If God is non-interventionist, this can be interpreted as proof for his non-existence. But it can also be interpreted as His firm confidence in humans who are like Him in qualities. We have shown our abilities many times—for example, when we found that separation is no longer working, Germany went for re-union. This can be tried with regard to countries such as Pakistan & India, South Korean & North Korean … so on, and finally with the whole world. But ego (individual and collective) is the only obstacle. Yet ego is the easiest thing in the world to destroy because ego is just a thought which dies when you no more foster it (which justifies God’s policy of non-intervention). In some language, word for egolessness is construction. This carries the thought that ego means path to destruction/wastefulness, and history has numerous proofs to this effect. It means when one chooses to be egoistic, he knows he has set himself on a path to wastefulness. In other word, man is able to make or mar and free to choose between them—hence God doesn’t have to intervene.
Everyone experiences the truthfulness of what we all say “I” exist. This “I” exist behind all the details we know. And this “I” is something that feels the full force of my personality and even the voice of “I” within me. Specialty of this “I” is that it can feel self-contented in any situation or greedy if it wants to. This fact too makes God a non-interventionist. If He intervenes we will again accuse Him of reducing us to be mere robots.
There is great beauty in allowing man to run his affairs unhindered. Let him learn from each experience. If he refuses to learn, let him continue to do so till he feels saturated with his refusal.