Cold Steel
You asked: “Why are we here? Where did we come from?”
Answer lies in our very name—human being. The highest state of spirituality is at the level of just being—with no prejudice, no complex superior or inferior. Our normal state is joy. A person in this state of joy is in harmony within and without by just being aware of the present moment. Learn from the past, plan for the future but live in the present, aware of your real Self within, the Principle of Consciousness which is like axis to your body. When it enters, body starts functioning, and when it exits, body stops working; and this has been happening from time immemorial. What was into the past infinite, and what will be to future infinite …. is not our concern because there is no way we can know. We know everyone is sustained by the same air, water … This is true of everyone, which gives us reason to love others as ourselves which would attract good relationships towards us, which would in turn make our lives more meaningful.