regarding your point “And in that case it is pointless whether to
believe in him or not as it serves no purpose or benefit to god or us if he
does not communicate.”
You are right in saying ‘God is not looking for any benefit from His creation.’ The image of God we have is all from religions which are created for livelihood of some people, hence can’t be true. Truth is that God is not a recipient, but Giver which means He will not receive worship from anyone (which is of ego, impurity). This has been understood by very few sages in the past. For example, in some parts of earth sun is called “aditya” and God is described as “adityavarna” which means God has qualities of the sun, the giver of light and heat. Aditya means 'of Aditi'. The name Aditi (literally, without division, without limit) is mentioned in Vedas as mother of Surya (Sun) and other celestial bodies or gods as Adityas (meaning sons of Aditi); and similar sounding word aatithya means hospitality. Sun is remembered for its service because it is a giver of light and warmth to all beings equally—without any division and without any limit. Thus the name aditya shows us the very essence of sun in whose hospitality all living beings are sustained. Also, sun is an amazing example of spirituality because it is always a GIVER (and receiving is not its concern). Hence in the past people used to remember God when they saw physical sun because God is the ULTIMATE GIVER of (spiritual) light and all empowerments. (Psalms 84:11; Mathew 5:44-48) What a splendid example both God and sun set for humans on earth! At the daily sight of sun, everyone is reminded to say to himself: “All my actions should enlighten and empower others; and I should have no expectations from others.” Imagine how heavenly your life would be if you are living with a person who has such sun-like-qualities.