hell for those condemned by the deity.
kiss the ass of the deity and go to a better world, and don't forget to put something in the collection plate on sunday.. to face death with out the crutch of a future better world for beleivers, is better, as you can cherish the life you are living and be more in the present while facing what ever life throws at you.
Very interesting question, BW.
Let me make a try:
We know attitudes are formed from belief; hence belief about what happens after death would certain shape one’s attitude. Hence death may be part of a design (not the result of sin). In limited view, speed breakers on the road are inconvenience or annoyance, but in big picture, they are good because speed breaker near to places like school prevents accidents that can happen to little ones who may come on to the road carelessly.
Similarly, in limited view death may appear as a curse, but in big picture, death would appear as good. ‘What if there is no death, if one goes on growing more and more vibrant physically, perfecting his skills and talents, and even growing in money power, influence ….etc.? He would probably behave like King David described in the Bible. He was a very humble shepherd boy to start with, then climbed heights, finally became king of Israel, and he seemed almost invincible… then he began to add more wives and numerous women to his harem, he went to the extent of treacherously killing his faithful friend to steal his wife. If people grew extraordinarily great in certain aspects/skills, many of them become callous and arrogant, and it makes life a hell—for them and for others.
But when the body is in reverse growth towards complete collapse [death], people in general begin to lose the basis for keeping their desires and self-importance. Thus death serves a purpose!
Bethel Lurkers-A woman's Heartfelt phonecall regarding the organisations inhumane shunning policy!
by UnshackleTheChains ini hope bethel lurkers at warwick listen to the rational viewpoint of this australian woman in the recording below.
she virtually pleads with an australian branch member as to the reasons why shunning is inhumane and how unfair it is that individuals are being held captive within the watchtower organisation.
they can't simply leave officially without the threat of being shunned by friends and family members.. typically, the branch member responds in a robotic like manner, sticking rigidly to watchtower policy..
If this is the preview of Theocracy, who will like to be in paradise which is the reality?
In real theocracy, joy and delight would characterize everything and everybody.
In JW mode of theocracy, no freedom of speech; and freedom of speech is used, then shunning is the result. This is not theocracy.
Philosophical implications of Genetic 1:26 and the personality of the Judeo-Christian God.
by doubtfull1799 inwhile visiting a still in friend last week we had an interesting discussion on narcissism.
he made a very interesting comment that got me thinking about the above.
we were discussing the nature of celebrity and fame and he mentioned that he would find it very difficult to cope with constant adulation and praise.
The claim that Bible is God’s word is nothing but a claim that does not hold out under scrutiny. Let us go scientific for a moment. In science, you start with a hypothesis. Suppose A=B. Once you prove that this is so, you write, therefore A=B. I asked myself, why not take what all the scriptures say as a hypothesis and experiment with it (as done in science)? You start with a belief, experiment with it, get the results and then it becomes the truth.
Let us take Bible’s most important claim that we are sinners from birth, and experiment it:
If sin is an inherited tendency, how can people at times choose to commit virtuous act? Evidence is that anybody can choose to sin or choose to do virtuous act, or choose to mix them in any proportion he likes. This is why we find people acting/reacting in various ways in same situation.
Let us see at what point in process sin appears:
From beliefs, attitudes are formed.
From attitudes, thoughts are formed.
From thoughts, action is produced.
From repeated action, tendency, habit, destiny …etc are produced.
See, tendency to commit sin or to commit virtue begins from repeated action, not from birth.
If you believe that you are sinner from birth, then you need a super-human savior.
If you believe that tendency to sin comes from repeated action, you only have to avod repeating that action that caused sorrow to you and others; then you don’t need a savior, and you need only to change your course in the earlier parts of the process.
When apostle Paul said: “The good that I wish I cannot perform, but the bad I do not wish is that I perform” he was saying about his experience. People did not dare to experiment the veracity of that statement.
This holds true of its other claims such as earth is the center of universe, sun can be stopped over the earth to win a war …
Such claims show that they are all of human origin. Such writers painted a God who wants praise whereas truth is that God is not interested in our praise.
Philosophical implications of Genetic 1:26 and the personality of the Judeo-Christian God.
by doubtfull1799 inwhile visiting a still in friend last week we had an interesting discussion on narcissism.
he made a very interesting comment that got me thinking about the above.
we were discussing the nature of celebrity and fame and he mentioned that he would find it very difficult to cope with constant adulation and praise.
In the past I too used to feel the way you do—why does God require/force us to praise Him? Then I understood such verses found in the Bible are of human origin. All the scriptures are like forest—you will find most of the things wild, yet you will also find stream of pure water, fragrant flowers, and succulent fruits in limited measure. If any verses are true they came by chance, not by inspiration. That means scriptures are of human origin (if it were of divine origin, God would naturally have ensured it contains no error) because they all contain errors also.
Why does God not use scriptures to guide us? Because
1) Scriptures can be manipulated—as has happened to all available scriptures.
2) Guidance is already available in the form of experience (yours and of others). Everything that happens has a lesson. For example, Good and bad people come into your life and leave some experience to you. Thus good people teach you how to behave whereas bad people teach you how not to behave. When something gives you happiness, it teaches you to repeat that action, and when something gives you sorrow, it teaches you not to repeat that action. Even tragedies teach us a great lesson. It is true that tragedies can destroy families; and life for some is never the same. Suffering happens to both good people and bad people. Jonah suffered; Jeremiah suffered; Jesus was crucified, Prophet Muhammed was an orphan. Within 150 years from now, everything in our life will perish because 100% of the current population will be dead by then which makes you realize that everything in life is temporary. Everything we have been given in life —family, wealth, health, respect — are all given to us in trust for a given time. Once that time is up, they are all gone, and that includes our own life. Thus tragedies teach us a great lesson: what you lost was really never yours. Suppose someone informed you at night when you are sleeping in your home that your factory is on fire, and you would say to yourself: “So what? I sold it yesterday.”If it had not been sold, news of fire would have made you jump and run in maximum stress, tension, shock, sorrow... etc. It means sense of mine is at the root of suffering. Everything what we think we own is really just given to us in trust for a certain period of our life. Sense of mine [which is a temporary truth] makes it hard to digest when you have lost someone/something. But those who are aware of the big picture that everything comes and goes after remaining for a while tragedies are not viewed as tragedies, but as lessons. All we really have is this moment to cherish and savor, everything else is uncertain.
That means our experiences (not God) should guide us. God has given us a planet home and made provisions in this home to enjoy life, and experiences to guide us [it is left to us to maintain it or to spoil it]. God does not require praise from us (Mathew 5:44-48) -
Isn’t concept of sinner itself faulty?
by venus ina person may sometimes get swelling on his leg and may have limped a few times—but he is never called lame.
similarly, sometimes a person may slip into selfishness and use his free-will to his own harm or to the harm of others—but this does not make him a sinner because the ability to do the contrary (ability choose to commit virtuous act to any extent) too exists in him.
if one’s occasional sinning does not make him a sinner, sin of another person (such as first human couple) can never make others sinners.
Psalm 51:5 is known to any average Bible reader. But this particular thought is not shared by other OT writers, hence it is like an isolated thought. In OT we find many references to sinless persons (Gen 5:24; Ezekiel 14:14 and compare Habakkuk 2:4) Interestingly, even God does not think humans are sinful from birth. (Job 1:8) What was an isolated thought was launched as main subject by Paul, thus Paul became the Father of this school of thought that says we are all sinners by birth. Because people like the idea that we are sinners by birth because of which we are not responsible for the sins we commit, nobody bothered to think that this is actually Paul’s experience not of mine, and experiment to the contrary.
Big events/developments which Bible failed to foresee!
by venus inthough bible made prophecies about “wars and rumors of war, famines and earthquakes, and persecution, hatred …” as signs of “last days” (mathew 24:6-11) which are neither specific nor extra-ordinary given the history of such events, it failed to foresee the positive development such as communication revolution (e.g.
tv, internet, mobile phone …) which is also favorable to preaching activity—the whole world can be preached to within a matter of hours.
[bible writers thought it would take at least 21 centuries for the whole world to be preached to.—mathew 24:14].
interestingly, there is something that happened more than what it predicted: appearance of christian sects. It simple predicted many sects would come, but it may not have thought it would be more than 40,000