Posts by venus
If there was a resurrection in paradise
by Sour Grapes insomething that bothered me even when i was a watchtower company drone was the thought of dying and being resurrected in paradise.
would the resurrected person really be me or just a copy of me?
if god could recreate one of me, he could also recreate five of me.
Asking for help with wife
by Are you serious inhello everyone, my wife wants nothing to do with my awakening.
every time i try explaining something she tells me she doesn't want to hear it.
i believe she's afraid of learning something she's not ready for.
I have similar situation with my twin sister who is a very zealous Witness. What astonishes her is that I never engage her any any religious talk. I once told her "God gave us reason, not religion" which prevents her from engaging me in any religious talk either.
Even God respects this position because He is not bothered about all those religions which misrepresent and dishonor Him. He knows each one varies in his means to find out happiness. Religions make some happy, atheism make some happy, agnosticism make some happy ... and God takes no serious view of anyone of them which actually shows He is merciful.
Unwritten Theory
by moreconfusedthanever inhave any of you heard some theories from jws that are not based on scripture?
i have, in the past few days, heard a couple that have me shaking my head.. first one is that since satan was around during the creation period and probably watched on as things were being made, it is possible that he is responsible for the creation of some of the more hideous and nasty creatures that live among us.
surely god wouldn't make horrible things.. second one is that satan already had a bad attitude before the creation of adam and eve and was collecting followers among the other angels early on and stirring trouble.
No other theory would even come closer in its absurdity to the theory that it is better to punish Jesus rather than Satan--and strange enough it is this theory that has more followers.
95 Un-Truths - celebrate 500 years since Diet of Worms
by Anthony Morris DeTurd inwell hello friends.
you may recall the article we published about martin luther: at the end of this month it's exactly 500 years since he nailed his list of 95 objections (un-truths) to the door of the catholic church, kicking off the reformation...for which he was invited to the diet of worms (judicial committee) and excommunicated.. also at a similar time to this commemoration, i have been invited to attend an event of the vast apostate army here in warwick (5.11.2017).
i'm worried that someone may compose a list of 95 untruths about us, and nail it to the gates at warwick!.
That is interesting. Once proved it is a human channel because of the changes made in the teachings (which is not possible with God's channel), then we can say JW system is a sort of religious denial of God. It professes to believe in a men rather than in God.
95 Un-Truths - celebrate 500 years since Diet of Worms
by Anthony Morris DeTurd inwell hello friends.
you may recall the article we published about martin luther: at the end of this month it's exactly 500 years since he nailed his list of 95 objections (un-truths) to the door of the catholic church, kicking off the reformation...for which he was invited to the diet of worms (judicial committee) and excommunicated.. also at a similar time to this commemoration, i have been invited to attend an event of the vast apostate army here in warwick (5.11.2017).
i'm worried that someone may compose a list of 95 untruths about us, and nail it to the gates at warwick!.
This may also help those in the JC to think for themselves. Who knows they would not come out of org in future?
95 Un-Truths - celebrate 500 years since Diet of Worms
by Anthony Morris DeTurd inwell hello friends.
you may recall the article we published about martin luther: at the end of this month it's exactly 500 years since he nailed his list of 95 objections (un-truths) to the door of the catholic church, kicking off the reformation...for which he was invited to the diet of worms (judicial committee) and excommunicated.. also at a similar time to this commemoration, i have been invited to attend an event of the vast apostate army here in warwick (5.11.2017).
i'm worried that someone may compose a list of 95 untruths about us, and nail it to the gates at warwick!.
You just cut the King, and the game of Chess is over rather than working around with specifics.
Moral Justice cannot take the innocent for the guilty, even if the innocent would offer himself. To suppose Justice to do this, is to destroy the principle of its existence, which is the thing itself; it is then no longer Justice, it is indiscriminate revenge not knowing against whom.
95 Un-Truths - celebrate 500 years since Diet of Worms
by Anthony Morris DeTurd inwell hello friends.
you may recall the article we published about martin luther: at the end of this month it's exactly 500 years since he nailed his list of 95 objections (un-truths) to the door of the catholic church, kicking off the reformation...for which he was invited to the diet of worms (judicial committee) and excommunicated.. also at a similar time to this commemoration, i have been invited to attend an event of the vast apostate army here in warwick (5.11.2017).
i'm worried that someone may compose a list of 95 untruths about us, and nail it to the gates at warwick!.
If Martin Luther asked 95 questions, you need to ask only one question that pertain to the very theme of the Bible, the weight of which would be more than those 95 questions put together.
If you are in the judgment seat, you should have thorough knowledge of the Bible. Can you clear me a simple doubt that pertains to the main theme of the Bible? Jesus was the only begotten son who was seated at the bosom position of God which means he is second in authority in the whole universe. Now he comes to this world to suffer, and to die so that sins of the world could be removed.
Given the sort of life he was enjoying in heaven, the only real suffering he could
have endured, would have been to live. His existence here was a state of exile or transportation from Heaven, and the way back to his original country was to die. This runs counter to the original claim that he came to suffer and die for the sins of the world (just the reverse of what it pretends to be). Another problem, if someone were to suffer and die, why can’t that be the greatest sinner himself—Satan the devil?
95 Un-Truths - celebrate 500 years since Diet of Worms
by Anthony Morris DeTurd inwell hello friends.
you may recall the article we published about martin luther: at the end of this month it's exactly 500 years since he nailed his list of 95 objections (un-truths) to the door of the catholic church, kicking off the reformation...for which he was invited to the diet of worms (judicial committee) and excommunicated.. also at a similar time to this commemoration, i have been invited to attend an event of the vast apostate army here in warwick (5.11.2017).
i'm worried that someone may compose a list of 95 untruths about us, and nail it to the gates at warwick!.
Show yourself as a MAN, and come back victorious and cheerful. All the best
Do you believe in god?
by freakyAL ini used to be a staunch believer in god.
maybe its technology and science advancing so much thats got me doubting idk.
do you believe in god?
Which God? This is an irrelevant question
There is a saying, that, at a certain point in your journey, if you meet the Buddha, you have to kill him. This means starting to trust your own knowledge of what is true. You know what action of others make you happy/sorrowful which means you know how to act towards others.
God knows this, hence He would not use any scriptures and would naturally want to remain unidentified.
JW view of apostates is of human origin
by venus ingod doesn’t take action against a person who has long history of faithfulness when he fails for the first time.
for example, satan is freely permitted to move in heaven and on earth even after many many sins he keeps on practicing.
israel as a nation was not rejected at the first instance of their disobedience.
What a calamity it would be when an innocent JW finally comes to realize that Bible is only a human book. Intensity of dependence on JW doctrine would then take him to the opposite direction proportionately. Hence JW is in a sense a production unit for atheist in the same way Bible helps some to become atheists (for example, Jesus's own prayer to his Father is gone unheeded)